Emirates Stadium

Does Kai makes sense?

Lets talk about the hottest topic of this transfer window. It seems like we are seriously pursuing Kai Havertz from Chelsea and are willing to spend a whooping 60m pounds and ready to put him on a 250k/week wages. This is because we have already agreed to let go Xhaka to Bayer Leverkusen for a decent sum. Granit was leaving last season to Roma but stayed after Mikel insisted and I am sure there would have been a gentlemen agreement between those two, to let him go this window if a decent offer arrives.

So what are we going to get? Kai Havertz has age on his side. He is only 24 year old, remains mostly injury free and is versatile. He played as #8 for Leverkusen and played as a false 9 and as a striker at Chelsea. Arteta loves players who can play at multiple positions. He got White, who is a CB in profile but is playing at RB for Arsenal. Tomiyasu can play at multiple positions – LB and RB, and CB. Zinchenko is a LB but drifts in the midfield and is an additional midfielder when we are having the possession. Trossard was brought as a competition to Martinelli at left wing but we have seen him leading the line up top. Jesus has been playing at CF but then he is equally suited at wings, where he played his most games at Man City.

Take away from this is, Mikel likes players who can cover multiple positions without any drop in quality. Kai Havertz fits that profile. He can play the Xhaka role more efficiently, but can provide a different profile at CF than Jesus. He can also cover for Saka at RB, if needed.

Another important quality Kai brings is his passings. Again, Mikel loves good passers of the ball, we have seen it with Odegaard, White and Ramsdale. They are good on the ball. ESR is an anomaly who likes to run forward with the ball and isn’t suited with this passing-between-the-line concept and that’s why we see less of him. Tierney is another one not suited to that philosophy. You can berate Xhaka for anything else but he always has a good, precise left foot in him. The only reason he has survived so long, even after the famous Emirates debacle and his willingness to leave. He gives what Arteta needs. Kai fits that profile, and some more. Kai might not have an end product in him, but he can time the run perfectly and overcrowd the oppositions’ box when needed. I can only speculate but that’s probably the driving factor for Mikel to offer this huge sum for Kai.

Lastly, he has talent. He was great at Leverkusen but didn’t really click at Chelsea. But then, no one has shown any promise at Chelsea recently. Mudryk was a sensation we were ready to pay 100m for, but has flopped in his first season at CFC. It’s the wrong system for most of the players and may be, just may be, we are going to fix that for Kai.

What’s the catch?

That third point. He has been at Chelsea for 3 season and hasn’t delivered under three different managers. We are taking a gamble because he suits two important factors Mikel looks in his players. On top of that, it’s a costly affair. We are paying a good money for a player who hasn’t clicked in Premier League till now, and putting him on a wage more than what Saka earns. Saka is our best player by the way.

Buying Havertz means we will have to forget about Caicedo and Chelsea will use our money to get him. I would take Caicedo over Havertz any day. They are different type of player and may be Mikel needs a CAM more than a DM and hence we are targeting Rice + Havertz.

Right, that’s all from me. I am all excited for Mikel if that’s what he need to achieve our target to win Premier League this season. If we end up short, it will be criticized. What’s your take?


  1. Just out, Neves joins a Saudi club for 55m Euros. At the age of 26. When he should be playing for the elites in Europe.

    Someone had said it right – money is the biggest motivation.

  2. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish-I would gladly take Rice, Caicedo and Lavia, even if it meant Partey was removed for the equation, but we all know that will never happen…Lavia is the cheaper, far less polished Caicedo option, which is likely required if MA is going to pursue another overpriced luxury option like Havertz

    Bob-sorry if my responses required you to dig up your old reading ruler, but when one is dealing with highly nuanced scenarios not everything can be reduced to the length of a casual text message…as to your previous response, you seem to actually agree with my Partey sentiments, which, like it or not, means that you too have questioned MA’s tactical approach in regards to this particular player…it’s likewise important to note that I made reference to the fact that Partey’s oft-times mixed reviews aren’t always down to the ineffectual nature of our present manager…just saying

