Man United defeated, in a not so elegant way

Man United defeated, in a not so elegant way

If you read the scoreline, 3-1 against Manchester United sounds pretty impressive, even at home. If you have watched the game, you would notice we are still in the chaos mode; but positives first.

We beat ’em. We got the three points against a top 4 team and the game was as exciting as it can get. For some reason, coming from behind after Rashford scored the first feels like a much needed confidence booster after Fulham’s result. Havertz missed an easy one in the 14th minute when the ball landed on his feet somehow, and he mis-shot it. It was him again when he played a sloppy pass to Eriksen in the 27th minute, who passed it brilliantly to Rashford. Rashford never fails to score against Arsenal, does he? We reacted this time. It took only a couple of minutes for us to level the score. Eddie picked up the ball, passed it to Martinelli and the Brazillian found Odegaard on the edge of the box. Two link ups between Eddie and Martinelli, and the other one should have been a goal too. I see a chemistry building up finally at the left side, but it requires Eddie to move from his goal scoring positions. I think Havertz has been tasked to finish it but we would need better precision and output from him.

In the second half, there were few exciting moments. Ramsdale and Gabriel denied Martial a goal, we got a penalty that was overturned. We made some changes – Jesus in place of Eddie, Tomiyasu for Zinchenko and Vieira for Havertz. Saka missed one, which should have been a goal again, Garnacho scored in 88th which was ruled offside and Nelson comes in place of Martinelli before extra added minutes.

The last 10 minutes were a mix of joy and chaos for us Gooners. Rice, in the United penalty box, takes a corner ball on his chest, and does a volley. It takes a slight touch from one of the United players and lands into the net. It was a crazy scene, first goal for our future midfielder, 2-1 against United with only 2 minutes left on the clock. The celebration spoke of madness. It wasn’t the end though, a Vieira pass led to Jesus run and that slide from Dalot wasn’t enough to hold him. Game ended with 3-1. Brilliant result, some good performances from Rice, Odegaard, Martinelli. Chemistry between Martinelli and Eddie has improved, and our captain scored one again. That goal at the end will provide Jesus some confidence and Vieira was on the assist sheet again.


Our finishing. You can’t miss two easy goals (Havertz and Saka) against a top 4 team and expect to win. We did win, but the game could have ended with a completely different score. Most of the time, we are responsible for our losses. This could have been another one such game.

Havertz will take time. He hasn’t been convincing in his first 4 games for us, but Vieira has. Even with the performances from the bench. Concerning thing is that, Mikel is going to stick to Kai and not use Vieira who looks much more confident this season. I will Kai doesn’t take 3 seasons like he did at Chelsea, to get into his pre-Chelsea form.

We are in much better control with a proper back 4 and Saliba + Gabriel partnership. I hope Mikel doesn’t go back to Partey at RB once he is back. We got Rice to rotate with him in the middle, so that he is fully fit for the games that matters most, and there will be plenty this season. We didn’t bring Rice so that we can move Partey to RB.

Not trying to be a spoil sports, but there is a lot of improvement needed, and unlike last season’s winning run when you could hardly find a thing we did wrong, we have been very much chaotic and nervous in our first four games. We will only improve from here.



  1. Jokes
    Police in England are warning all male clubbers, party goers & unsuspecting pub regulars to be more alert & cautious when getting a drink offer from a woman. There is a new date rape drug going around called “beer” & it is generally found in liquid form.

    The drug is now being used more frequently by female sex predators at parties & pubs to convince their male victims to have sex with them. The shocking statistic is that beer is available anywhere! All that girls have to do is to persuade a man to consume a few units of “beer” & simply ask the guy for no-strings attached sex. Men are literally rendered helpless against such violent attacks.
    After several “beers” men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women who they would never normally be attracted to.
    Men often awaken after being given “beer” with only hazy memories of what has happened to them the night before – just a vague feeling that something bad & shameful has occurred. There have been reports of severe cases where the unfortunate victims have been stung for their life’s worth in an horrific scam known as “a relationship” – apparently men are easier victims for this scam after the “beer” has been administered & have already been sexually attacked.
    Please forward this to every male you know.
    However, if you fall victim to this insidious drug and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups in most towns and villages in the UK where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with a group of similarly affected and like-minded men.
    For the nearest support group near you, just look up ‘Public House’ in the yellow pages or contact me by e-mail, but not during normal evening licensing hours.
    .There’s nothing worse than a snotty doctor’s receptionist who
    insists you tell her what is wrong in a room full of other patients. I know we all have experienced this, and I love the way this old guy handled it.

