Sink or swim window

Sink or swim window

I echo putting out the welcoming mat for Kai and Declan and even more so that Mikel has got his men where any excuses for next season issues won’t be accepted in this quarter.

I agree Timber shores up our RB/RCB with White nicely. White tends to run out of gas after 60 minutes at RB, so I can see some rotation for RB but only when Saliba needs a rest to play CB.

It’s not the numbers so much but the lack of negotiating nous that played into Sullivan and Brady’s hands as the controlled the leverage and we have Declan to blame for that. He could have stepped in earlier to seal the deal, but his loyalty was to West Ham: I hope the lad shows us the same courtesy when and if he moves on. I believe he will.

Can Declan become Mr. Arsenal? If the price is anything to go by, then yes he will, as our most expensive player. I also don’t think the pressure of his price will bother him; how Arteta tries to use him might, though. Junior and I watched him quite a bit last season and he can pivot into 8/10 when he makes his runs from our half, but he’s ungainly in his stride and not fleet of foot, as one needs to be in that position – more Xhaka like than say ESR or Trossard who both defend well when needed.

We no longer need Holding with Rice also being a CB. It’s easier to see how Rice is going to be employed at 6 but how does Kai fit into Mikel’s intricate jigsaw puzzle of plays?

I don’t see KH as an 8, but a 10 back up, yes. False 9 and 9 yes he can play, and he has enough pace to go wide left when interchanging with our attack. Kai has the requisite technical skills to be successful in the opposition’s final third, but expect Pepe’s levels of defending, as Kai doesn’t like the physicality of defending and another Ozil like cupcake.

Mikel said he has five roles for Kai, so he’s going to be busy and probably confused. Kai also needs to toughen up and add a bit of bulk to his overall muscular frame although he looks like an ectomorph to me, so very difficult for him to add muscle. Mikel loves to play his shiny new toys, so I would hate Kai to be in front of ESR, and I hope Emile has a great pre-season. ESR is better than Havertz just younger and needs regular minutes to shine.

If we get Timber then we need to address the LB cover for KT and buy Lavia as MF back up or buy similar. Vieira needs to go out on a PL/Championship loan and be judged on that next summer. All in all the window is being kind to us and CL football is a magnet to quality footballers. Will we be stronger at the end of the window? That depends on the outgoings and who else after Timber A&E bring in.

I hope lessons were learnt by Mr. Lewis/Edu and Mr. Garlick. Never negotiate without leverage and a sound strategy, and next season is already looking like it’s shaping up for Mikel & Edu.

I’d say this coming season is all or nothing for Edu & Mikel – sink or swim?


  1. Marc


    Apologies I’m going soft in my old age.

  2. The Real Vieira Lynn

    absolutely ludicrous wages given to Havertz, especially for someone who’s been incredibly underwhelming since arrivng in the PL…now he’s our highest earner at 330,000/wk, according ot Sky…WTF, talk about paying above the number on both ends of a deal…he better be able to handle the pressure that will invariably come with that kind of astronomical wage

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-I haven’t been watching either, although I did religiously watch the MMA “reality” show during it’s formative years when so many “newbies” quickly became household names…as you know I’m a huge fan of all things pugilist-related, but in more recent years, as things got exceedingly more saturated, I’ve lost my desire to follow it on a regular basis…it’s all a little too WWE for me now, as the hype machine has oft-times overtaken the action in the ring…that said, there are those whom I will never miss a chance to watch, like Bones Jones

  4. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-which isn’t to suggest that I’m not following the sport, I’m just not as deeply invested as I once was…Cheers

  5. TRVL
    I’m a recent admirer of MMA, but felt boxing lost its mojo after the 80s to mid 90s fighters. I just admire the skill sets those guys have to drill pretty much 365 a year if they want titles. I agree it’s getting watered down these days, but some bouts are still enjoyable.