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    btw Ambarish I’ve spoken about Partey’s likely exit since the day Jorginho was acquired, as there was no way we agreed to pay his sizeable wage, for an unreasonable term, if he wasn’t given going to be given some significant minutes moving forward…I would go so far as to suggest that one of the main reasons anyone would want to come here presently is the fact that MA has provided players with the kind of assurances they would find difficult to get elsewhere…oft-times when a club is a desired destination such assurances aren’t required and/or expected, but it’s likely imperative with our little project…it also carries considerable weight as MA’s known for his lack of rotation, so if he says your in his future starting 11 plans it would be difficult not to believe and/or be encouraged by the possible prospects of signing on

  4. Bob N16’

    wtf is a reading ruler?

    My issue is that your sentences go on and on. Apologies, I’m a teacher and I’d be getting you to edit your work to make it more cohesive which would involve shortening your sentences. Please ignore if you will.

    I’m glad you mention nuance, that’s what it’s all about surely? Otherwise it’s just narrow mindedness.

    I’m intrigued by that reading ruler though…..

  5. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish-you’re on fire, with multiple posts in less than 48…I guess I take back my earlier comment about you not reading my posts, as this article would clearly attest…no one is arguing the fact that Havertz showed exceptional promise with his former club, Bayer, as he was an absolute joy to watch in the 8 hole…I would argue your point that he can play mulitple positions with no discernable drop-off, as his performances while being deployed in other positons have been far from stellar…he likewise has shown some very disconcerting laziness tendencies, which should be a serious red flag at our particular club

    in the previous weeks there’s been some talk about Rice being deployed as Xhaka’s direct replacement, which I questioned…with this in mind, Havertz makes far more sense in this capacity so long as he has a serious attitude adjustment and raises his game, from a finishing perpsective…he clearly won’t be afforded the same time/space luxuries as our Swiss miss, as opposing teams rarely, if ever, marked him…he will provide Jesus with more space and will give us some much-needed height in the box, but it likely means that Tross will be reduced to a bench option and I’m not sure what this might mean for ESR’s future prospects…of course, those concerns aren’t the end of the world, as Havertz, at his best, is a better now option than both…in the end, I have mixed feelings about us potentially chasing very expensive ghosts before we properly redress our most pressing needs, which has been an all too familiar refrain with this duo in charge

  6. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Bob-maybe the difference is I’m a former Professor, so I have little concern for the more pedestrian grammatical practices of elementary/secondary life, which isn’t meant to be disparaging…as for the reading ruler, I was speaking of techniques which were used some years ago where the reader would use a ruler so as to maximize one’s focus, as too many words in one place could be off-putting for some…obviously I was being facetious, as I felt you were purposely trying to break my balls at seemingly every turn…don’t get me wrong though, I’m all for that kind of back-and-forth banter

  7. Marc

    Really not excited by the idea of Havertz – buying from other PL clubs is always expensive and its not easy to get value for money.

    Beyond that from the limited amount I’ve seen of him it all feels a bit meh. A lot of money for not much bang.

  8. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambaris-I read that Neves news earlier today and view it as quite an interesting development, as he doesn’t fit the usual Saudi League age profile…this reminds me a bit of a few years back when the Chinese League was attempting to make a name for themselves, to little or no avail…that said, the monies on offer in the middle east are substantially more so this could be somewhat problematic if younger and younger players of consequence take the proverbial bait…on the more positive side of things, maybe it will provide us with an opportunity to make some hay from our “deadweight” periphery players, as I’ve read that Pepe might even have some potential suitors in desert…talk about a potential silver lining

  9. Bob N16

    ‘Pedestrian grammatical practices’ you clearly didn’t teach English – what did you teach, I’m guessing Maths?

    As a former professor, I’m really surprised that you don’t see the value of punctuation and writing in a coherent way. Reading 400 word ‘sentences’ detracts from your ideas. How would you have reacted to a student of yours if they copied your writing style- I am genuinely fascinated to hear your response.