    An 86 year old man walked into a crowded doctor’s office. As he approached the desk, the receptionist said, “Yes sir, what are you seeing the
    doctor for today?”
    “There’s something wrong with my penis,” he replied.
    The receptionist became irritated and said, “You shouldn’t come into a crowded office and say things like that.”
    “Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you,” he said.
    The receptionist replied, “You’ve obviously caused some embarrassment in this room full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with your ear or something and then discussed the problem further with the doctor in private.”
    The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered. The
    receptionist smiled smugly and asked, “Yes?”
    “There’s something wrong with my ear,” he stated.
    The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken her advice. “And what is wrong with your ear, Sir?”
    “I can’t piss out of it,” the man replied.
    The doctor’s office erupted in laughter
    Good old blighty and doctor’s assistants bred to be nosy cunts.
    It’s TGIF so time to breathe:

  2. Was just thinking of you guys reading the below link. Buddha has released some long overdue karma with our latest 2nd hand DVD recorder. Just got to hope it works. They sell at £80 but you pay extras and it ends up over £400. When you have no choice, you really have no choice!
    Buddha and I will be having words if it doesn’t work.
    I’m taking the glass half full and will wait for junior to set it up in his room day (2nd lounge).
    Other than that my fav rugby man is Clive Woodward the best England manager we ever had.


    I was going to stay up for the France v NZ match as it could be one of the best in the world cup and a dress rehearsal for the final, although Ireland and SA will feel much differently.
    A great world cup in prospect; just a shame it’s on European time for me where I’ll have to record 🙂 (fingers crossed) and Buddha willing.
    More importantly, if it works I won’t miss any of or Arsenal games.
    Hard game to call this evening and 0215 my time. France historically have had disciple,ine problems particularly in France where the emotions run unrealistically high and has been witnessed in recent years with the violence in the streets. Nothing to do with rugby, of course, rugby fans are mostly intelligent and very into their ales with most having had higher education or at least from ‘B’ upwards demographics.
    That said, the grass roots game in the UK, and I assume Europe is slowly catching up with NZ where rugby legends make up much of the country’s folklore, which is a long term indigenous tradition throughout the country as Killroy found out when visiting the hallowed grounds.
    For those of you who are “not really into rugby” but could be curious with it being a world cup my advice is to wait for the last 8, and then don’t miss a game. For those of you who have a mild interest I’d start at the last 16. Don’t get me wrong the earlier games will have some sublime play in each game or they wouldn’t be at the WC.
    Just that the nearer you get to the pointy end of the competition the more there is to play for, which means elite rugby and wars all over the pitches.
    Make no mistake it will be brutal with extreme, controlled violence and prejudice from the KO to the final whistle, and then like the gentlemen they are, they will shake hands and head for the medics for assessment.
    For me, especially Killroy and KP, TRVL and Marc, who I hope is ok and just busy. Although, KP has local football about 4 hours drive. Still working that one out. 🙂
    And so fellow Gooners, alas we have no games this weekend but only 9 days to Everton and Dyche with hid hand-over-mouth softly spoken tactics to an assistant who really can’t hear properly but nodded all the same leaving Dyche grimacing remembering it’s what he did as an assistant and why he’s such a shit manager, but I digress.
    Knowing the boredom we have to face especially if you don’t like rugby here’s a list and a joke and a song to start the weekend.
    Have a good one LIR:
    Top 45 Oxymorons
    45. Act naturally
    44. Found missing
    43. Resident alien
    42. Advanced BASIC
    41. Genuine imitation
    40. Airline food
    39. Good grief
    38. Same difference
    37. Almost exactly
    36. Government organization
    35. Sanitary landfill
    34. Alone together
    33. Legally drunk
    32. Silent scream
    31. Living dead
    30. Small crowd
    29. Business ethics
    28. Soft rock
    27. Butt Head
    26. Military Intelligence
    25. Software documentation
    24. New classic
    23. Sweet sorrow
    22. Childproof
    21. “Now, then …”
    20. Synthetic natural gas
    19. Passive aggression
    18. Taped live
    17. Clearly misunderstood
    16. Peace force
    15. Extinct Life
    14. Temporary tax increase
    13. Computer jock
    12. Plastic glasses
    11. Terribly pleased
    10. Computer security
    9. Political science
    8. Tight slacks
    7. Definite maybe
    6. Pretty ugly
    5. Twelve-ounce pound cake
    4. Diet ice cream
    3. Working vacation
    2. Exact estimate
    1. Microsoft Works

