Arsenal v Aston Villa – Match Day Blog

Arsenal v Aston Villa – Match Day Blog

Liverpool has dropped 3 huge points at home to Crystal Palace. City are 2 points ahead having played an extra game than us. We win today and we go back to the top. We win today and we go three crucial points ahead of Liverpool with only 6 games to go. Every game is a cup final now for the boys and Mikel.

Team News

Strange decision to start Zinchenko ahead of Kiwior, because Kiwior has been doing better than Zinni and one bad game doesn’t mean we are going to hamper his confidence. If it’s purely for rotational purpose, I can live with it. Gabriel Jesus makes his way into the starting XI with Rice anchoring the midfield alone with Havertz playing the more forward role today. Trossard starts today ahead of Martinelli whom I think will come-in at some point to give Saka some rest.

Frankly, I had hated the concept of playing Havertz as CF but he has been doing better up top than he does in midfield. Gabriel Jesus does the dirty work but is not as clinical in front as you would expect your CF to be. Trossard gives me some hope though.

Liverpool is suffering the way we did last season. One loss and everything has gone bonkers for them. They were unbeaten at home from god knows when, and suddenly Atlanta wins 3-0 and they can’t even keep Crystal Palace to a draw. City, on the other hand, have gone full beast mode.

We need to win today. At any cost. First, because Pep is not going to drop any points now and the only way we win the league is by winning all our games. Second, I hate Aston Villa.

Right, a very short one today. See you during the game.


  1. TRVL
    Round pegs in square holes world champion El B will be his undoing that and lack of rotation.

    Sweet left foot on Zirkee, I can see why you like the Dutch lad who drifts past defenders and midfielders for fun.. Problem is Havertz will be heralded as our new 8 signing.

    Ethan Nwaneri with Ode and Ziekee in midfield with Rice at 6 would be some midfield.

    You don’t think El B would play Zirkee as 9, do you? Noooooo that’s king Havertz’s coveted spot. Zirkee is our new 8 if we buy him.

  2. KP
    Haaland Vs Dunk is a good match up. Brighton have been a bit out of sorts with injuries and the big players they lost last summer.

    I think BHA will take the game to City but City will prove too much in the final analysis maybe 2:3 thriller.

    Hope you got games planned for the weekend.

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony—that’s the dilemma when you have a highly suspect manager in charge of a long-term project, as it requires you to pay above the number and provide assurances to nearly every new signing…unlike all the Arteta-thirsty rubes, the agents still haven’t been convinced, which is clearly evident by the manner in which they milk the shit out of us at every turn…not a single acquisition has bet on themselves and taken a “discount” to be part of this supposed momentous reinvention…now no one expects a player with seemingly unlimited options to cut themselves off at the knees by signing here at vastly below their market value, but we have players on wages that were far beyond their respective reach anywhere else…who the fuck was going to give Havertz those wages?? when you look at the wage bills of top teams it typically makes some sense from a bang for your buck scenario, like with City, where Haaland, DeBruyne, Rodri, Foden and Silva are at the top of ther wage chart, whereas at Arsenal Havertz and Jesus are our high earners…I dare you to make that make sense

  4. TRVL
    Only people who can readily make sense of that reside on LG. I can only agree and say well put! We rarely get to add to each other’s posts due to the sense they bring to LIR.

    Looks like Arne is ready for another mammoth challenge and who would bet against him? Probably better to have him take points from us with Pool than with Spuds. He’s getting their squad into shape and next season Spuds would be pushing us again or at least trying hard to and nicking points off us.

    If Arne goes to Pool, he has the players, but it will take at least half a season to get a unified Pool squad playing to Arne’s strengths with tactics with excellent management and sound game intelligence.

    So, El B essentially has Pool and Spuds with new manager bounce potential, and then the inevitable slump after the bounce. Why? I have no idea, but must be something mentally affecting results. A fragility sets in as cracks appear in their identity when results start to go against where, all of a sudden they’ve been found out, and teams set up differently to counter. The bounce resilience is temporary for most managers, not all for varying reasons. Touchel springs to mind as an example with the Chavs.

    Would realistically only leave City and us to duke it out next season with Spuds probably falling off as Levy lucked out getting Arne; therefore, Levy getting a better replacement on a Spud’s budget is not likely to happen. Pool will fare much better I think, but as aforementioned it won’t be all roses for Arne’s first season as they need a mini rebuild; therefore, El B will get a season’s reprieve from Pool next season.

    Could Emery become a contender in Pool’s absence next season?

    His trajectory in the PL this time is impressive as is Villa’s playing identity of slick quick decisive play that’s always interchanging with a top keeper and 9 at either end in Watkins and Emi. A couple more quality player additions, such as ESR on the cheap and maybe a Branthwaite type defender who we should be looking at. Remember Benueda didn’t fancy El B when Villa were struggling to rebuild.

