Arsenal v Brighton – A tough day at work

Arsenal v Brighton – A tough day at work

Brighton is a tough team to play against. They play high intensity, positive game and have Europe in mind. Having played 3 less games than Tottenham, who sits at the 6th position, Brighton could overtake them with a win. They are in a happy place but they know things can turn bad towards the end of the season, and won’t really be wishing to leave it to that. They will fight, and they will make things tough for us.

Today’s game comes with a relief for Arteta, both Solly March and Webster are ruled out of game and we are back in fine form. Saliba and Zinchenko are ruled out for the season, but Kiwior didn’t disappoint and Tierney is as good a player at LB. He might come up short in his midfield abilities, but I’m of the belief that a defender’s first priority is to defend well. Anything else is extra.

Having said that, I would really like him to excel in the three games left. Rumours about him leaving (or sold) is not a good news for me, I don’t know if we need to splash another 60m for a LB when we already have a lad covering it and doing well whenever given a chance. It would be like creating a problem and then fixing it.

For the rest of this season, we don’t have anything to win or lose now. I’m a generally optimistic person but everyone and their dog knows City are not going to drop points, and are not going to give away their 1 point lead with a game in hand. We feel the Liverpool’s frustration, in a short amount of time they have overtaken the title race. No doubt we have thrown it away ourselves by sharing points against the likes of West Ham and Liverpool after going 2-0 up, and against Southampton at home, but Pep is showing to us how hard it can be for any other team. Not only does he prepares his team tactically, he engrains in them a tough, winning mentality which allows them to perform at the top when needed the most.

It was nice till it lasted. It leaves us to the last three games, and I’m looking forward to finishing our season with 3 wins, and 90 points. It will keep the confidence high, make the incomings in the summer easier and gives us the confidence to pick ourselves up and retry again next season.

Back to the game, I’m expecting a a back 4 of White, Kiwior, Gabriel and Tierney. Jorginho would probably keep his place after a good game against Newcastle. Xhaka starts because he always do. We would see Saka, Odegaard and Martinelli behind Jesus, but I would personally like to see Eddie given a chance today. We are at home, we are playing Brighton and Eddie can do a job.

Trossard would like a game too, but unless we play in 2 competitions, I doubt we will see much of him. Mikel has his favorites and there is nothing wrong in that if it works. The only problem is, it don’t keep people happy. We need a strong bench, but good players don’t like to settle on the bench. A conundrum Mikel has to overcome, and we still have ESR and Eddie waiting, Balogun, Lokonga and Tavares returning, Saliba and Tomiyasu injured.

I would love to see a clean sheet. It felt sh*t to David De Gea winning the golden glove. I wouldn’t have mind if it was Ederson or Allison but lol.

Right, a short one today. Lets beat them seagulls and continue the quest of being the best out there. If you are saddened with missing out the trophy after being top of the table virtually the whole season, here’s some positive – we will be playing in Champions League next season, we will be fighting again for the trophy, Spu*s might not even make to Europa and London is red through and through.



  1. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-I want badly to agree, but there’s no doubting that De Zerbi is looking to make us pay on the counter, with his Striker for midfielder subbing, so we better be savvy, as MA has left Partey in no man’s land again with no defensive wing man

  2. TRVL
    Arteta’s read making subs 101

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    that kind of touch is why Trossard has only scored once since arrving here…let’s remember he scored 7 at BHA

  4. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-I guarantee he has a locked drawer in his desk which houses his leather-bound copy of Managing for Dummies

  5. TRVL
    Xhaka and Jorginho should have gone off with Partey and ESR coming on for a more mobile midfield. Arteta just can’t read games.

  6. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Saka has somehow done more tracking back than attacking in the 2nd half…WTF

  7. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I think MA is trying to appease a soon out of contract Nelson, so he will accept a ludicrous Eddie-like new deal…I have nothing against Reiss, as I felt he performed well at Feyenoord, but with no squad rotation this season it would be difficult to justify another substantial raise

  8. Last throw of the dice rather than a plan B being changed to.

  9. Kroenkephobe

    No anger, no response, no idea. Evocative of the worst performances under Wenger. Shite!