  3. As For tonight’s world cup inaugural game?
    NZ to win by more than 6 points. Either France loses a man from ill discipline or just a high penalty count from the French shooting themselves in the foot once again, as England so often does.

  4. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony

    Just a quick one. Two more oxys from different ends of the political/economic spectrum. Compassionate capitalism and the old one… Socialist worker. Boom boom! I enjoyed reading those.

    I didn’t realise the customs duty was going to be so mad on that dvd recorder. Fucking hell. I could’ve bought one here and flew to Thailand with it in my suitcase! Anyway, fingers crossed that you and junior can get a tune out of it.

    I think you’re right about RWCs getting better as the tournament progresses. Many early games have results that are foregone conclusions, but this one might be better, not least because of the extra, err, fluidity that exists for players to become citizens of other countries.

    Some French self-combustion would be pleasing, not least to see that awful cunt Macron crying into his pernod. And for me, the south African team is always on the wrong side of acceptable brutality. As I said, Ireland or NZ for me, but to see the men in green win one would be terrific. 🍀

  5. Kroenkephobe

    Joke Friday

    Two kids were arrested by the police in my village last night.

    One had been drinking battery acid and the other was found stuffing fireworks in his mouth.

    What did the police do?

    They charged one and let the other one off.

  6. Interesting stats, from Belfast Gooner.
    I hadn’t looked at them before. Still trying to make my mind up with him as a 9, as he’s never an 8, but the stats don’t lie for a 10 and even worse for a 9.
    Is expecting better playing into Sigmund Freud’s definition of madness?
    When it comes to the Premier League, the competition that matters most to us, Kai Havertz’s stats are…
    27 appearances – 4 goals, 3 assists, 1 big chance created, 18 tackles (50%), 80 duels won, 119 duels lost.

    29 appearances – 8 goals, 3 assists, 3 big chances created, 17 tackles (47%), 97 duels won, 154 duels lost.
    35 appearances – 7 goals, 1 assist, 5 big chances created, 34 tackles (47%), 155 duels won, 208 duels lost.

  7. I mean how does a PL manager look at those stats and think we need to buy him?

  8. Art Fraud

    Does anyone read that Athletic?

    What a load of absolute bollocks.

    Not even worse a nicker a month.

    Treats its readers , as If they are all adolescents.

    It’s gone.
    Journalism ain’t like it use to be. Where are all the hard nosed cynics and antagonists gone?

    Harry Harris, Steve Curry , Glanville and Woolnoughs.

  9. Killroy-TM

    I have a subscription to the Athletic about $2 a month and don’t mind it. I am reading very selectively certain journos. Horncastle, Ornstein, Honigstein and I read a few others that were excellent regarding the Brighton football operation, plus those that discuss the Barca, Juve and Super League problems and found them to be excellent.
    However the the journos covering Arsenal are not very impressive and every now and then you get the odd peace of rubbish and juvenile writing that must have slipped through the editor.

  10. Killroy-TM

    The Rugby World Cup committee decided to air live games for free on for countries that don’t have providers who have the broadcasting rights. Free to watch with a VPN using servers in the Bahamas, Greece, Iceland and Vietnam just to mention a few among the 40 countries where it is free. In addition they have excellent pre and post game shows plus highlights from their vaults of previous world cups an excellent site for all things rugby.

  11. Kroenkephobe

    Ambarish, Hoopah and Divyanshu

    Thank you for hosting the UK’s Prime Minister at the moment. He’s such a monumental arsehole and lying bullshitters that I’m relieved that he is spreading chaos and misery elsewhere.

    The guy claims he’s a Southampton fan but knows the square root of fuck all about football. Says it all really. In the unlikely even that he visits your community, make sure everything is nailed down because he’ll either steal it or fuck it up. He’s the Tony Pulis of politics. Avoid at all costs.

