Sink or swim window

Sink or swim window

I echo putting out the welcoming mat for Kai and Declan and even more so that Mikel has got his men where any excuses for next season issues won’t be accepted in this quarter.

I agree Timber shores up our RB/RCB with White nicely. White tends to run out of gas after 60 minutes at RB, so I can see some rotation for RB but only when Saliba needs a rest to play CB.

It’s not the numbers so much but the lack of negotiating nous that played into Sullivan and Brady’s hands as the controlled the leverage and we have Declan to blame for that. He could have stepped in earlier to seal the deal, but his loyalty was to West Ham: I hope the lad shows us the same courtesy when and if he moves on. I believe he will.

Can Declan become Mr. Arsenal? If the price is anything to go by, then yes he will, as our most expensive player. I also don’t think the pressure of his price will bother him; how Arteta tries to use him might, though. Junior and I watched him quite a bit last season and he can pivot into 8/10 when he makes his runs from our half, but he’s ungainly in his stride and not fleet of foot, as one needs to be in that position – more Xhaka like than say ESR or Trossard who both defend well when needed.

We no longer need Holding with Rice also being a CB. It’s easier to see how Rice is going to be employed at 6 but how does Kai fit into Mikel’s intricate jigsaw puzzle of plays?

I don’t see KH as an 8, but a 10 back up, yes. False 9 and 9 yes he can play, and he has enough pace to go wide left when interchanging with our attack. Kai has the requisite technical skills to be successful in the opposition’s final third, but expect Pepe’s levels of defending, as Kai doesn’t like the physicality of defending and another Ozil like cupcake.

Mikel said he has five roles for Kai, so he’s going to be busy and probably confused. Kai also needs to toughen up and add a bit of bulk to his overall muscular frame although he looks like an ectomorph to me, so very difficult for him to add muscle. Mikel loves to play his shiny new toys, so I would hate Kai to be in front of ESR, and I hope Emile has a great pre-season. ESR is better than Havertz just younger and needs regular minutes to shine.

If we get Timber then we need to address the LB cover for KT and buy Lavia as MF back up or buy similar. Vieira needs to go out on a PL/Championship loan and be judged on that next summer. All in all the window is being kind to us and CL football is a magnet to quality footballers. Will we be stronger at the end of the window? That depends on the outgoings and who else after Timber A&E bring in.

I hope lessons were learnt by Mr. Lewis/Edu and Mr. Garlick. Never negotiate without leverage and a sound strategy, and next season is already looking like it’s shaping up for Mikel & Edu.

I’d say this coming season is all or nothing for Edu & Mikel – sink or swim?


  1. See Marco Van Baston being one of football’s Goats as a striker, but only ever managed in Holland, is trying to advise Timber to stay one more year at Ajax, such is the ex Ajax’s manager’s agenda.

  2. Marc


    Pretty sure there’s nothing to wonder about and why we’re looking at 2 CM’s this summer.

  3. Marc
    That was my take, too. What has Arteta got against Caicedo? So what if the kid is ambitious, he’d give us a few seasons, and if he wanted RM after, then we got what we needed from him and him us: win, win. plus we make profit.
    if slime ball SMS Sullivan now wants a % for any sell on, then he’s taking the piss. I could never see Rice being sold for the huge overpay we’ve just agreed for him. It’s 5 foot nothing Sullivan’s last chance to make a big sale in his lifetime, so he’s milking it.
    It’s our fault for leaving holes by our negotiators for Sullivan to keep wanting more. I’d tell the little cnut to fcuk off on August 31st at 23:59 and see how he likes it. In the meantime go buy Caicedo and buy Onana as our 6.
    Rice aint that good compared to his price. It’s not rocket science, is it? We just make it to be that way.

  4. Marc


    Whilst Arsenal fans will be pissed off if the purchase fall through West Ham will be stuffed. Their Captain whose contract is now running down will be fuming he wasn’t allowed to go and could easily look to wind his contract down. They would also have taken the heat out of trying to push his price up. Any club coming in now will say Arsenal are out of the equation so less competition for his signature.

  5. Bob N16’

    No way it’s falling through, both sides want it done. This is just about the final haggle where thankfully there is no third party chasing the player too.

    ‘What has Arteta got against Caceido?’. That he prefers what Rice will be able to bring to the table. We clearly wanted him but sometimes it’s about timing. Not sure when Havertz was a plan but with Timber looking likely that’s £200m. Much as I’d love to see Tchouamani, I think that’s just part of the final negotiation with Sullivan.