  10. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Caicedo is outperforming our starters in multiple positions…that’s another reason why we should have been far more savvy in our BHA approach, but those sorts of skills don’t seem to exist at the Emirates

  11. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I wonder if a neutral observer could tell who were supposedly chasing a title and who were hoping to eke there way into a Europa or Conference League invite

  12. Kroenkephobe

    Ben fucking White!

  13. The Real Vieira Lynn

    if only Eddie knew how to draw attentions away from Nelson, instead of squeezing him for space

  14. Junior says sorry 😞 but De Zerbi was going to be too much for us and Arteta.

  15. Kroenkephobe

    Absolutely bossed. By Brighton! Another Arteta masterclass.

  16. The Real Vieira Lynn

    a bit of bad luck for Tross, but that’s the kind of cavalier play we expect from Xhaka in our final third…it was really only a matter of time, as we were outworked, outmanaged and eventually outscored…good night Irene?!? I would imagine so, even with 8 minutes left to play

  17. Kroenkephobe

    So…in the last 7 days.
    Everton beat Brighton 5-1
    City beat Everton 3-0
    City beat us 3-0
    Brighton are beating us 3-0.

    Let all that sink in. What a dreadful afternoon for Arteta.

  18. Hoopah.

    Brighton and Reis Nelson are a fit, since anyway he is moving on a free. Brighton also would afford him.

  19. Kroenkephobe

    What’s happened to TP? He looks like a hybrid of the worst aspects of Ian Selley, David Hillier and Stephen Morrow.

    And a third! What a mugging.

  20. Marc
    Feel for you mate to have to witness that live.

  21. The Real Vieira Lynn

    the fact that we allowed a team far below our present standings to boss the match on our home pitch speaks volumes about our midfield options…the only team who had similar possession numbers against us, for any substantial period of time, was City, so even MA thinks DeZerbi is his superior…just when I writing this the individual who should already be on a red card, if we had a manager with even a modicum of tactical nous, scores their 3rd goal, thus making this an absolute laugher

  22. Hoopah.

    Arsenal supporters deserting a list cause em masse

  23. The Real Vieira Lynn

    present position in the standings

  24. Kroenkephobe

    Any vegan sausage rolls or falafel left at your event in Clissold Park?

  25. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I’m wrting this…

  26. Kroenkephobe

    Lads… I can feel it. We’re gonna re-sign Willian and win the CL next season. Over and out!

  27. The Real Vieira Lynn

    in like a man in a Lion’s costume and out like bleating lamb…to no one’s real surprise we were bested by a better manager…God Bless you Aitcho

  28. I know I sound like an old record player talking up De Zerbi, but TRVL is right De Zerbi handed Arteta his tactical arse on a platter. I thought Pumpkin’s farts were a new low, but losing 3:0 to Brighton at the end of a season is just unacceptable where the fans showed that by leaving.

    When is Josh going to wake up and smell the coffee with A&E? Mugged off for another season with excuses and next season all be better.

    Serious questions need to be asked of A&E. The sooner the better.

  29. Almuniasaynomore

    That’s a horrible way to go out,meek surrender. Still don’t hate city as much as utd but I wouldn’t be too upset if Real Madrid were to produce another smash n grab on Wednesday.
    I’m not in the camp that thinks next year will see us improve further unfortunately. When the stars align and you still don’t succeed the Fates have a way of making you regret it. Time will tell but I just can’t find a reason for optimism. Give me a few weeks and I’ll have deluded myself again…….

