We are cooking!

We are cooking!

Bournemouth registered a goal against us in just under 9 seconds, the second fastest in Premier League history, and it looked like ‘one of those days’! We gave another one when the second half commenced, and with 2-0 down, it looked like an impossible task when all they had to do was put 10 players in defence, not giving any space for any of our forwards to create something.

However, there was a story to be written. In the 62nd minute, Partey scored of a tap-in from corner which ESR tried to head in. It didn’t take much time to level up, Ben White scored off a volley assisted by Nelson. Bournemouth wasted time, we were given 6 extra minutes to win the game, and it was the 97th, from the last corner of the game, when Nelson decided to score one of the best goals of this season off a clearance. What a shot! What a goal! And what a game!

That last goal meant we keep the 5 point lead from Manchester City. We remain at the top, and there’s only 12 games to go. We have a game in buffer, which, even if we lose, won’t allow City to go past us.

One thing that impressed me was Arteta’s in-game management. It had been poor in the past, but he has learnt his lessons. Bringing in Ben White in 46th minute for Tomiyasu, who mind you, wasn’t having a very sh*t day, turned out to be a very good move. Our attack on the right side improved, White has developed a very decent chemistry with Saka and them both overlapping created a mess to Bournemouth.

An injury to Trossard forced Arteta to bring in ESR, who was subbed out for Nelson. I mean you need to have guts to sub in and sub out a player during a game where the player is a fan-favorite. In the end, it mattered the most with Nelson scoring in the last seconds of the game, creating madness everywhere.

Nelson is out of contract at the end of this season, but there are media persons talking on his behalf that he is happy in North London and would love to sign da ting. I don’t think it will be a problem, he is a gooner and we need him. Having Saka, Nelson, Martinelli, Trossard gives us 4 very good options which can rotate on either side of the wings. If things get worse at some point, Jesus can cover too. That’s wings sorted for 5 years at the very least.

WE NEED A STRIKER! This is what happens when one of your CF gets a long term injury and the other one has a running nose. We either need someone proven, or we can try integrating Balogun. With Champions League football next season, it would be tough with 2, if one of them gets injured, you can’t play a CF twice a week.

Anyways, no complaints today. We are winning, luck is on our side and we are managing to earn all 3 points in games which we would have lost couple of seasons. Do you remember people walking away in 60th minute when 2-0 down not long ago? Yeah, that don’t happen anymore. We are bossing games even if we are behind.

Only 12 games to go. Some easy ones being Fulham (A), Crystal Palace (H), Leeds (H), Southampton (H), Brighton (H), Forest (A), Wolves (H). Games where we have to give everything and pray the VAR is in good mood – Liverpool (A), West Ham (A), Man City (A), Chelsea (H), New Castle (A). That’s 15 points that would require a fight. A lot to do still, but #COYG.

p.s. Hosting is renewed, domain registration extended for LiR. We remain independent for another year. Cheers!


  1. Kroenkephobe

    Too true… And to think most voters in the west are sooo thick they think that slightly tweaked versions of capitalism are the only games in town at election time. There are huge numbers of working class tory voters, mainly in England, who’d rather trust corrupt representatives of the ruling class than do their own reading of economics and how the class system works against them. That’s why this country is profoundly fucked. In return, all they want is for the government to find and identify through the right wing media a group that these lumpen idiots can punch down on, eg. single mothers, non-White people, those who survive on benefits etc etc.

    As dear old Karl Marc might have said. ‘I told you this would happen.’

  2. Kroenkephobe

    Freudian slip. Karl Marx and Marc – they’re so alike!

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    if that doesn’t get Marc’s ears burning nothing will LOL

  4. KP

    I think historically, the class structure came about when William defeated Harold in 1066.
    He carved Britain up by giving 25% of the land to aristocratic friends (French, obviously), 25% to the Church, and kept 50% for himself.
    I watched a documentary ages ago on Channel 4, and apparently the French still own 20% of GB, so quite how Brexit works in that scenario is beyond me.
    Because of the power wielded by the invisible super-rich 1%, KP, I don’t think socialism would be tolerated in this country, which is why they poisoned and hounded Jeremy Corbyn out of the Labour leadership. He was far too radical and wanted to give/help people far more than our greedy capitalists allow. Even Knight of the Realm Keir Starmer is playing ball by not allowing Corbyn back into the party.
    The whole of our philosophical structure is rooted in our insatiable Imperialism, and we exist in a never spoken of totalitarian state controlled by Plutocrats who are never seen or heard in the public domain, who are responsible for everything that stinks in Britain today.
    Brits are one of the most oppressed people throughout humanity, and it is all enforced by a sycophantic right wing media, who hate anyone who hasn’t been to Oxford, Cambridge or Eton.
    Just my opinion, KP, but I’m a simple man.