  10. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Sorry, I meant Ambarish

  11. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Bob-there’s a massive difference between what might be deemed acceptable in a formal versus an informal setting…I taught at all levels, as I pursued my Masters in Education when I was an associate Professor with only part-time hours, so I have a fairly good grasp of such matters…in this incredibly informal environment I’ve chosen to write in much the same manner as one might speak in a casual conversation and as such your “rules” about sentence structure and the like have little to no bearing…ultimately I don’t really care whether you’re partial to my particular brand of writing, as anyone on the outside looking in knows full-well that you’re simply grasping at straws in the hopes of rattling my chains by any means possible…big swing and an even bigger miss…Cheers

  12. Bob N16

    That’s bull and you know it! If you don’t help the reader with punctuation then it’s just a stream of consciousness. Getting your message across in the most intelligible way means that the reader can then focus on the content. I can’t be alone in finding your posts hard work to plough through. Why do think writers use punctuation?

  13. The Real Vieira Lynn

    there’s many forms of punctuation, which I use whenever it’s applicable within the body of any given post…your fascination with minute details speaks volumes about your inability to think outside the box…I will continue in the same fashion as always completely unhindered by your petty criticisms…in the future think of this as an informal debating site where such formalities have little to no place

  14. Killroy-TM

    “Killroy- you like the Abramovic approach. Personally I think Chelsea is a horrible club”

    YEP, love the Abramovic approach as he was striving for making Chelsea elite and the best there is trying to be like Real which is satisfying for the supporters. Chelsea being a horrible club, of the field perhaps on the pitch, just this last season under different owners.

    KSE and the AFC front office are content with mediocrity as evidenced by putting up with a rookie manager who morphed into a Manager In Name Only. Under the present AFC setup I hold out no hope Arsenal experiencing what KSE did in the US with their 3 major sports franchises.

    Since we can’t really change the owners, we need to change the ones given direction to the club in playing style and squad creation. KSE will provide the funds and the imbeciles will piss the millions up the wall. The chances that they missed in buying quality players is mind boggling. But it suits the majority of Arsenal supporters as they are comforted by the end of season repeating words “If be buy in this TW,,,,then….” Eternal hopeless minds.

    Mark Ogden made an interesting point about Man United, they have the difficulties they have because there is no one at the club that can get the difficult deals done like SAR and D. Gill did for getting RVP and Ferdinand. Who is there at Arsenal that would have been able to get these difficult deals done? NO ONE! that is why in this TW the players we need will slip through their hands because they are difficult deals.

    As far as your complaint to TRVL about writing style, did you notice no one else here complained. This is a blog that has educated people posting, reasoning and exchanging ideas. You have gotten too used to the LG blog with too many plebs as typified by that blog’s village idiot Nigel. Does that sound arrogant and over the top? Perhaps, but then this is LiR where anyone can contribute and it will become self evident where they will feel most comfortable.

  15. Bob N16

    Marc, KSE’s teams have just won NBA and Stanley Cup, Tams won the supebowl 18months ago. They’ve been heavily investing in Arsenal. Garlick who headed PL negotiations is now involved with ours, as id Lewis who is a highly experienced, respected legal operator.

    Sorry TVRL, I’ll get off your case. You won’t change and I’ll scroll past. All the best.

    You think you know better, fair enough.

  16. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Bob-super passive aggressive nonsense…it had nothing to do with who knew best, as it was far more of a to each his own scenario…the fact that you would suggest that I’m the one who “knew better”, yet you were the one who wanted me to adhere to whatever grammatical rules you deemed fit, is incredibly rich

    as for the football side of things, I do hope that Kroenke’s recent sporting empire triumphs will embolden him to do whatever is necessary so that we can prevail in a similar fashion…that said, nothing is guaranteed and since this isn’t his typical MO we better hurry the fuck up before he returns to his old, much more frugal self (like a reverse Scrooge)

  17. Marc


    OK – so what does any of that have to do with the comment I made?