  30. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-as per usual, it’s my belief that until we recruit the kind of seminal players who have the cutting edge to overcome MA’s tactical stuntedness we will continue to wallow in this sort of late season mediocrity

    Almunoasaynomore-like yourself, I remain firmly in the camp of disbelievers and I likewise don’t see greener pastures on our horizons until those in charge are willing to make the requisite upgrades in a couple key positions…the commentator today spoke of the fact that we would have gladly taken a top 4 spot at the start of the season, but that when we got a “taste” of greater things expectations changed somewhat…I would say this is a cop-out of Wengerian proportions, as it ignores just how long we occupied the top spot and just how wide the margin of error was in the second half of the season…it wasn’t like we find ourselves in the catbird seat by accident or due to an unusual conflunce of circumstances, in fact, we owned the top spot for the better part of the season and as such this sort of settling banter is insanely disingenuous

  31. The Real Vieira Lynn

    found ourselves

  32. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I think some spectators fail to understand that in a League without a playoff format the run-up to the title becomes, for all intent and purposes, the functional equivalent…so in our “playoffs” we’ve been a middling at best team, as we’ve secured 12 of a possible 24 points at the very time when it mattered most…our inability to perform when the stakes were highest was similarly seen when we left every Cup competition, so it shouldn’t have been surprising when our propensity to shrink in the moment was once again on full display when things ramped up at the start of April…personally, I think this is one of those scenarios when a particular manager can only take a team so far, due to their obvious limitations, then you simply move on before the inevitable drop-off occurs…it doesn’t mean that MA won’t go on to do great things elsewhere at some future date, although I’m not convinced of that notion, but for us to succeed we need to have a very honest managerial rethink before we let this individual make anymore recruitment/asset management decisions that could severely hinder our future aspirations

  33. Marc

    Just home from the match – today one team had nothing to play for the other played like it.

  34. Morning all
    Where does one start? Looking for a new manager would be the most prudent thing to do. Nearly 4 years in and still no identity – no style or tactical nous, that was our game yesterday: a chaotic staggered press giving the ball to Brighton 59% and allowing them to have 6 shots on target with our paltry 2 at home; fortress Emirates with the drawbridge down.

    Yesterday was a game to forget if we could actually unsee it. We witnessed Areteta’s boring football because Arteta can’t select a team to win a game – just plays the same broken and tired starting 11.

    As always I’m not going to berate players or talk ref conspiracies – that’s LG’s remain.

    Let’s hope the fans streaming out of the Emirates make their voices count regarding Arteta and Edu in the future.

  35. Morning Bob
    You’ve posed a question that has many facets to the answer and recommending books without having read them is a bit hit and miss. Instead, I’ve sent you a google page for your son to do so research as to which writer teaches best with your lad.

    There are varying types of sound engineers, those that are electronic engineers first and sound 2nd. My best electronic engineer was a PhD rocket scientist who got into rock and roll in the 70s. These guys are unreal and generally enjoy occupying the spectrum. These are usually pedants only happy talking electronics.

    Clearly, I’m not that guy. My engineering is of the live version where you have to think on your feet and use the techie for broken things that need fixing on the fly. That was my world for 9 years working round the world. I’ve used parachutes to cut off domes and all sorts to get the sound right on the night, your son is favoring a far less chaotic type of sound engineering. Only the musos get chaotic at times with frustrations.

    Most good engineers today are a mix of electronics and sound skills with very good ears. These guys like me are mostly affable to help new entrants into their sound world. It is with this in mind that I would suggest you take your lad round to the Church: in Crouch End, and not far from you.

    You could do this 2 ways pop in and ask for advice or hire the studio for a day or 2 with engineer to take your son through everything used on the desk from auto tune, SMS and vox reverb. He’ll learn how to use compression to lift the backing tracks and vox leads and the rainbow of sound where the engineer paints sounds as colors. If it were junior, I’d pay for him to record there to get a mix or practical and theory. Studio interns often play instruments and fill in to help. The Stereophonics’ drummer was just that, a studio intern.

    Tonality? We all have our own ways, as our ears are different as our brains are at interpreting frequencies. My ears are naturally set to live sound and now immersion sound. Sound Rooms are becoming more popular and the need for larger sound mixed stages are the future, as stereo is for the purists, which I never use these days. You often see 5:1 and 7:2 as mix downs, but for real immersive sound new larger frequency, separation mix downs for better clarity are needed with expanding codecs.

    The tech you mentioned is part of a huge array of tools studios use. Many I’m going to have to learn about when building the studios, but I’ll have the world’s top calibrator testing tech with me and teaching me as well. France will also be a R&D center for audio.