  6. Bob N16’

    Sounds like the timetable for payments has been agreed. Rice on the .com menu this week.

  7. Just venting a bit, Bob.
    Today’s first round of discussions looks like interest is strong for us, but timeline around December and a derisory offer to start proceedings. This is going to be a marathon and complicated.
    Not unexpected, but that is the way with corporate negotiations and different agendas from both sides.

  8. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-I’ve always been a big fan of Krav Maga as it combines a variety of different techniques (judo, karate, wrestling, boxing etc…), but it’s real-world applicability has always worried me if placed in the wrong hands, so to speak…is Junior planning on finding employment which would require him to engage in hand-to-hand combat on a fairly regular basis?…with his height I would maybe suggest Muay Thai and/or kickboxing, for flexibility and core strength purposes, with a little BJJ on the side…the latter of which will provide him with some very useful defensive techniques when on his back, which is absolutely crucial whenever one uses their feet as a primary attacking weapon…I’m sure you and he know all of this anyways…Cheers

  9. Bob N16’

    ‘Derisory offer’ I suppose = opening position. Hope they’re not tyre kickers! Sounds promising….

  10. Aitcho

    Russo in the dotcom. I’m enjoying the culture of making winning moves.
    We’ll have three of the England posters girls with next season and have a proper bash at the title

  11. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Not sure of the exact details, except those provided by numerous journos supposedly in the know, but it looks as if we went full amateur hour in our dealings with the Hammers…at first it appeared as if we wanted to spread out our payments to the maximum allowable period, 5 years, which certainly wasn’t surprising, whereas the Hammers were looking to have everything done and dusted within an 18 month timeframe…if the present rumours are to be believed, the “compromise” has us conceding 3 years and them a whole fucking 6 months…maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me that we just had our already shrivelled balls handed to us once again…the sad part is, above and beyond the obvious, all our false bravado and empty posturing has prolonged this process for such a lengthy period that it’s opened the door to further criticsm directed towards the club, for how it conducts business, and the incoming player, thus tainting his pending introduction…of course, time will generally heal those wounds, but why the fuck would you want that to be the circumstances surrounding such an unprecedented signing

  12. Marc


    David Dein had to go but we’ve never been the same club since he left.

    Man knew how to close a deal, get us a good price and not piss off the selling club at the same time.

  13. Killroy-TM

    Full amateur hour on display in our dealings with WH. The scary part is that this will set a precedent for all other deals with EPL clubs. Why would Bloom be any different in his dealings with us if we are interested in BHA players. We have the three stooges do the bidding and in the end, either we over pay and will become like United, or we go for the cheap plan B like Wenger did. Since it is not my money I couldn’t give a rat’s ass of how they spend it. On the positive side if it goes south plenty to bitch about.
    What a bunch of fucking clowns the P.R.A.T.S. are. Thanks Almunia for that very appropriate acronym.

  14. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-for me personally, which isn’t meant as a slag towards Wenger, losing Dein was far more detrimental to the club post-move…if we had kept the man behind the man, he would have undoubtedly found another way for us to achieve great heights and we could have kept Wenger’s legacy intact…there’s no doubt that managers and players alike would have still seen this program, with a new stadium to boot, as one of the most desirable landing spots in the footballing world…of course, I’m not trying to gloss over Dein’s obvious misdeed, albeit he tried desperately to remedy the situation, but once Wenger was left to his own devices the bar was considerably lowered

  15. The Real Vieira Lynn

    if we do end up getting Timber over the line, I will be fucking irate if our next purchase is another defender, especially if no one but maybe Holding is outgoing…I guess some will stretch the normal bounds of common sense and include Havertz as an addition to the midfield, but for all intent and purposes he’s a forward who may or may not have some box-to-box capabilities…even if he replaces Xhaka, the more positionally advanced version, he’s not the kind of player you would want to be deployed in deeper spaces against the likes of City or another CL-level squad with a stacked midfield…as such, we need to either keep Partey, who should frankly excel with some load management in play, or get someone who could do a similar job and be deployed elsewhere with a high degree of success

  16. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Killroy-you’re so right, as we would be the perfect case study for an online series about what not to do when it comes to conducting business in a transfer window…obviously our ineptitude in this regards can be traced back to a time long before Arteta’s arrival on the scene, but that certainly doesn’t excuse our continued incompetence…in fact, you might think, if this was supposed to be a culture changing appointment, that you would make a concerted effort to avoid the habitually poor practices of the previous regimes like the fucking plague…instead many of our worst traits, post-move, have actually been embraced by our current manager, which is why I just can’t get over the proverbial hump with him…I guess the only silver lining of this equation is that I’ve always believed that world-class talent can, on occasion, produce the desired results in spite of a manager’s obvious shortcomings…of course the percentages of this happening are significantly lower than those of a great manager overachieving with a lesser squad, but nevertheless it’s a very real possibility

  17. Bob N16’

    Looks like we’re getting some seriously good additions to our squad. If we can add an extra 6 back up, then we should be extremely confident that we’ll be competing on all fronts – what the fan base has been waiting for, for too many years. Great time to be an Arsenal supporter.