  18. The Real Vieira Lynn

    In the “news” today there are several reports of interest

    (1) Tierney could be staying-I want to say I’m surprised, but I would suspect this has more to do with how his lack of playing time has significantly impacted what others are willing to pay for his services…with talks ongoing with Rice, Havertz and Lavia, we certainly won’t have the necessary funds to properly replace Tierney too…now if someone were to offer something closer to our inflated valuation things could change on a dime…I like what he has on offer, especially when we don’t need to rely on him week-in and week-out, but he definitely needs to see the pitch more often than this past season to justify his roster inclusion

    (2) rumours about Chiesa won’t seem to go away…this is a player with world class skills who I’ve always rated highly, unfortunately he’s been prone to injuries lately and he’s quite a tempermantal individual…as such, he certainly isn’t the kind of locker room guy one might crave if he was brought in to be Marts backup, as he might ruffle feathers and we all know how MA usually deals with such matters…that said, when healthy he’s the kind of clinical finisher we’ve been sorely missing for some time

    (3) it will be interesting to see what it’s going to cost to get the players I first mentioned over the line, as their club-perceived values don’t match the general consensus…Rice is no 120M player, as his current value is closer to 80M, but we know that’s not going to get things done…Havertz’s book value is about 60M, with Chelsea looking for closer to 70…I would say that in light of his poor play and the fact that Chelsea want him off the books, we should pay no more than 50, but I’d be shocked if that happened…as for Lavia, his market value is about 20M, but his current club has him pegged at about 50…I’m sure they would accept considerably less due to their relegation and the fact that City’s buy-back clause next summer will get them substantially less…the only mitigating factor might be the fact that several bigger clubs appear interested, which will likely push that number upwards

    (4) it looks like Vieira has a medical condition which will leave him unavailable for the U21 Euros…not sure what the “condition” is but if there was someone who needed some playing time it’s him…hopefully he won’t be sidelined too long so we can find him a reasonable loan option, as I can’t see him getting significant minutes if our current transfer plans materialize…holy shit this guy might be jinxed

  19. Killroy-TM

    The transfer valuations are at the moment bat shit crazy. Not unheard of to plunk down 50-70mil for a squad player or backup.

    Getting this deal for Havertz over the line I don’t understand. Why does it feel that Chelsea has us over the barrel or is this initial posturing? Chelsea has to get players off the books before June 30th in order to ease the FFP pressure. Since no one else is in for Havertz why are we talking about that player, unless this is a diversion for getting a different player.

    Our number 1 pursuit should be for sorting the midfield and use July and August to tweak the squad. Real Madrid again shows how things are to be done in the TW. Their midfield is awesome and they are set for years to come with MBappe joining them and they can be cherry picking their players. And then there is us having to feed of the scraps and rejects. Oh how the mighty invincibles have fallen.

  20. Ambarish K


    I really appreciate your insights and the discussions we have at LiR. Let us not target individuals but the philosophy.

  21. Ambarish K


    Yeah, it’s getting absurd. And the Saudi league is making it worse. Kante, Ziyech, Neves, most likely Auba, and it’s just started.

  22. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish-I get your reminder about site-based decorum, but a little healthy banter never hurt anyone…besides we don’t usually get bogged down in the verbal muck for any extended periods…duly noted though…Cheers

  23. Killroy-TM

    No one saw this coming, everyone thought that Chelsea fucked up with their purchases of players to the tune of 600mil now the Saudi League bailed them out by buying their dross for what they paid for them. Chelsea is no longer in trouble with FFP because of this and the 8 year contracts all of a sudden look like being a stoke of genius.

    This is so crazy and no one can intervene in this as the governments of those countries can threaten the countries that are home to the elite players with economic hardships or more likely with bribes to officials. For me this may just accelerate the switch from Club Football to Rugby and the only thing left football wise is the Euros and the World Cup. What a cluster fuck this has become.

  24. Ambarish K

    Thank you, TRVL. I understand it’s only banter and much needed in an otherwise dull world.

    Keeping it healthier make sure we will never turn into AFTV, that’s all my moto :))

  25. Good posts Ambarish.

    I have to say I’ve liked Chiesa since I watched him last season. KH not so much and why would Pochettino want to sell if KH was that good, so hard pass for KH.