  5. PS: Boris showed us how easily the public are controlled and manipulated, and gave us a peek into a dystopian future with all the lockdowns whilst he and his Tory mates partied hard. Allegedly, traces of cocaine were found in 11 of the 12 toilets in Westminster.

  6. TRVL & KP, I believe corruption has always been in any sport you can bet on or manipulate. It’s just another big hurdle ethics committees have to look into. However, since much of the world has clamped down on money laundering, as you chaps said they corrupt accountants just get more creative.

    The government here replaced the ministerial government in a bid to reduce corruption. However, the senior military are not trained to be the best government ministers; only keeping the army well drilled and ready for action at a moment’s notice since Burma’s last attack in 1765.

    Talking to a chief of police friend he told me the police can no longer accept gratuities for offenses, where before it was unspoken that the police could add around £300 a month to their salaries that way. It was something everyone accepted with a smile.

    Many years ago I was driving from Udon Thani to Bangkok and got stopped 5 times by being caught by police in ghillies’ suits laying by the side of the road. None of the vans by the side of the roads with small square holes for the camera you see in the west. Thais being kindly folk flash oncoming drivers to warn them as they go past the police stops further down the road.

    When I got out of my car the 5th time and produced my previous 4 slips for £5 fines I did my “seriously 5 times in 400km?”. They thought this was hilarious and of corse made me pay another £5 because the police captain said in fits of laughter that I still hadn’t learnt my lesson.

    Now the flashing oncoming cars to warn of speed traps is illegal and now have officers taking pictures of the cars flashing.

    Although this may sound a bit absurd, the police are smart and cordial with the public in normal settings. When they have to do their job they are ruthlessly efficient. The Tourist police will always do their best for those in need.

    You wouldn’t see migrant boats being allowed to land here. Thailand’s immigration is very good at carrying out their procedures of keeping unwanted aliens out of the country or returning those who slip the net across the Mekong.

    Wherever there is money to be made there will be corruption, and I bet all of us have been glad of being able to pay corrupt people of some kind for some passage or pass or to unsee a minor transgression?

  7. Hi Herb, good to see you here again.

    Cocaine is epidemic in the west as ecstasy was and probably still is. Was one of the reasons I left the music industry because of having to deal with coked business people. It’s not a far stretch to say most clubbers and those out in pubs at the weekends are full of recreational & prescription drugs, Glues and all sorts.

    How do Dr’s survive being on call or awake for 36+ hours? Ditto special forces to keep uber alert for days without sleep.

    It probably won’t surprise you to know I have never voted in an election. Why bother? Politicians lie for a living. The best liars make Prime Ministers. Manifestos go out of the window once they have the seat of power.

    When it comes to nationalities I’m a bit of a person mongrel with various nationalities incorporated in my persona as well as various blood ties. I was destined for faraway shores after watching the Lotus Eaters: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066682/

    That TV series shaped my life for sure. The White Lotus doesn’t compare, but is funny as a modern day Lotus Eaters comedy version.

    In today’s world we have to accept the various drug cultures and hope parents educate their offspring adequately. I have seen it all in 9 years in the music industry and corporate and onwards losing good friends along the way.

    I’d hazard a guess that WOKE people only want pure narcotics, as anything less than pure would have to be cancelled.

    I leave you all with a tune that typifies today to me with its lyrics.


  8. TRVL – Didn’t America wash dollar notes and get back a few tonnes of coke? I remember it being an astronomical amount reported in the press.

  9. Not simple Herb, wise through your years, but tainted like the rest of us.

    I will say this: expat life if affordable, is the best of both worlds, as you’re unaffected by your chosen country’s politics unless the country turns xenophobic. In Thailand’s case we have a very high level of private health care again if affordable and a fraction of there USA medical care prices.

    My adopted father hated being abroad or any holidays: he just wanted to be in his garden. Yet when I brought him out to have bypass surgery the NHS wouldn’t give him at 82, he lived a further 5 years taking 14 holidays including Singapore and Malaysia with this full time nurse/carer. He’d wished he’d made the move earlier.