    ‘Further criticism of our club’ ‘amateur hour’ ‘fucking irate’ ‘in spite of a manager’s obvious shortcomings’ ‘fucking clowns’ ‘shrivelled balls handed to us’ ‘on the positive side, if it goes south plenty to bitch about’.

    Not sure everybody agrees with me!

  18. Marc


    With every pound spent Arteta and his fan boys have an excuse taken off the table.

    After spending £600 odd million he’s getting close to only having a few dozen left.

  19. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Bob-time for a little Jeopardy

    Category: Arteta Apologists

    clues: context and nuance

    answer: what Bob N16’s responses are generally devoid of

  20. Bob N16’

    Marc, can’t you just enjoy the fact that as a club, we’re showing real ambition to improve our squad. I love a shiny new player who I think will improve our team. I recommend not making it about the current manager all of the time, as you don’t rate him and it tarnishes your potential enjoyment and excitement.

  21. Marc


    Yes I can but I can also enjoying winding you up which is very easy to do.

    Its banter – I think Rice is a good signing, Havertz not so keen on the others I’ll comment on when confirmed.

  22. Bob N16’

    Timber is pretty much confirmed- looks excellent.

    The value of our squad has increased massively which should mean the serious net spend of the last few years can tail off considerably. I think we’re looking really impressive now.

  23. Killroy-TM

    No complaints with the quality of the players in this TW signing except perhaps Havertz. The out of the blue signings haven’t worked for us in the past few TWs.
    However they are the chess pieces on the pitch, on paper they look good but let’s see how they work together as a team and we will continue the banter. Arteta earns his praise or criticism by how he sets up the players, in game management, substitutions and game plan. When he had proven that he can improve over last season with 600+mill spent we continue the conversation. Until then wait and see and it will either be humble pie for us or fire and brimstone for the Arteta fan boys.

  24. Bob N16’

    Why so binary Killroy? Why do you suggest there’s a ‘them and us’ in the fan base. I’m just interested in Arsenal doing as well as possible. I’m loyal to the team, that is all.

  25. Killroy-TM

    Binary, because many of us never wanted to see Arteta & Edu at the club, 4+ years for Edu with no experience in the European transfer marked and it showed, Arteta almost 4 years got on the job training. Displaying a horrible personality of being stubborn and arrogant plus not being able to handle big personalities not my kind of manager that I want to see at the helm of AFC.
    Therefore produce or fuck off, simple as that. He already owns the records that no one wants to see with no European football in what 25 years. The longest time in 1st place without winning the title. This is the season to show that he was worthy of the monetary backing and if he fails he needs to go, very simple.
    You can back the team all you want if the man at the helm is a bum, the the team will play like bums. That is the story of Bumteta and don’t give me that shit of 2nd place, if Liverpool would have had played to their potential, Villa would have had Emery from day one the story may have been different. This coming season will be a tell all and we will see if his contract will be renewed. Nice pressure for Bumteta to be under.

  26. Killroy-TM

    Bob here are two stats that are cringe worthy.

    Since Arteta’s appointment in 2019, Arsenal have generated around £70 million through sales and spent around £600 million. That for me is the definition of a checkbook manager.

  27. Bob N16

    Killroy, as I understand it, the value of our squad is now second only to City’s. Is it a problem for you that KSE have decided to invest in Arsenal in a way that is transformational? Four years ago, we barely had a player coveted by any of our rivals, now we are awash with them. But your angle is ‘cheque book manager’.

    You seem so filled with hate for the manager that the context of why this spending took place and where it has got us is secondary to hurling insults at the club’s coach who has had the audacity to convince both the owners and the incoming players to believe in what he’s doing. Is he just a great salesman or is it possible he knows what needs to happen for us to be competitive? I know some people are convinced that he is beneath contempt.

  28. Marc


    You really just can’t see it – if our squad is that good then Arteta must succeed or be replaced.

    Failure is not acceptable but you always move the goal posts or refuse to set minimum standards because there’s always an excuse for Arteta.