    I never wanted KT to leave as he is a fighter old school defender. He also happens to be the fastest PL defender so when we play such a high line, KT is essential for his pace and solid defending. KT is not too shabby up top either for crosses and shots from outside the box. KT reminds me of Stuart Pearce at times.

    When I see the name Havertz keep rearing its head I completely switch off from A& E and our TW. Arteta says “We have to get this window right”. Then decides KH is our 25-goal a season CF, right?

    Wrong on so many levels.

    Yes, KH has technical ability and can move reasonably well, but he’s a powderpuff cupcake and not for the PL. Ask yourselves this, ” is KH better than Giroud was?” I say no because Giroud was a fighter and had surprisingly quick feet – he just lacked pace – any kind of pace really, but still scored goals more than having occasional 15-game barren patches after being Wengerised.

    So, why is A & E looking at another Chav’s reject?

    KP, hope the holiday is going well with the family.

    That’s it as not much going on football wise.

  26. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Ambarish-I think it’s a very safe bet that with the characters involved here this could never be AFTV 2.0…their rise to prominence was either incredibly flukey or remarkably insightful, the former being the most likely considering Robbie’s chosen cast…it was an insanely divisive time in and around the club, so much so that many fans were willing to lower their standards once it appeared as if AFTV’s collective message was being felt within the organization…considering the state of the franchise, with our largely absent owner and increasingly dismissive manager, many gravitated towards this rather dumb-downed beacon of hope…even I felt some kinship towards the melancholy diatribes of the late Claude when things appeared to be at their darkest…of course, that was extremely short-lived…I would suggest that one of it’s most appealing aspects was the fact that you could just imagine how much Wenger would have despised the notion of this band of misfit losers critiquing his every move…Cheers

  27. Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant https://g.co/kgs/vFRouf

    Excellent movie as I wasn’t sure Richie’s unique directorial style would fit a war movie.

    Also watched the new Avatar movie last night.

    No real story but incredible cinematic work by James Cameron once again.

  28. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    As the legendary Dafydd Iwan song goes..

    Yma o hyd (we’re still here). https://youtu.be/43Fag8ZQcz4

    In Wales that is. Malaga next week.

    Lads. It bothers me not a jot, but we do need to all respect each other on here. It marks us out as being morally superior to the window lickers on Le Grove. I would characterise it in religious terms thus.

    Most of us are fundamentalists when it comes to worshipping at the altar of anti-Arteta-ism while one if us is eloquently agnostic and capable of defending the point. We all wanted our voices heard in another church at one point but were excommunicated by the catweasle headed zealot and his fake disciples from the mystical kingdom of Arslikhan.

    Fear not my brethren, the agnostic will be fully converted if we continue to demonstrate our faith and sharpen our medieval torture instruments. (Bob – beware the LiR inquisition!)

    But seriously, it’s summer and a welcome break from that bunch of overpaid fuckers that we all care too much about. Let’s make it a summer of love, at least until the little prick starts making stupid selections in August.

    Anyone want to have an alternative guess at the phone conversation between Tets and PSG?

  29. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    I’ve give that Guy Ritchie film a go. Aside from ‘Lock Stock’ it can’t be worse than the other shit he’s made.

  30. KP
    I’m not a Richie fan barring lock stock. The covenant is a true story of over and above what anyone could expect from a translator. Superb acting and direction, you come to expect from Jake G, but Dar Salim, the interpreter, outshined Gyllenhaal and you’d never know it was a Richie movie if you didn’t know in the first place.

    It looks like when Richie takes a movie seriously he does a good job. He’s too avant garde with his comedy.

    You’ve got to be really into film production to enjoy Avatar or be under 16.

    I’m running in several directions at the same time mentally. When I start a project I work with layers and just keep adding until everything stacks up.

    I 2nd KP’s thinking of having an easy going couple of months here at LIR, as the next season is likely to be difficult to get our tactical heads around our new MF set up, particularly if Rice or Havertz is playing 8.