  12. Kroenkephobe


    That opening ceremony thing is soooo embarrassing I can’t even watch it. Baguettes for rugby balls. Merde alors!

    On that evidence alone, I’m hoping the ABs massacre les bleus once the fucking game gets started.

    No Canada and no USA…what the fuck happened there?

  13. Killroy-TM

    No opening ceremony on the channels available to me but I am watching the pre show on and will watch the game itself on Peacock and that is what counts for me. For me also I hope the Kiwis will win.

  14. Art Fraud


    He’s such a monumental arsehole and lying bullshitters that I’m relieved that he is spreading chaos and misery elsewhere.

    Are we talking about this slippery cunt Sunak or the other slippery cunt who ‘manages’ The Arsenal?


  15. Kroenkephobe


    The former. God knows what our very own managerial bullshitter is up to this week, but I have a feeling the labrador might be involved.

  16. Kroenkephobe


    It looks like someone has bought a job lot of our nasty fluorescent second kits for the refs to wear at the rugby WC.

  17. Killroy-TM

    It was a good opening World Cup match but the France team will be hard to beat especially since their home advantage is massive. The ABs had uncharacteristically lots of handling errors plus they developed a discipline problem. First World Cup loss for them in a group stage game as well as being beaten bi France.
    For me as long as Ireland and Scotland are doing well I feel happy.

  18. Killroy
    Thanks for the rugby pass link we can’t get the WC in Thailand. Hopefully, my laptop can host the link and then transfer to the big screen.
    I knew the French would be hard to beat if they kept their collective tempers and just played their game.
    The French love their dramatics in life, the Tango is a good representation of this, when the Europeans, of the time, preferred the waltz and fox trot. So, it’s no surprise to hear of their over-the-top opening ceremony.
    NZ will bounce back. They can be slow starters in tournaments, so expect big fireworks in their next game to save face. I wouldn’t want to be their opponents. Think Everton beating City 6:0 and then City playing Luton next.
    Whatever your day is looking like I hope it’s a good one LIR

  19. “For me as long as Ireland and Scotland are doing well I feel happy.”
    Bit rough on the English and Welsh, Killroy. I guess you are looking at form going into the WC. England and Wales are in transition this world cup like most before as well. 🙂

  20. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony

    If ‘in transition’ means absolutely fucking shit then I think you’ve summed up the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 teams pretty accurately.

    I don’t know about you Killroy but I thought that game was a little dull and underwhelming. Plus that SA ref (Peiper? ) is awful.

  21. Art Fraud

    Morning rant.

    Another Saturday, no top flight football.

    Pointless Internationals lined up now in Sept, Oct and November.

    So Spain can smash little Georgia 7 – 1 whoopee.

    Bunch of greedy cunts.

    Rant over.

  22. Kroenkephobe

    Ranting is what weekends are made for. Oh, and weekdays of course.

    I’m off in a hour to see Haverfordwest County at home to Newtown. A mere 6 mile drive. I’ll probably squeeze some ranting in there because the refs are as bad as the pgmol ones.

  23. Marc


    A company I used to work for had 8 club level tickets (2 blocks of 4) at Wembley (covered England matches, FA Cup semi’s and Final) and we’d take clients. As the guy who covered the S/E I got stuck with the majority of them – it scarred me for life.

    I can’t watch International football anymore unless its at an actual tournament.

  24. Art Fraud


    If the cunts keep turning up and paying for utter dross, the greedy federations will keep churning up dross every month.

    Sept, Oct and now November! 6 poxy games.

    Greedy no good cunts , I bet you got well sozzled being forced to watch this cunt Southgates side?

    He is almost a bigger drip than Arteta.

  25. Marc


    The worst part is it was on expenses but most of the matches were week nights so I’d get home at gone midnight and still have work the next day.

    The first half or so of my time there it wasn’t an issue as your were left to get on with things – get results and we don’t care how you go about it (within reason) then there was a change in management and it went tits up at a rate that makes Arteta look vaguely competent!

  26. Kroenkephobe

    I tend to think the most ardent followers of Ingerland are largely fans of shit teams. You see no end of Ingerland flags bearing the names of clubs like Stoke, Blackburn, Southampton.. Oh and Tottenham of course! They think they’ll be able to bask in the glory of Ingerland trophies because their own clubs never win anything. But Ingerland’s modern trophy room has something in common with their club’s – it’s fucking empty.