    Never too old to live a free life in another country, Herb.

  10. Kroenkephobe

    Herb and Tony,

    Great stuff lads. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. The idea that social division began from the Norman invasion is thought-provoking. Can you point me towards anything you’ve read on that or seen? I’d only set my mind back as far as the industrial revolution and the British empire but I get the point that society has been creating artificial divisions between people almost forever, often at the point of a gun or earlier form of weaponry.

    That corruption thing is mad in certain countries isn’t it Tony? The lid is being lifted on how far it is seeping down in Britain although I maintain here that as you both say it is led from the top. In other places, it is rife. The top guys set an example by creaming millions and turning a blind eye to people at the bottom of the hierarchies all taking their little cut too.

    I once got stopped in a car in Mexico in the late 80s. I had no small denomination notes to give the copper to get rid of him so in my best diplomatic language flourished this big note and said, ‘I only have this note, I don’t think what I did (some bullshit made up around a set of traffic lights) was too serious. He replied,’don’t worry mate, I have change’ extracting this mega wad of money and giving me about 90% of the value of the note back in little ones.

    I’m getting daily more cynical. As I think you both know, I’m planning on moving to Catalonia at some point in the next 2-3 years where similar problems exist to here of course. However, I’m planning not to immerse myself in local news and although I speak Spanish and some Catalan, I’m looking forward to letting a lot of stories about the nastiness and corruption in life simply wash right over me. It’s a bit harder in your native country of course. Dumbing myself down in order to enjoy the simpler things.

    Herb – you seeing any potential pitfalls at craven cottage this weekend? I’m toying with a return to Deepdale (brilliant football ground for spectators) to see the Bluebirds against PNE but discretion (and a heavy cold) might be the better part of valour.

  11. KP good one about Mexico and the1066 part from Herb got me to thinking, too. I lived in that neck of the woods before leaving Blighty for good.

    On my first ever visit to Thailand I was driving back to my hotel on the coast from Phuket town not drunk, but happy on empty roads. Near to the coast on this little windy road I saw a light up ahead flagging me to stop. To my sorrow it was a policeman offering a lovely big smile asking me if I drinky drivey.

    Letting my window down further, as I only had it open the usual 2 inches, my alcohol aroma breath permeated through him. At which he said 2000 Baht. I thought WTF sure here and gave him the money.

    He said no drinky drivy again, it very expensive here, just before I drove off slapping the wheel saying I fcuking love this country £40 brilliant!

    When I got back to my hotel the valet saw me grinning from ear to ear and asked why I was so happy. I relayed my jubilant story only to be told, oh no sir you only pay 500 Baht for drinking. With that I laughed harder and told my inquisitor that it was worth the £40 to have the story to tell.

    I will never forget Drinky Drivey and that big smile etched in my memory for all time.

    Looks like it’s HD Prime for us tonight as our satellite provider doesn’t have the EL or domestic cups. Only CL and PL, France, Spain and Italy leagues.

    We’ll have to stay up late for the game.

    I don’t know about you guys but the league has to be our priority. I’m not say throw the EL cup, just use the bench and the best of our Hale Enders. Of course Bolagun and Patino would have been useful options to bolster our threadbare squad.

    Emery made the mistake of prioritizing the EL cup route to the CL when he should have gone all out for the league title, especially missing by one point. The lesson is there to be learnt.

    If we’re really candid here we should have the players to challenge hard for both EL and PL title, but we don’t because …………

    Fulham’s game selection will depend on who’s available after tonight’s game if Arteta wants the double. Would you bet against Arteta thinking that?

    See you at the game lads.