    10 weeks into the season we should know what we’re shaping up for the rest of the season.

    There is a uniqueness to all our characters here, and that’s intelligence. I imagine we are likely to be wound up enough with the way the window is looking although there is still a long way to go to Sept 1.

    Let’s give A&E time and see what they can do first.

  31. Killroy-TM

    Thoroughly enjoyed your comment on the “fundamentalists” and the “agnostics who will be fully converted” because “the little prick” who is bound to “making stupid selections in August” coupled with his no rotation mantra.

    It is pieces like that which makes my Mondays just that little bit better and endurable. Thanks for your entertaining words that I always treasured while you were on LG, but they are much more deserving on LiR as they are not surrounded by noise from fanboys and fools.

  32. The Real Vieira Lynn

    “I am not sure signing Rice automatically makes the Gunners title contenders again. He’d certainly improve them, but he won’t turn them into guaranteed challengers; Arteta will need more, and unless he signs others, Rice alone will make Arsenal what they should have been in the season just gone – top-four contenders.”

    now Stan Collymore hasn’t always hid his distrust in our club’s ability to return to their former glory, but it’s difficult to argue with his sentiments, no matter if you believe he has an inherent bias due to his time at Pool…he predicted our top 4 collapse two seasons ago and then again when it came to our title challenge this past season, so thus far he’s been bang on…it’s not like he’s made a series of matter-of-fact blanketed statements without discussing the more nuanced aspects of our deficiencies, so it will be interesting to see his thoughts once the window has closed…keep in mind, he too almost ate his words following Nelson’s spectacular strike against Bournemouth when he stated “I’m running out of reasons to say Arsenal won’t win the league. They’re nearly there….the asterisk would be how poor some of the others have been this season…but it has been an incredible effort from them to get this far and still be top of the table.” So it’s not like he’s devoid of saying nice things about our club, if he’s given a good reason to do so…hopefully we will get things right this window and more flattery from this particular pundit will be heading in our general direction

  33. The Real Vieira Lynn

    KP & Tony-big Lock/Stock fan, but don’t sell Snatch short…you’re both right though, as his career has been a resounding disappointment in light of his first foray

  34. Kroenkephobe

    Cheers mate. I also enjoy reading your takes, pre and post the arbitary red card waved your way by paranoid Pedro. I hope all is well in MD – I know from personal experience how sticky and humid it can get on that part of the world.

  35. Killroy-TM

    My interest in club football has taken a real dive because of how money has ruined it with the oil money doping. This is for me the year of the Rugby WC in France. Actually MD is an excellent state that had a governor who is interested in the well being of its citizens.

    During the pandemic and while the Trump administration was in Power, Governor Hogan used his wife’s South Korean contacts to get PPE equipment into Maryland by using state owned aircraft, flying to an undisclosed location, having the MD National Guard escort the equipment to an undisclosed location because he knew the Trump administration would confiscate it. So MD is a decent place to kick up your feet. Sort of the total opposite of Florida, Texas and the other southern red states. When you get older you are more concerned about social services and MD is just that.

  36. The Real Vieira Lynn

    it’s so difficult to get a good read on our window unless we have substantially more money at our disposal than was first thought…we appear to have Rice, Havertz, Lavia, Cancelo, Chiesa or Diaby and maybe Timber, yet there’s already talk that many of our higher priced periphery assets, like Tierney, ESR and possibly even Balo staying on the roster…this would leave us with a handful of sellable assets for the purposes of raising funds, Partey, Xhaka, Nuno, Holding, Lokonga and potentially Jorginho, if several midfielders are incoming…you would be exceptionally fortunate if you could raise 90-100M from these players, whereas our projected wishlist is realistically valued at about 320M…now if the original 200M summer budget wasn’t including money raised by outgoing assets, then I guess it’s not too far off…I will say this, if we started next season with a starting 11 of Ramsdale, Cancelo, Saliba, Gabs, Zinchenko, Rice, Ode, Havertz, Marts, Saka and Jesus, with a bench that included Tierney, Timber, White, Tomi, Kiwor, Lavia, ESR, Balo, Tross, Nelson, Vieira, Jorginho and Chiesa or Diaby, I would be over the fucking moon…I just don’t see it happening though, in fact, I would be surprised if even 2 or 3 of the discussed 7 got over the line…not only do I remain highly skeptical of our business acumen when it comes to transfers, since the time of our move I can’t remember an off-season when the players being rumoured to arrive were actually signed in that given year, minus maybe the depressing summer we only bought Cech