    Agree about Havertz’s wages. If he doesn’t work, we’ll have to pay him off. We never learn, do we? No negotiator is going to settle on those wages with a gamble, are they? So, I assume it was Arteta get him at any cost.
    Cue Bob, good morning, Bob. 🙂

  6. TRVL
    As a kid Les Kellet, Big Daddy and Mic MaCmanus were the resident comedians on the wrestling TV we’d laugh at.

  7. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-no wonder they’ve signed on the dotted line, who the fuck wouldn’t for those wages…when a player really believes in a project he doesn’t milk every last fucking cent out of the till, as they realize that in order to win they need to spread the wealth in a somewhat logical fashion…the only time this shouldn’t be the case is when you’re trying to lure a readymade bona fide superstar who’s already on those types of wages…of course, if the current banter about Havertz and Rice are unfounded, I will gladly recant my above opinion on this particular matter

    I was a massive boxing fan during it’s golden era, before Ali gave way to Holmes and those that followed the Hearns, Hagler, Sugar Ray and Duran, refused to fight their respective top contenders…as such, it certainly was a breath of fresh air when the likes of Gracie and Tank arrived on the scene and fought without a care or concern for weight classes or the traditional one fight per night format

  8. The Real Vieira Lynn

    no “the” before Hearns

  9. Bob N16’

    I believe the figures quoted are if Havertz hits all the bonus targets, just as Saka has similar. If those targets are hit then every, and I mean every Arsenal fan will be delighted to see our players get those stratospheric sums- the commercial bonuses will more than pay for them if we win PL and CL!

    Whatever rocks your agenda I suppose!

    Inevitably Havertz’s success or failure will be tied into a commentary on Arteta’s competence or lack of. You know full well Tony that some supporters (not you), if they were honest with their feelings, would be delighted to see Havertz not work out, for obvious agenda laden reasons. They’d rather be able to say ‘I told you so’ than want any player wearing the shirt to succeed. Sadly this has been happening for years…..

  10. Bob
    I had got passed the why not …………. and am still ready to give Havertz the eye test over 12 games, although I would prefer ESR to be utilized first as he has merited and shown excellent mettle is making his own well founded statement.
    ESR is my sticking point with this. He was at Saka’s level before he had to give in to his injury. Bonuses or not he’s done nothing to command those wages anywhere. For all my brashness, I hate seeing people being fcuked over as Pepe was and ESR was last season.
    Best I leave it there. I would have had no problem if we’d bought someone with Saka’s stats and no ceiling, I’d be more amenable, as he is proven; Havertz is a 50/50 gamble at best who Arteta will drop like a red hot poker if it doesn’t work out and discard him to the bench to be Garlick’s problem.
    Willard, Ozil, Auba and now Havertz all golden boys who didn’t last long under Arteta and at what cost to our title chances and loaded debt against the club.
    Let’s see with Havertz and I’ll be happy to see you proven right for sticking to your guns; it’s an admirable trait, most of the time. 🙂 Also, if Havertz works then ESR will have to push both Ode and Havertz hard as back up for now, as long as Viera is not in front of ESR.
    We’re 2 Gooners with different POVs where it doesn’t matter who’s right, as long as we deliver on the pitch where the playing fields are leveling up with the TV revenue streams. I’d say there will be 8 trying to go into 4 this season, and where for any fan it will be possibly the best PL season yet.
    Let’s see if Arteta can deliver in that pressure cooker atmosphere where wrong decisions cost you dearly.
    Lazy Sunday for me in my Room and plotting our next move if France is off because of the instability of the country for the next few years. Junior is set on being an electronics engineer and sound engineer for his career, so the France planning made up his mind. I still want to set up 3 different studios. Just a question of where. Have a good one, Bob.
    Hope you’re having a great holiday.

  11. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    All fine here, thanks. Internet is patchy however and we’re in and out of the villa all the time. I’m also feeling creatively constipated 💩in the midst of the TW. I hope all is well with my LiR family (!) in the meantime.

    Everyone I’m speaking to here keeps asking me what part of Argentina I’m from because of my accent. It seems to be getting more pronounced with time. Hasta pronto muchachos! Un beso.