  12. Hi Tony
    It sounds like you’ve had a lot of good influences around you and lived a full, happy life, which on a human level has to be applauded and celebrated.
    There’s so many childish keyboard warriors who lack any real sort of human connection or empathy, and for many of them, football blogs are their only form of interaction, and outside of their dubious opinions, have no idea how to respectfully converse with other people.
    Personally, I think yours is a great story, and one which many starting their journey could learn and take inspiration from.
    Hi KP
    I’m reading a book called ‘An Utterly Impartial History of Britain – (or 2000 years of Upper Class Idiots In Charge)’ by John O’Farrell, which provides me with a mine of information.
    I think the PL has been incredibly weak this year, so many of the traditional top six are having a shocker, although I sort of understand it with Liverpool after last season. United are in recovery mode, Chelsea should have kept Tuchel, and Tottenham are Tottenham, just happy to be included in the conversation.
    The knock on effect is that it makes Fulham appear better than they really are.
    It would be embarrassing for us not to beat them, they’re a small club relying on castoffs from bigger clubs and Mitrovic, who I’ve never really rated, but pressure does strange things, and as each game is chalked off, the pressure on Arsenal and Arteta will ramp up massively.
    I expect a win KP, but it’s Arsenal so a draw wouldn’t surprise me. A loss is just unthinkable.
    Preston and Deepdale are woven into this country’s football folklore, and another famous club who have spent far too long in the football wilderness and away from the top tier. I think some of that applies to Cardiff. After chatting with you on these forums KP, I look out for Cardiff’s results, so good luck if you get there KP.
    Before I depart, a quick hello to Almunia, haven’t seen you comment for a while so I hope you are well.

  13. Herb
    I think having kids late in life and having the time for them more importantly has kept me in touch with the world’s reality, which I have to say is very worrying for the future. Orwellian life will be a way of life in the future with what’s left of the planet. The violence on the streets in the UK is shocking and very scary for the elderly I would imagine.

    It’s all alien to me I’m afraid. I know if I flew down to Bangkok any day and went out anywhere in downtown I wouldn’t see or have any problems. It’s a safe city as is most of Thailand bar the deep south.

    I’ve been trying to start a biog of Saladin of The Crusades era. I really enjoy Conn Iggulden & Bernard Cornwell and a few others that bring historical fact to life. Ken Follet is good for medieval trilogies based loosely on historical fact if I remember correctly.

    At least we have The Arsenal and our families and friends, which is all I need in my life these days.

    I agree with your Fulham sentiments, especially in this topsy turvy season.

    Looking forward to tonight as well to see what Arteta is planning. By his selection tonight we’ll know of his intent.

  14. Kroenkephobe

    Meanwhile on LG, there’s some heavyweight cuntage and ignorance being spouted by racists all trying to deny their racism. Pedro is a complete bastard for not tackling it – a lickspittle making money out of pernicious views and club propaganda.

    Certain prevailing moods in the UK continue to rush to the bottom in the morality stakes. We’re now a nasty swivel-eyed country of poor, whinging little Englanders full of fear. So much so I regret spending 30 years of my life trying to make the UK a better and more open minded place in the eyes of the rest of the world. Facism is once again on the the UK’s doorstep and this time it’s being welcomed back instead of resisted. I’m glad I live in one of the more progressive bits of the UK but picking on poorer and more vulnerable people has become de rigueur here for many. It’s also sad that, present company excepted, many Gooners now sound like Chelsea and Millwall fans.

  15. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Herb—as a former HIstory Prof, albeit only for the better part of a half decade, I would normally take issue with some of your rather presumptous historical hot-takes, but the longer I live the more open I’ve become to the notion that what was generally presumed to be a given no longer passes muster…I’ve always been an avid skeptic of top-down driven agendas, which have traditonally dominated the historical landscape, minus Beatrice Webb and some incredibly exhaustive bottom-up slave-related historiographies, as the old adage “to the victor goes the spoils” has nothing whatsoever to do with the credibility of said accounts, even during eras when piety reigned supreme…in fact, the vast majority of any “real” history lives between the lines and it’s up to contemporary historians to sift through the rubble and provide the necessary context so that the most viable conclusions can be drawn

    ultimately I’ve come to surmise that beneath it all there exists a most cyncial yet increasingly irrefutable belief that given the opportunity anyone would act in a similar fashion, thereby supposedly justifying the actions of the powers that be, seemingly no matter how self-serving and/or heinous…of course, there are exceptions to that rule when they involve some inherently pyschotic characters, like Hitler or Jim Jones, who’s monetary motivations are entirely secondary to their primary objectives, but beyond that life has become a tiresome pissing contest that preys on our most thirsty and depraved inklings…serenity now anyone?

  16. Kroenkephobe

    Cheers Herb
    I’ve read some John O’Farrell in the past. I think he morphed from a leftish comedian into a joke and speechwriter for Tony Blair (some pedigree – not! Although anyone who could make Blair look human deserves a medal). I might try and find a copy – cheers mate.