    I’m more interested in the production side of music these days. What I want to set up with our move to France is something completely new. We will only choose projects we want to work with because the studios don’t have to make money. It’s all secret squirrel, as to the business plan where I’m the only one who has the full dream laid out in my head.

    There will also be a Record label to market our music.

    Obviously, staffing is yet to be worked out, but we will take an intern and look for the right person – lad or girl budding engineer with oodles of talent and ideas.

    This is where I’m going in it’s most basic.

    I’ve always liked practical more than theory, as it suits my ADHD better. A day or 2 in the Church will be the best experience your son could have if the engineer is cool; they normally are.

    Without know the style of you lad’s songs it’s impossible to advise with tools to use in the general mixing. the final mixing is usually done at a 2nd studio often with different engineers and producers. I think Bridge over Troubled Water had the most final mixing hours or uses to at 146 hours.

    8 songs using 8000 words is nothing, which you consider a dissertation should be 200+ pages.

    My room uses Trinnov Altitude the top processor in the world and although it has hugely expensive sound codecs, I’ve manually calibrated to be pure sound using specialist mics and computer room readings. My calibrating friend still lives in Essex, but is mostly off around the world were his last 2 jobs was to calibrate Apple’s studios with Wisdom and the king of Jordan’s palaces all have wisdom rooms. It’s the sound for the very rich who want the best. Wisdom, Trinnov and Barco is the holy grail for the worlds top Elite Audio & Visual rooms that start at £200k from the ground up.

    Engineers and producers use all kinds of trick in studios that tech can’t replicate, such as speak, sing and whisper to mix vocal tracks to add fullness to the lower registers and less sharpness in the alto ranges. Simple Minds in Holland’s Hilversum’s studios used a constant feedback buzz to record on its own to use to add to the lead git’s dirty sound from a separate channel.

    Various books will be full of ideas past and present of the tricks of the trade. It will be books and talking to the Church engineer that will round your son’s experience to write and get cool ideas for the songs’ tracks from the backing tracks (bass & drums) onwards.

    Seriously, Bob what a miss that was not letting me know your son was in the north of Thailand, as it where our home is. In certain circumstances I’ll be happy to organize a Gooner get together when my project is up and running, There will be 5* Gites as part for the complex. We can go in the studio and sing Gooner songs and banter round a huge fire pit rigged for sound as the whole complex will be.

    What I’m proposing with my friends is something completely different and new. It’s in it’s discussion stages because the overall spend will be in excess of Euros 3m. Whether this is going to be a futuristic build or a refurbished Chateau is yet to be decided. I’m currently looking at desks for the studio control rooms and will mix old with new, such as the Alan Heath Advantis.

    I hope this helps, Bob.

    Rather than clog the blog with this topic, I’ll be happy for you to contact through Ambarish with an email for now. I’d also be happy to analyze your son’s music if sent by files. My room takes no prisoners when it comes to productions and musicianship.

    You’ll find the real me at LIR because it’s a fun place to be with equally intelligent minded people. The more I keep away from LG the less triggered i become and it’s really getting boring there now. we might not have as much traffic here but it solid traffic with heart felt Gooner life.

    Happy to help, Bob, even to critique your son’s work if he’s so inclined. I’ll put my professor’s hat on as I’ve guest lectured at Unis here. Bet that makes you smile. 25 years in international management is what I offered, similar to Harvard in bringing in actual real time experience.

    Hope to see you round these parts more often and I wish your son luck with his future career in music. When France is up and running I’ll check in with your son’s progress and extend an invite to the studios if he’s still forging a career in music.

    By the time I was 24 I had been awarded 2 gold and one silver discs for my work with a very famous international band I took form zero record sales to 4 million in their first year. Music has been my first love ever since, closely followed by the Arsenal.

    France is 2 to 4 years away but there is so much to plan for and finding the right land and or buildings to begin with in the right location.

  36. *replacement Stereophonic’s drummer was an intern at the studio where they recored and filled in playing theorem parts and then went on tour to become part of the band.*

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