  12. Bob N16


    I saw that you are reconsidering France. I’m not saying it’s a storm in a tea cup but dare I say it, if you avoid urban France then when the occasional riot kicks off, you’ll watching it on a screen and not in front of you.

  13. Bob
    I was ok with it being Paris, as we’ve had many coups and riots in BKK, but it was centralized, so you just avoided the area. When Macron ordered the sate of emergency with riots countrywide, I have to think of our safety in the long term. The kind of project I’d be launching is publicity bound and with around £2m in studios and a further £2m in property and land, it’s too much to worry about. My project is not something that would arrive unnoticed in a semi rural location. We’d need to become part of their fabric of society to fit in and be accepted.
    Last thing I want is to do is to have to employ armed security to keep everyone safe, and to be able to get adequate insurance liability cover for up to 25 people on site at any time.

    I’m talking to a Brit developer about setting up in Bangkok, or Samui/Phuket. He builds some really nice luxury, palatial properties to order.
    There’s a quality studio out of Pattaya that’s good and just over 2 hours from BKK. //
    It’s really strange when many Internet sites are saying Columbia and Peru, Panama and Belize and Thailand are the safest places to retire to now.
    Age isn’t on my side, Bob, so I’ve been onto plan B since France erupted; France was perfect but sometimes perfect isn’t available. We’ll see. I’ve said to the team I was assembling I have to rethink and will revise France at the time I make a final decision.
    I appreciate your thinking, though.

  14. Bob N16

    Not a straightforward decision. Would be amazed if you didn’t require greater security arrangements at locations in Latin America than in France.

    Peace of mind is all, so whatever provides you that, only you will be able to know.

  15. I wouldn’t feel safe in South America but I thought you think it strange, too.

    We’ll see, Bob. A couple of years and things may be very different, such as Ukraine and Europe’s tinderbox settling down. Thailand is worry free if you can afford to live here comfortably. No fear of being attacked even in BKK early hours of the morning.

  16. Bob N16

    Cricket’s mental. Lords more raucous than it’s ever been.

  17. Ooops looks like An Arteta run in 🙂

  18. Aussis cricketers and sporting attitudes are a bad mix led by their insufferable whinging press. We’re lucky they can’t play football or rugby. 🙂

  19. Marc
    Breathe easy mate Xhaka might be staying for another season and Arteta is happy. Hope KP is deliriously drunk by now as that news will mar his holiday celebrations.
    It’s Marc I worry about most, though.

  20. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-you would be wise to reconsider your french countryside relocation plans, or at least put them on hold for the time being, until you see how the present flared tempers shake-out…it appears as if their demographic/geographic errors of the past are coming home to roost once again, which is an all-too-familiar refrain for many countries with highly nuanced yet unresolved diversity issues across much of western Europe…maybe you should consider a bordering countryside just beyond the Maginot Line

    as to our previous discussions regarding MA’s maddening propensity to offer up ludicrous wage packages, in an almost Oprah-like fashion, beware of anyone who tells you it’s a “you” problem and not a him problem…whenever I hear someone throw out that old AKB “hope we fail” trope, it sends up an immediate red flag…it’s another classic cake and eat it too attempt by those who have once again chosen to side with the manager regardless if his decisions are in the best interests of the greater good of the club as a whole…it suggests that they’re blind allegiance somehow affords them the right to both determine the criteria for player assessment, like with Havertz visa vie his current wages, and to high horse anyone who has logical questioned any managerial maneuvers, both past and present…need I remind everyone that the only reason the whole “hope we fail” narrative even came to be was that many of these same former AKBers religiously backed our previous manager who oft-times only went to market when periods of bad form forced his hand

  21. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-no need to worry about Marc & KP in Xhaka’s regards, it’s me that wll go full fucking ham if our Swiss albatross dons the kit again…MA needs to learn a few valuable lessons from managerial giants like Klopp, who rectified his midfielder mistakes in quick fashion this window by parting ways with his more antiquated and insufficient options, like Milner and Keita, and acquiring two highly coveted replacements in Mac Allistar and Szoboszlai, for less than our pending Rice transfer

  22. The Real Vieira Lynn

    logically questioned

  23. Marc

    If Xhaka stays will I be surprised – no its Arteta all over and why he will always fall short.