    I share your analysis about ‘one f in’ Fulham. They’re no great shakes. I quite liked Leno (as an upgrade on Cech, Ospina, and our friends Almunia (the real one!) and Flappy) but I’m glad he’s on their side now.

    Yeah Deepdale feels like a properly historic place although the ground is completely new now. Last time I was there, I had the vibe that I was standing where millions of others had been before me. Last time I properly had that feeling was seeing Arsenal play at Notts County in 91/92. The exact opposite of watching games at meccano bullshit venues like the liberty (Swansea) , brittannia (Stoke) and – the very worst – the madjeski (reading) just off the M4.

    Thanks too for the kind words about Cardiff. They’re sort of getting under my skin (not like Arsenal of course) despite having a dreadful season. They’ve improved under Lamouchi and thanks to there being 3 weaker teams, their position looks a little less dire than a month ago. I’m subtly trying to persuade one of my kids to join me so I can justify it in my mind!

  17. The Real Vieira Lynn

    KP—on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” this past Friday both Bernie Sanders and Russell Brand were guests and I think you might enjoy what was on offer from both the former, who’s the most beloved “socialist” figurehead in the US, and the latter, who made some very poignant parallels between the rise of Trump and the underlying forces behind the Brexit movement…of course, none of this was revelatory in nature but it’s very rare to hear such topics being discussed by more cerebral types on national tv, regardless if you agree with everything on offer or not…Cheers

  18. Kroenkephobe

    You tuning in tonight Tony? Don’t forget our feline bringer of good fortune! I hope his stitches have full healed by now. Still makes me wince to imagine it.

  19. Kroenkephobe

    I’m mixing up a jug of Kool-Aid as I type! You watching later?

  20. Kroenkephobe

    PS the thing about Bernie sadly is that he’s hated by the upper echelons of the dems as much as the GOP. Same goes for Ralph Nader before him.

  21. Hi TRVL
    I’m not an intellectual heavyweight like yourself or KP, and I would guarantee your knowledge of History is far superior to mine.
    However, for as long as I can remember, the English have a deep-rooted snobbish village like mentality, incredibly small minded and petty.
    It’s one thing to whip up false hatred with the demonizing of migrants, the English still won’t allow a Catholic Monarch, which has now been going on for well over 300 years.
    But hate breeds hate, if we were all the very best we could be as humans – compassionate, caring, educated, open-minded, cultured, and put humanity before profit, most of the world’s problems would disappear. But in a capitalist state with pure greed at its core, you get a wasteful, couldn’t care less culture where we even allow people to dispose of their own children, should the need arise.
    But the structure doesn’t educate people to the same level, which is why so much basic ignorance still exists. British governments never take the British public with them on a spiritual journey of learning and self discovery, they hold them in complete contempt and rule over them from a very safe distance.
    I can’t work out whether most are satisfied with this, or whether they feel beaten down and their fight has been extinguished.

  22. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Cheers Herb, I was by no means trying to big-up you, as you clearly have something of import to offer to any discussion you decide to engage in…btw I agree with the notion of ‘if we were all the very best humans we could be’ things would be vastly different, I just don’t think we collectively have the strength or fortitude required to hold this particular pig down long enough to get some GD lipstick on it

    KP—just a few observations on the match thus far

    Turner is like a bog of toys with the ball at his feet…how is it possible, after the mismananged ghosting of Leno, could we acquire a backup with functionally the same weaknesses…not to mention, he’s not nearly the shot-stopper of our former Keeper

    when will the whole “hot potato” Vieira narrative come to an end…it’s like MA told him that on no uncertain terms don’t have the ball for longer than a 2 count

    finally, there was a couple perfect examples of why Xhaka should be placed firmly on the bench…most notably when Vieira crossed it in to a wide open Xhaka and instead of looking to goal he telegraphed a header back into a clump of players…furthermore, imagine if Marts gets sent off with another yellow simply because of Xhaka’s cheeky attempt to knock the ball out of the Keeper’s hand…maybe VAR concluded that Xhaka had some money riding on a yellow so they decided not to overturn the call against Marts

  23. The Real Vieira Lynn

    bag of toys

  24. Hey KP, yes Junior, Pumpkin and me are watching and groaning at how we miss Ode & Partey. Not complaining, though I hope they don’t see any minutes and give some youths some minutes.

    At least we have an away goal and no injuries to key players thus far.