    With regards to Havertz, the high wages is El B’s security blanket that no one can steal his shiny new toys. Just pays them out of the market to keep them.

    I mean if Havertz put 25 goals away with 10 assists this season, as an elite 9 should and being paid for, then we’d be happy with his wage demands. It would be easy to move Havertz on to a top club. Now? No chance.

    The Emirates’ brethren who sing his praises at the ground is just unmitigated evidence that not all Gooners’ game intelligence is equal. Mr Serge from LG being one such Greek malakas fellow probably leading the chant. I rest my case.

    I don’t know if this is still the case but when I was a project director in Greece I always found it strange that the Greeks would grow olives and ship them to Italy to be refund i not oil, and then buy back giving Italy mucho profit. Then sell their olive oil globally from Greece.

    Why didn’t they refine their own olives was my recurring thought?

    Back to football Arne is going to want to give good account of himself Sunday and show Pool he can beat us. I mean a solid display winning 3:1 would look very good at the interview, nes pas? It virtually would secure the job if he did it handsomely and be a relatively cheap managerial import.

    With the new incentive to beat us well, I’m not at all positive about our getting all the points, I think sharing them is the likeliest result.

    What say you, TRVL?

    Being off topic for a moment, I’m finding Moby Dick is a very nice daytime Sativa hybrid. Good for my back pain and sleep if an indica late night switch that’s lovingly grown by a Thai Dr friend here adds to the complete fluffy cloud sleep we all so desire, and to wake up refreshed after the obligatory coffee lick starts ones’ day. Jamaican Blue Mountain for me.

    Interesting weekend of PL match ups.

    West Ham V Liverpool, the Hammers will be licking their wounds after the Palace fiasco. Pool still wobbly will find it hard to get points from Moyes as he looks to bounce back.

    Villa v Chavs should be easy for Emery after their lackluster performance against us. But, as with West Ham losing heavily to us, the Chavs will be looking to bounce back. I see Villa getting all 3 points but a game worth watching I think.

    Forest v City? Some expert rotation by Pep with even better in game management and Forest could be onto a hiding to nothing. Pep also needs to up City’s GD and against Forest he could likely do it.

    The later is the only game that maters to us assuming we do the business against Spuds by securing all 3 points where are will have other thoughts with sights set on the Pool job.

  5. KP
    Poor BHA hit by a rampant City. Was there ever any doubt other than wishful thinking?

  6. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-just a head’s up, Ange is the present Spuds manager, whereas I was talking about Arne Slot, the current manager for Feyenoord, who the Spurs tried to entice to London last off-season, then settled on the former…Arne Slot was on my shortlist of managers, which likewise included Atalanta’s Gasperini, who I would rather have at Arsenal than you know who…we spoke of this at some length, but obviously it was quite some time ago…of course it would be easy to mistake the two as their respective first names are both 4 letters in length and rather similar at first blush…time to crash, as it’s approaching the wee hours of the morning in my part of the world…Cheers

  7. Thanks for the heads up TRVL wow must be more drained than I thought. I’m home now for a couple of months so will settle into a slow rhythm with much needed time in my room to find peace with music.

    Apologies LIR normal service will be resumed in a couple of days. Hybrids can be a bit confusing especially when explained in Thai.

    Sleep well my friend…………

  8. Kroenkephobe

    That idiot Serge was once an even more militant Arteta hater than all of us on here combined. He once boasted about how he used to sit near the dugouts and call him every name under the sun. Now he’s a massive apologist. The words ‘illness’ and ‘mental’ spring to mind. An utter wanker.

  9. Kroenkephobe

    Yeah, Brighton are on the beach, or in their case a pile of haemorrhoid inducing pebbles. I knew once the teams were announced that they would do little more than kiss Guardiola’s ring.

  10. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-no worries bud, that shit could happen to anyone…as for that twat Serge, he, like Bob, would feign interest in your opinions then skewer you whenever Pedro would rally the troops against you…then whenever I would call him to the carpet, instead of owning his gutless shit, he would try to butter up anyone who had aligned themselves with me in an attempt to leave me isolated and exposed…that’s why I’ve been so quick to go on the offensive with the likes of Bob and Aitcho, as they likewise employ very similar weaselly practices

  11. Aitch

    Are you still wailing about LG Trlv? Move on, we’ve al had run ins with Ped, taken bans, being put in moderation. Mb has even done it to me here on the back if your numerous meltdowns

    You’re come across as a bit oversensitive. That’s probably more the reason you go on the offensive than any intent to prevent “weaselly practices”. Leave that to our host.

