It is what it is, Gary!

It is what it is, Gary!

You knew I will do this at some point.

Gary Neville, former Manchester United defender and now a pundit at Sky, has partnered with them for ‘The Overlap’ where he discusses football and Premier League. In recent days, he has been very vocal about Manchester City winning the league and Arsenal not having that winning mentality to push for the title.

Recently, he decided to be the celebration police and went on record to say – ‘It’s too much emotion, too early for Arsenal, to be that desperate and to celebrate that much with half the race still to go, it’s not a good thing. After the Aston Villa game, I can understand how big of a moment it was, but that level of celebration was quite desperate, quite early. There was a lot of celebrations at the end of the game. The emotions are something that’s a negative, it’s not a positive for me in a title race.’ — Well, there’s only 12 games to go, and we are still on top, with 5 point lead to the Manchester City. There are fans invested in teams for 60, 70 years, from the day they were born. They follow it religiously. These fans then celebrate every little achievements of the players on the pitch, support them through thick and thin, sing for the 90min. What if the players gets emotional after a win? It’s not CHESS for fu*k sake.

On a different day, in the 24th game week, he said: ‘I thought City would win the league and United would finish second two or three months ago. To be fair, I’m not going to change my mind on it. I still think City are going to win the league even though Arsenal, the closer it gets… but 14 games is still a long way to go. I still think United will finish second.’ — Well, I saw United losing 7-0 to a mid-table Liverpool. Even if United win their game in hand, we would have a 11 point lead over them, with only 12 games to go. I don’t see how they are going to finish second.

And at the end, this is what I found on Twitter. I am sorry for the screenshot, I usually embed a tweet but I needed to keep it future reference. Tweets can be deleted, screenshots lives forever.

G. Neville, responding to an Arsenal fan –

There are 5 stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Mr Gary was in denial state till last week, he was angry we have been winning for whole 26 weeks, he can’t bargain and I’m pretty sure, is depressed after the Liverpool game. He is getting into the acceptance mode, come the end, I will share his pic in an Arsenal shirt, with ‘Champions’ written all over it.

Right, I hope he takes it as lightly as he thinks others should take what he says. This is a dark art which he has mastered. Hate spreads faster, and he always knew the Arsenal fans are bigger and better than Manchester ones, so he picks up the club and try to keep himself relevant by talking non-sense about it. He can’t do it for City because if you pick up one pebble for each person supporting City, at Chalkwell beach, and keep it in your pocket, you will have the second pocket only half filled.

So yeah, here it is…

We are STILL ON TOP OF THE TABLE. We celebrated our win against Bournemouth like it was our last game on this planet, and we will do it again for every win this season. We sing for whole 90, even when we are behind. It’s just the beginning and IT IS WHAT IT IS, Gary.

If you are reading this, repeat after me – And it’s Arsenal, Arsenal FC! We’re by far the greatest team. The world has ever seen.


  1. The Real Vieira Lynn

    if so

  2. Kroenkephobe

    Mr Gwinmmmsdaaaaayyyle

  3. Kroenkephobe

    3-0 also allows for earlier, but slightly riskier rotation.

  4. Kroenkephobe

    Ode’s tackling is putting me in mind of peak Stefan Schwartz

  5. Casimero another red card how cool is that?

  6. The Real Vieira Lynn

    That’s what I was thinking KP—of course, I’m assuming Jesus will see some time today, not only to get his legs under him but to likewise give relief to a recently injured Trossard, and I’m hoping we will be far enough ahead that maybe both ESR and Vieira will see the field at some juncture…that 3rd by Ode might have put us in a great position for some proper rotation

  7. Kroenkephobe

    Just before that goal, Arteta did that shitty trick of his of letting the ball fall on the floor instead of giving it to the Fulham player. What a cheap nasty fuck!

  8. Marc

    Lovely take by Trossard but absolutely shocking defending.

    Kroenke – agree rotation is going to be critical going forward.

  9. Kroenkephobe

    I never expected Fulham to be this bad.