    Marc – your Wembley duty sounds utterly execrable. I did a similar thing in Argentina for any official visitors for 3 years. I once took a group of senior coppers to see Boca Juniors at the Bombonera. I lied and told them it was standing room only. They were shitting themselves as I told them about the anti-english songs being sung. This vast three story dodgy concrete terrace (we were at the top) vibrating as the fans jumped up and down. Some were getting a bit twitchy too when the Boca fans started smoking dope at half time.

    There were better times – sitting in the owners box at the same stadium with free booze and canapés in the company of Bobby Charlton and members of the 66 Argentine team.

  27. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Southgate’s preferred tactics are a little too similar to the oft-times paint-drying predilictions of a little Spanish fellow we all know and loath…the only difference is the overlapping runs of Walker, but it appears as if Saka is so unfamiliar with such a logical tactical pursuit that he rarely, if ever, rewards him for his efforts…Saka did have a well-struck shot on goal that ultimately hit the bar, after an outstanding fingertip save by the Keeper, but otherwise it was a rather listless effort from the away side…like most on here I rather despise the whole international break gig, especially at this early juncture in the season…the only saving grace is that I participate in a shitload of NFL fantasy leagues, along with an unhealthy amount of more traditional gambling, so this break does allow me to get my proverbial shit together, as the season started on Thursday

  28. The Real Vieira Lynn


  29. Killroy-TM

    Ready to watch Los Pumas beat the crap out of the Lions. The Argentinian Rugby shirts both home and away kit are to die for. Voted top and third best rugby shirts of the WC, for me a must have since none of my dosh is going anywhere near AFC as long as Mactits is having anything to do with the club.

  30. Kroenkephobe


    Watching the first half and genuinely puzzled why the England player was even sinbinned and the Argie escaped a red. I can see why the game is fucked and it’s difficult to care. It’s becoming a cunt’s game.

  31. Killroy-TM

    Agree I was puzzled also never a red card for me. I do like a few of the Puma players and it looks like an exciting 2nd half.
    Watching the match on with a VPN connected to Greece, result an excellent display as well connection and all for free.

  32. Killroy-TM

    The Pumas just can’t hang on to the fucking ball one knock on after another really infuriating.

  33. Killroy-TM

    The Argies can’t catch a fucking ball put up into the air so infuriating that the game is terrible and England can’t score a fucking try, this game is so far the worst I have seen.

  34. Kroenkephobe

    Agreed on the quality of the game, but it’s something special when 14 beat 15 players. That England performance came from nowhere didn’t it?

    Should be some good games tomorrow.

  35. Killroy-TM

    No doubt England fully deserved to win this game, I just expected a much better match since Los Pumas were ranked 6th and England 8th. Therefore I considered this a disappointing way to spend my Saturday time. Nevertheless I expect both England and Argentina to progress into the knock out stages.

  36. KP/Killroy
    Reading the reviews of the game they are bestowing a ‘Masterclass’ 27 points Ford deliverance. I thought it strange as Ford is decent enough, but it seems The Pumas’s handling was at odds with their generally expansive game.
    Thanks Killroy we don’t need the VPN as the WC is not shown here, so we’ll watch the Scotland v SA game this evening at 10pm our time. Should be a corker and I hope ma land of ma birth’s team run the Springboks ragged.
    I canna see it, though.

  37. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    It was a remarkable unpredictable game. Ford’s kicking was spot on – if you can check the drop goal he popped over (under some pressure) from the halfway line. Argentina were as bad as Ford and others were good.

    Neither team will win the WC, but England redeemed themselves a bit after looking terrible over the summer.

    Scotland COULD do something similar today… I expect to hear that the ‘Tony Tartan’ kilt will be out of mothballs later if they do it. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  38. Art Fraud

    I just read Havertz had another storming game for Germany in their latest 1-4 home defeat against Japan.

    Booed and subbed as normal.

    He is a cunt of a player and so is the ‘ manager’ who paid £65 million for him.

    Pair of no good cunts perfect for each other.

    Rant over.

  39. Hoopah

    Your A- le full of Southampton shit is in compatible company and basking in son-in- law comparison. It is interesting and encouraging because the son-in- law is of Pakistani parentage. 😜

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