    TRVL, that must have amused you my history reading reference :). I go the lightweight route watching the Tudors, Wolf Hall, The White queen et al.

  25. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Not at all Tony, as I think there’s merit in anything that might be a gateway to further research and/or discussions…I certainly don’t want to come across as some sort of history snob, as that’s one of the reasons I left the profession…too many tenured pricks were totally unwilling to engage in open debate, both inside and outside the classroom, as they felt that their particular “findings” were impervious to the critiquing of others…on the positive side of the equation it did give me some invaluable insight into the inner workings of the Dark fucking ages

    back on the game front, this one’s gone full fustercluck…at this rate the score could be double what it presently is by game’s end

  26. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Herb—just one more comment, before we table the whole “origins” debate, I would strongly suggest that whereas humankind had evolved in many capacities in the last century, issues relating to war profiteering and the subsequent creation of the Military Industrial Complex have lead to a substantive reversing of that course

    during the second World War, prior to the US’s official declaration, natural resources and the like, for the purposes of munitions production, were being shipped to the enemy under the guise that above all else business mattered most…even after the United States officially entered the fray the same business practices were being deployed, but for the purposes of future optics or to simply provide a viable paper trail ruse they would use neutral countries as a makeshift go-between…the very fact that one could profit from the deaths of their own countrymen or those of their most intimmate allies took things to a whole new level of depravity…under these supposedly acceptable societal parameters just about anything could be justified, which is why I feel that what we’re seeing nowadays is something fundamentally different than the misgivings of our much more distant ancestors, who at least could hang their collective hats on the naivety of the times and/or the natural outgrowth of unbridled religiosity

  27. The Real Vieira Lynn

    fun match to watch, but with the openings provided there’s no doubt that we should have left with a one or two goal victory…I did think VIeira warmed up to the match as it wore on, as he’s been rather robotic for some time now…it’s too bad Marts didn’t recognize the pressure coming from his backside earlier, as I think that could have been the decider…finally, I just can’t help but think that opposing team’s midfielders must be salivating at the notion of facing a midfield that consists of both Jorginho and Xhaka…if they’re savvy enough to take advantage of our lack of pace we could find ourselves having to sit deeper against lesser squads then attacking on the counter, which isn’t optimum considering our present injury concerns…onwards and upwards I guess

  28. TRVL
    Yeah I think you’ve nailed it, it’s only going to get worse with the advancement of AI, apparently it is going to replace 30% of the workforce in the next five years, so there’ll be even less for the lazy peasants to do.
    One more from me too.
    The KKK in the deep south of the USA was initiated and started by six Brits (Scotsmen more precisely). After they drove the native Americans from their land, a lot of it was barren wasteland that needed re-energising and repopulating. Thousands of Scots took up the opportunity (which is why the Confederate flag is the same design as the Scottish Saltire. During this mass migration and resettlement, four men from Aberdeen and two from the outskirts of Glasgow, are the original founding members of the KKK.
    Britain really have screwed the world, and there is no cure for what we have unleashed.

  29. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Herb—globilization should have been our saving grace, as it should have brought the commonality of the human experience to the forefront of any discussions pertaining to the future direction of sociopolitical life…unfortunately, and once again, common sense didn’t prevail, as the loudest and/or wealthiest voices in the room used whatever means to shift the focus to much more self-serving matters…it’s almost like the social media realm has simply tapped into the masses quelling aspects that were once the sole providence of varying religious orders…of course, most don’t connect the dots as they actually believe that they’re creating/controlling the narrative and that the words they’re spewing into the ether have “real” meaning and universal consequence…this isn’t to suggest that there aren’t any positive outcomes from globilization and/or the proliferation of social media, but these are few and far between in the grand scheme of things…after all, for all we know, both of us are Russian bots LOL

  30. The Real Vieira Lynn

    KP—in regards to Sanders, even though there’s those amongst the Dems who have no time for his particular brand of politics, he still has some pull within those sectors of the party who view his leftist leanings as a far more palatable pathway for reaching disgruntled voters than cowtowing any further to the highly divisive “woke” contingency…it’s clear that his student debt forgiveness initiative has resonated with enough people that it’s gone all the way to the Supreme Court…that said, with a Rebulican stacked chamber, I would imagine that a refinancing plan of some sort will likely win the day…as usual, baby steps seems to be the only plausible path forward

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