  10. Fulham will come out the traps fast to save face. I’d put KT & ESR on and for Zinchenko and Xhaka.

  11. Marc

    I really thought Southampton were going to be on the end of a backlash today – crazy season.

  12. It’s more we’re that good KP. 🙂

  13. Marc


    We had a couple of matches this season where usually decent opposition have just been terrible – Brentford for example.

  14. Kroenkephobe

    Here are today’s subs. What’s you call everyone (and when)?







    Smith Rowe



  15. I’ll take crazy if we can win the title, Marc.

  16. The Real Vieira Lynn

    this Fulham looks like the same lacklustre and defensively porous team I witnessed for much of the game against Brentford…we could quite easily be 5 or 6 ahead…time to prove we know how to wax a team when given the opportunity

  17. Marc


    It reminds me of 2016 more and more we need to take advantage of it because next season will be much tougher.

  18. Kroenkephobe

    Just to be on the safe side – make sure that pumpkin the eunuch cannot get out via the cat flap. He needs to be like the rest of us and see out the full game. 🐱

  19. Marc
    Totally agree just keep pushing City, as they look more fragile than we do and Pep is worried.

    Arteta needs to focus on the league.

  20. Kroenkephobe

    Agreed. It would be optimal to narrow our GD with city.

  21. Kroenkephobe

    Looking forward to watching a 15 second precis of this on match of the day – lol.

  22. Kroenkephobe

    Not just today but Casemiro’s red card could sound the death knell in Manure’s title hopes.

  23. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc–the comparisons are uncanny, especially when you consdier the fact that we beat LC twice in ’16, much like what could easily happen against 2nd place City this season

  24. Ramsdale didn’t need to go for that ball

  25. The Real Vieira Lynn

    KP-there’s no doubt in my mind that their title run official ended at Anfield last weekend, but they’re clearly on the ascension and could be in the running this time next year with some off-season tweeks…ten Hag looks to be the real deal, as I and many others had totally expected

  26. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-Ramsdale appears to be in a bit of a mode where he craves attention a tad too much at times, like a thirsty official, and finds himself in situations which were easily avoidable…I would still rather he error on the side of aggressiveness than be a shrinking violet type like Leno

  27. Kroenkephobe

    I get the impression we’re starting to coast. So make the fucking subs now.

  28. The Real Vieira Lynn

    this is the kind of fixture where we need to prove that we can hurt the opposition on the counter, so that future opponents will think twice before deploying a fully committed high press…we have the presonnel, so it’s high time we worked on dispelling the notion that we’re a one trick pony

  29. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Saka just needs to become a bit more savvy when it comes to recognizing the double-team…maybe he needs to watch the NBA a little, so that he understands how to best distribute the ball to wide open teammates when opposing defenders overcommit to him LOL

  30. Agreed Arteta needs to make changes and get Xhaka off

  31. TRVL Leno is fragile and look’s worried/nervous all the time.

  32. The Real Vieira Lynn

    KP-agree with your call for subs, but you know how anal MA tends to be with the sub gig…I would suggest that they will come in the next 5 + minutes

  33. Kroenkephobe


  34. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tierney’s getting some shop window time and of course Reiss needs to see the field more often after that late-game tally so MA doesn’t appear to be making the same mistakes of the past…I would really like to see both ESR and Jesus get some minutes, especially in a match where one or both could see a chance or two on the counter

  35. Kroenkephobe

    Jagger and his great great great great grandson.

  36. The Real Vieira Lynn

    that’s the kind of play that shows why Nelson will always struggle to be a player of consequence in the bigs…now if he’s content on being a perpiphery piece at a mid-table or below club, he can carve out another 5 or 6 years, if he can stay fit

  37. The Real Vieira Lynn

    very funny KP–we all know those are two of Mick’s older kids

  38. Hoopah.

    Arteta started some man management. Giving free kicks to Saliba who hitherto could only pass to White, but not beyond, so Saliva signs da Tingaling.

  39. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I will give Nelson credit for his more recent shoulder dip and cross to Ode, who should have wired that top corner…man I wish that Vieira had some GD wheels, as he’s got some magic in his feet with some time and space

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