    Disappointed he’ll still be here yes but I’m not sure I ever believed he was ever leaving.

  24. The Real Vieira Lynn

    (I wrote this when your article was first posted but I crashed before finishing it, then it simply slipped my mind)

    Not sure if it’s Sink or Swim quite yet, but it’s pretty fucking close, especially if there’s any truth to the wages being bandied about…there’s simply no way we can afford to bankroll this top heavy squad unless we snag some major hardware this season and next…now I fully understand the need to make a statement purchase or two this off-season, in order to overturn our longtime pretender status, so I’m certainly not opposed to a hefty financial outlay as long as two logical conditions were met…firstly, that the money be spent well, which means that any big money moves properly addressed our most pressing needs and secondly, that the acquisitions made didn’t hinder our ability to properly reinforce in this and/or future windows

    it’s clear that MA’s stickler tendencies, when it comes to overplaying his perceived best 11, have been on full display in this window…so far we haven’t really redressed our depth issues, as Rice and Havertz will invariably replace Partey and Xhaka in the starting 11…now Timber appears to be a bit of a different story, in that I’m assuming that he’s coming in to provide some higher-end cover in a couple different positions…some might see this particular purchase as an overreaction to our late season stumbles, following Saliba’s back injury, in that the size of this investment might not be justified with White and Tomi still rostered and a re-upped Saliba on the mend…personally, I’m not too perturbed unless it somehow prevents us from shiping Xhaka once and for all

    in the end, in order to properly progress, it can’t just be about our starting 11…presently, minus our backline, should Timber come and Tierney stay, we only have a few viable cover pieces elsewhere….besides ESR and maybe Tross, who I still don’t view as a like-for-like secondary Marts option, we have a rather bang average bench…now if we can count on a similar financial approach for the foreseeable future, then it might be a moot point, but not if we use the next bag to once again replace starters that MA no longer favours…at some point, we need to properly develop and promote academy pieces and/or revise our transactional practice…after all, if you’re a manager who’s averse to tactical changes and wholikewise finds it inherently diffcult to properly rotate, you better have proper backups should injuries occur

    all that said, I did feel that it was pertinent to pursue “big” purchases this off-season in order to maintain or exceed our position in the standings, but that doesn’t mean I fully embrace the choices being made…only time will tell, but I would suggest that we’re already up against it a bit based solely on MA’s massive investment in a player who has coin toss proposition written all over him…if it were up to me I would have targeted Caicedo, Barella and Simons, who all possess endless energy and positional flexibility, then I would have scoured the globe for some cheaper cover options, as that’s why we pay Edu et al the big bucks Cheers

  25. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-agreed, not surprising whatsoever but incredibly disappointing nonetheless

  26. TRVL
    Thanks for the advice and to be honest I’m the type to rush where fools fear to read relying on natural instincts and sound decision making to be ahead of the competition. Most paid off, but I got burnt a few times along the way. With the sums and my family all involved, then their safety comes first.
    A quick view of using Samui to Phuket/BKK as a project setting came to an abrupt halt when I looked at wanting to test the Genelec 8381A Point Source studio monitor at US$70k a pair and was told not in Thailand. How easily I forgot the nightmares of building my Room here.
    I agree with your thoughts and feel Mikel has cahonas the size of at least cricket balls taking the gambles he is, so I doubt if Xhaka or Partey are leaving this window: January maybe if it’s all going swimmingly for A&E by January.
    Approx 6 weeks to Forrest at home. Can’t come quick enough for me.

  27. Marc

    Has Saliba actually signed the new contract? I saw something the other day that indicated he hadn’t- agreeing in principle is not the same thing.

    If no the links to Timber are a little worrying.