  37. Killroy-TM

    Interesting article from the Athletic. Personally I don’t like La Liga don’t watch it except maybe a few games in a season but, say what you will Tebas in an interview about tough rules for foreign investment in clubs had this to say:

    “We are open to investment, but not like in England, where owners come in to cover the club’s losses and increase the players’ salaries. So instead of having six Ferraris, the players have nine. That is not good for financial sustainability, it does not happen in any other industry in the world. What is happening in the Premier League, and with the state-owned clubs, will end up destabilising everyone in the industry.”

    Tebas is as corrupt as any other official in a league but he sees a danger with foreign investment and I am sure his motive for speaking out is not as pure as it may appear. Still, English FA grow some balls, corrupt politician grow some loyalty to those who made the EPL what it is today, the club’s supporters. But as usual probably fuck all will happen.

  38. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Killroy-you would think after all the financial shenanigans at Barca over the last half decade or so no one attached to La Liga would have the unmitigated gall to throw shade at anyone…that said, I do agree with the message, I just so wish it came from a messanger with clean hands…such is life though, as far too often we have to endure the contrived righteousness of those who would gladly mimic the behaviour they so eagerly chastise if given the chance

    not exactly sure how the PL turns back time, now that pandora’s box has been blown wide open, as the financial realities have undoubtedly reshaped the ownership landscape…the somewhat artifical and speculative-based rise in the value of sports teams has severely limited the potential ownership pool…as I’ve remarked on several occasions, there should be no individual or corporate entity who should own more than 49% of any club and the remaining 51% should be owned by those within the fanbase, but it’s clear, at least in the top divisions, that ship has sailed

  39. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I know we don’t like paying top dollar for top talent, even though we have a penchant for doing so when it comes to our coin toss purchases, but we better not get too bogged down with our usual nickel & dime tactics or we just might get gazumped again

    right now City is expecting to lose several players who’ve played significant minutes for them this season, so once the FFP smoke clears, which it likely will, they will make life incredibly difficult for anyone with similar transfer interests

    to make matters worse, United will undoubtedly see a change at the top, which could see their transfer kitty grow expotentially…in some ways, a financially solvent United is even more problematic for us than City, in that they are still the most historically significant franchise in the modern history of the PL, which could give them a decided cachet edge for any player who believes in ten Hag’s reinvention model

    on top of all that, you have a Chelsea owner who’s clearly not afraid to spend…if they’re able to use the Saudi League as a dumping grounds for many of their unwanted contracts, they could be a very active and problematic participant in the current window

    in light of all this, more than ever I believe it’s imperative that we figure our shit out asap or things could get messy…of course, being the “first” choice of the players you’ve targeted is nothing to sneeze at, if there’s any merit to such claims, but things could change drastically if Pep shows up with a fat fucking wallet and the best opportunity for silverware to boot…as we know all too well money talks and our bullshit payment schedules oft-times walk

  40. Ambarish K

    “”🚨 EXCLUSIVE: Arsenal working on deal to sign Ajax defender Jurrien Timber. #AFC have made an opening offer worth ~£30m. #Ajax want ~£50m but optimism a compromise will be reached. Personal terms with Netherlands int’l thought to be in place @TheAthleticFC””

    Orny reporting we are in for Timber. Basically a CB but can play at RB.


    30m is more than what we paid for a world class talent in Saliba. Seems like we are not thinking about money this time. How many of these goes above the line is something we will have to wait and watch, but the intent is ther for sure.

    This will fix the defence, for foreseeable future.

    Come on Edu, get the Rice done too.

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