  12. The Real Vieira Lynn

    look who’s hiding in the fucking weeds…nary a word for weeks, then one mention of their name and little Bloody Mary appears within minutes…weaselly much?

  13. Aitcho

    Trlv l, If you want to avoid your opinions being subjected to scrutiny. Have better opinions.

    Your comments on Havertz at the Chelsea game were ridiculous. I’ve always thought it sensible to adjust to the evidence before my eyes.

    If we’re better now, if Havertz is better, if Raya has kept the most clean sheets, if Jorginho is pulling out great performances, White has become one of the best right backs, Trossard is scoring worldies, Arteta has got us challenging two seasons in a row, quarters of the CL, it’s not hard to see that your irrational negativity towards them becomes more an issue of dogma than reasoned footballing opinion.

    If, still a big if, we win the league, your weaselly opinion will be because everyone else fell short. That’s poor on your part.

    If you think there’s some plot to keep you isolated and maybe it’s down to no more than individuals finding your options plain daft and your online persona barking mad.

  14. Ambarish K


    Nope, no one has been banned here except one. I have tried to keep it open unless of course someone starts abusing others.

    Most of the time, the comments goes into moderation if you change your name/email address/website or put more than 2 links in a comments.

    And some other time, WordPress just fucks up.

    Happy to see you all here, because hey, discussion keeps us occupied.

    New post. Sorry, I’m still in marriage. It’s always a long one, but temperature here is 42 degree celcius and government is issuing heat waves warning every morning. Nothing can stop me though 🙂

  15. Aitcho

    If you’re going to mention my name then don’t wail if I respond.

    You don’t have carry irrational grudges. Try smiling as I advised you months ago. Try enjoying the good times. Being a football fan is hard enough without getting angry with people who disagree with you online.

    When you’re wrong, as you often seem to be, take the L with good grace and move on.

  16. Ambarish K

    Come on guys, we need some positivity as well. We are competiting so that’s certainly an improvement to late Wenger years.

    We can applaud that, while criticizing things which are holding us to make it to finish line.

  17. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Aitch or Aitcho or…that’s why you’re a recency bias fuckwad, as I make assessments based on one’s body of work, not a one-off match where Chelsea was gifting us goals…I guess according to you, White should be played up top with Havertz in a 4-4-2…I’m loving life living rent free in your head…say hey to Positive Pete for me…peace out

  18. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish-my bad, I’m done with their nonsense, but just watch what transpires next

  19. Aitcho

    MB, fair to say Trvl has an issue to prevent ‘weasels’ as he cals them.

    I think that means anyone who sensibly thinks his opinions are mostly, mostly, irrational.

    If we’re going to indulge his LG PTSD then we won’t get much in the way of sensible discussion.

    I’ve kept my counsel since I saw I was in the greys, didn’t even bother but it looks like Trv is now working through Aitcho PTSD too. I hadn’t changed anything about my email, id or otherwise.

    We’ve all seen every type of crank online but I have to question the sense of proportion from a poster calling someone a ‘cunt’ (apologies) because they take the view Havertz is a decent striker and Arteta is a good manager.

    Time to enjoy the new post, enjoy the celebrations.

  20. Aitcho

    Depends how recent you mean Trvl. The last two seasons we’ve been challenging. That’s not shit management. That’s the body of work. It’s not complicated.

    You just sound like you’re holding grudges. LG, Serge, Arteta, Aitcho. Like a disenchanted wife. You’re so hurt you want Pedro to be wrong rather than us be good. Like those pricks who wanted Arsenal to lose just to see Wenger go.

    You can think Pedro is a dick and accept when we’re doing well at the same time. We wouldn’t disagree much. Don’t let your sensitivity guide you, watch the football.

  21. Aitcho

    Sorry, I’ll add Positive Pete to your PTSD list.

    Don’t mention my name if you’re too sensitive to have an adult discussion. I don’t bring up yours randomly because they would be petty.

    Off you trot. Cheers

  22. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish–like I said, the word salad master couldn’t leave well enough alone…he even had to go so far as to pull the old “run to mummy” ploy, with talk of obscene language and such…sorry you had to endure a series of truly embarassing posts by someone who actually refers to themselves in the 3rd person…Cheers

  23. Aitcho

    Let it go Trvl

    It’s a football blog and your football opinions are generally rubbish. This is your basic issue and why you got ripped on LG, not some conspiracy you loon.

    Go run to MB, in truth, he knows you’re a bit unhinged too. People ganging up on you indeed. It’s not you, okay bit you, it’s your lack of football insight and blowhardiness to go with it.

    Chill. Cheers.

  24. Aitcho

    Tvrl, the home of killer insights such as “winners win” and “if we win the league everyone else is shit”


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