  28. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-I questioned that too, but it appears as if the “official” signing will take place this week, now that Saliba is back from his vacation period…of course, you just never know, as this club loves to fabricate the shit out of things whenever it works best for them…weirdly enough, I read a story about how the club wanted to announce 4 signings this week, with 2 of them being Saliba and Nelson, but there was some concern about it happening because supposedly Nelson went rogue and won’t return their texts/calls…probably total bullshit, but we know his head was at least partially turned by AC’s supposed interest, so anything is possible

  29. The Real Vieira Lynn

    This was posted on SKY today by Football Finance expert Kieran Maguire:

    “Arsenal are actually in a very strong position when it comes to spending,” he told Sky Sports News.

    “The reason for that is they have managed to get their wages under control.

    “Arsenal’s wages are lower than they were in 2018. They are £150m to a £170m less than Liverpool, Manchester United and Manchester City. That has given them the flexibility to go into the market and buy new players without having to worry too much.

    “Plus, they have got the additional benefits of Champions League matches coming in, premium prices and the minimum I would say prize money of £50m from being participants.

    “So, you factor that all together and they’ve probably still got a bit of leeway in terms of what they can spend over this present window.”

    When asked if there’s been a strategy change at Arsenal, he added: “Yes. They had a retrenchment. They went through some fallow years when they weren’t qualifying for the Champions League.

    “They have managed to get rid of high earners, the likes of Mesut Ozil and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang off that payroll, and that has given them the ability to now go into the market and be very competitive and try to match other clubs.

    “Arsenal used to be known as the Bank of England club. They’ve always been well run financially, and I think this change in terms of spending is a reward for Mikel Arteta in terms of his ability to get them into those Champions League places again, which means so much in terms of enhanced revenue.”

    nothing too revelatory here, but it does speak to why we’re offering up rather sizeable wage packages to everyone and their brother…obviously our wage bill will be significantly higher this season and next, regardless of whomever we get off the books

    on a side note, there was some chatter today suggesting that we might sell Marquinhos, which seems like another incredibly short-sighted decision…hopefully it’s another baseless rumour

  30. Aitcho

    As an aside to our transfer window.

    It seems like week by week the average age of the Saudi league drops. Brozovic Jota, Gerrard, in addition to the big names already coming in. Talk of De Gea going over and he’s young for a keeper. Despite his clangers, his numbers are still good.

    And the thing is, outside our bubble, people are treating this league like it’s a legit league.

    Tets and Edu might be missing a trick in not attempting to flog some of our peripherals over there. It’ll be bad for football long term but who couldn’t say no to recouping half the Pepe fee or 40mill for Elneny? I’m sure he’d go down a storm as much as Koulibaly amongst KSA’s faithful. Possibly pushing it here, but maybe even big fees for Holding and Xhaka beckon.


  31. Aitcho

    Re the riots in France, it’s not a question of ‘solving’ the diversity issue.

    France isn’t an easy place for non white, statistically. Perhaps solving the racism problem and resulting social exclusion would be a better place to start. People who are marginalised can have less to lose disengaging with the mainstream and may also recognise that engaging is an uphill struggle with the odds stacked against them making disengagement a more rational choice than it would be for those of us living under different rules so to speak.

    People who the system works for often miss the point, blaming the marginalised community rather than the society that marginalised them in the first place. If we’re honest, most of the ‘diversity’ has been mere tolerance at best but mostly, admittedly, slow levels of increasing acceptance. Demonstrated by commenters on here, in 2023, viewing diversity as something to be ‘managed’ ahead of discrimination. It’s really not difficult to not be freaked over people of different backgrounds. But for most of my lifetime many people in the global minority find it taxing.

    Move to France Tone, it’s lovely on the whole. White French can be bloody racist but that shouldn’t affect you.