    No more, he’s been in charge more than long enough and spent a staggering amount of money.

  29. Bob N16

    Of course I see it Marc. This squad needs to be successful, if not I agree Arteta should go, no argument there!

  30. The Real Vieira Lynn

    the second greatest 6 words I’ve read since May 26, 2016, “Xhaka on verge of Leverkusen move”…the only sweeter words should come in the coming days, fingers and toes crossed, when his move is officially announced…kids, don’t let anyone ever tell you that your dreams can’t come true

  31. The Real Vieira Lynn

    looks like Steve Round is on his way out as MA’s assistant, he’s been with the club since Arteta’s arrival…of course shit happens, but the timing seems a little odd…that said, here’s a quote from an interview with Round this past April, “I’m there to support the manager, to challenge the manager’s thinking and to share my knowledge as best I can”…can anyone see what specific part of this quote might have been most problematic when it came to his supposedly “mutually” agreed upon exodus?? I was going to provide you with a clue, but I would suspect that won’t be necessary

  32. Ambarish K

    Official, confirmed. Granit Xhaka leaves Arsenal and joins Bayer Leverkusen on permanent deal. 🔴⚫️ #Bundesliga

    €25m fee, five year contract.

    Xabi Alonso, crucial factor to make it happen.

    – Fab

  33. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Killroy-absolutely astonishing numbers, which doesn’t even properly reflect the opportunity costs associated with their mishandling of Guendo, AMN, Auba, Lucas, Mavro, Leno, Laca, Pepe, Willian and Emi (among others)

    as for our future prospects, things appear to be heading in a positive direction on several fronts:

    (1) we just might have more depth on the backend than we’ve had in a couple decades

    (2) we made the most substantial investment ever in an area of the pitch which has been oft-times overlooked

    (3) we’re in the process of making a concerted push to reclaim our seat at the PL parent’s table, after an extended and largely self-imposed absence

    (4) we’ve even tried to get some real business done early in the window, albeit it hasn’t always been conducted in a overly flattering fashion

    as I’ve stated on numerous occasions, having seminal players in key positions is pertinent to our success until our manager in training proves himself when it matters most

  34. Marc

    What TRVL doesn’t know is Arteta’s going to resign Xhaka in Jan for £75 million.

    The club won’t need to announce the signing in the media TRVL howls of agony will do the job.

  35. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-don’t even put that only at Arsenal bonkers sort of shit out into the universe as it just might happen…have a good one

  36. Marc

    I going to get you a signed shirt!

  37. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-you better make sure it’s made from flame retardant material or your gift might have an exceedingly short existence…instead you could send something of similar worth to me, like a stool sample in a paper bag with a bow on it

  38. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I’m certainly not a religious man, at least not in a traditional sense, but it appears as if the good Lord has blessed me on this fine day, the 6th of July, 2023, which btw just became an annual day of celebration in my household, as I just saw Xhaka in another kit, shaking hands with a clearly delusional Bayer exec, to confirm his long overdue exit…best wishes to one and all on Saint Slotherton Day…btw one celebrates this occasion by walking sideways around your respective neighbourhood giving the bird to anyone you see along the way

  39. Killroy-TM

    “You seem so filled with hate for the manager that the context of why this spending took place and where it has got us…”
    It almost looks like you post here to wind individuals up and don’t look at the reality of his player management and squad building. In December it will be 4 years and as TRVL listed so far he has several players mismanaged or their valuation destroyed. Plus in addition his error prone purchases in the last few TWs plus the crucial omission in the 2022 Jan TW when he didn’t get Bruno G. that was a rookie mistake and it is felt to this day only to try covering it by a 100+mill layout. That was amateur hour at its best because Bruno G. and Newcastle destroyed us and cost us CL for the 2022/23 season.
    As far as convincing owners, Arteta is just one of the better con artists. KSE was like a fish out of water after Gazidis and Wenger left. They had the warning example of what not to do after SAF left United. But sure enough what the fuck does KSE know about competent football directors or managers, zilch, nought, niente. Thus the problematic appointment of Emery plus Edu also a rookie in European football and we saw on full display what happens when newbs and no interest owners are in charge of a historic and world class club, supreme hurt for the supporters for 5 years.
    This season will pull the curtain away from the leadership at Arsenal and we will see what they can accomplish after this mega outlay for players. However, I am sure of one thing, the Arteta fanboys plus the Arteta Knows Best supporters will find excuse after excuse if the project goes south.
    To all of them applies Jack Nicholson’s famous quote from A Few Good Men “You can’t handle the truth!”

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