  32. Aitcho
    Thanks for both illuminating posts.

    I totally agree with your marginalizing views. Some of the most enjoyable conversations in the USA have been with native indians. An 80year old Hopi in their tribal shop high up in the Palm Springs made me an amulet telling me to come back an see him to get it. It cost £300 with ornate silver and gold designs that are matching for each side bringing stability. It’s very heavy and when I had it valued for insurance it was valued in 96 at £1200.
    Being an underdog rising out of orphanages I am naturally sympathetic to real people causes and my family isn’t white; they are Thai and half Thai. Junior and my daughter are the linguists in my family, so would be on a charming offensive from day one; both being seriously likable in opposite ways.
    Keeping it music for the moment; the same native Indians introduced me to Robbie Robertson who often plays with native musicians: I knew Robbie from The Band, this was new to me.
    . (It’s a good day to die) The CD is different and are great talking points with very cool people.

    Mrs T is in Europe in meetings this week where the outcome will dictate the time line for our move from Thailand. She’s asked me to continue researching France much to my surprise. Music is a great leveler, brings people together and we’ll be making plenty of that in 3 studios. One of the first projects I wanted to find is a very cool ethnic French rapper with melody. Bob’s son has great songwriting potential, too.
    We’ll see over the next 48 months and I’ll take a trip there to test the landscape and people.
    As for our TW? It’s the same deal – wait and see.
    Always enjoy your posts Aicho

  33. For music lovers The Alan Parsons Project between 75 and 90 is a very deep thinking musician on similar Pink Floyds unique paths of music development.
    The first track Sirius is typical of the style of melodies somewhat reminiscent of Jean Michelle Jarre and Mike Oldfield who are now being followed by Schiller. – Sirius
    . – Old & Wise
    Even in simple melodies Alan Parsons immerses people in his music in a good way.

  34. What a buzz it would have been to have mixed that last track live – Alan Parsons was the band after Floyd I would have loved to have mixed live.

  35. TRVL
    Don’t know if this belt will tempt you to watch. I like AV a good honest fighter who moved from Aussi rugby league to MMA when he retired from rugby. Guy won’t take no for an answer and is hard to hurt with little neck. Yair might just be the guy to sit AV down and turn his lights out.
    Got my attention. I watched Benoit St Denis (ex special forces) dispatch his next upgrade opponent in the first round. He’s rough round the edges in MMA skills but is a future champion. Morales also good on that card.
    For me it’s not really the knocking out but it’s watching the various martial arts at such elite levels for the top 15s. Junior wants to learn Krav Maga when we move from Thailand. He’s at uni. 6′ 1″ at 14 and filling out with 3 times a week in our gym. Goes in at 5:30am, as it’s the only time he’s free. He’s hoping for 6′ 4″ who’s Mrs T’s brother’s height. Mrs T is 160cm and a ferocious free style who was trained by a young champ kick boxer for 3 years.
    Junior is going to be about 85kg at 6′ 4″ at around 8 to 10% body fat. He’s already a red/black belt in Tai Kwon Do, which is as high as he can go until 16. Green in Ju Jujitsu, but he’s really interested in Krav Maga.

  36. Apparently LB Tavares wants to stay returning from an unremarkable loan with Marseilles where his temperament was called into question again. The kid doesn’t help himself and lets his emotions affect his game and as a person dealing with an incredibly tough sport to be successful in.
    Where I find this going all Pete Tong is Zinchenko is considered a better left back than Tavares. A top 6 LB Zinchenko is not and even questionable as an 8.
    If it were me, they’d be both up for sale ala Chavs. If Messrs Garlick and Lewes are busy with Timber and Rice, shouldn’t Edu be conducting a fire sale with everything must go to free up the obscene wages we’ve been merely dishing out overselling the club again.
    Something else I find strange that Martinelli was not an Edu find and buy. Don’t know about Marquinos? Rumor is we want to offload him, so what does Edu really bring to the table in terms of south American talent, as Tony Bloom and other top clubs seem to be looking at several players?
    It seems Edu is crap at picking Portugal talent as well if Viera is anything to go by! Jorge Schmadtke Pool’s head of football seems a much better fit than Edu is with Arteta and us. Then again it’s hard to know who is the boss between Edu an Arteta?

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