Arsenal v Barcelona – key takeouts

Arsenal v Barcelona – key takeouts

We went in the game a little heavy with almost all first teamers apart from Timber in place of Zinchenko/Tierney and Trossard for Martinelli.

Barcelona scored first when Odegaard lost a ball in their half and Ezzalzouli did a great run before Lewandowski scored from a tap-in. We levelled back in 12th minute when Saka scored a brilliant goal. This kid just can’t stop scoring, can he? One thing to notice was Ben White was too high up the pitch both during when we conceded and scored. This leaves us with just a Saliba and Gabriel in a counter attack, and that’s why Partey’s midfield handling becomes important.

We had a Penalty awarded of a handball in 21st minute. Saka put it out wide, can happen with anyone but we seriously need to mix it up. We are making it easier for the opposition to read of Saka’s penalty game.

Barca scored again when a deflection from Odegaard lands into the net, of a free hit from outside the box. Now call what you want, it wasn’t a Ramsdale mistake but Ode’s. You don’t shy away from the kick if are standing as a wall.

Saka helped us again to level up in 42nd minute when he lofted a ball to Odegaard in the box which Havertz guided in the goalpost. 2-2 at half time.

A long ball in 55th minute, which Jesus guided to Trossard, who scored an inch-perfect goal. A lovely strike from Smith Rowe was saved few minutes later and a Dembele’s shot hit the woodwork at our end. Soon after in 78th minute, Trossard scored his second from a Tierney’s pass, leading us to 4-2. Barca scored in 87th minute to make it 4-3. However, within couple of minutes, we reclaimed our 2 goal difference when Vieira scored a perfect left-foot goal from outside the box. It was a beautiful goal, perhaps the best of the day.

Overall, we were good in attack and could have easily scored few more. We also need to iron out mistakes defensively, because out of those 3 goals, 2 would have not happened if Ode was a bit more aggressive. Partey showed us all, why I’m against selling him this season. He has been the backbone of our game, and replacing him with Rice without a handover would cost us. Think of Rice as a rotation to Partey and not a replacement for this season, and this solves our both problems – Partey’s injury and no drop in performance!

I think Arteta is still experimenting with Timber, after playing him at right back and left back. We will see what position he takes up but defensively we have enough options and there shouldn’t be any concern for any out of form players. When fit, Tomi is a world class player who can deputise at both ends and at CB. White can play RB, CB, so can Timber. Tierney is looking sharp, Zinny will be in the fold and Kiwior has started picking up things.

Partey is most likely not leaving this season, so our midfield looks even better. Rice can deputize him, Havertz, Trossard can cover #8, ESR is back to fitness and a fight for LW between Trossard and Martinelli is going to be an interesting one.

Couple of weeks more, if you are bored without football.


  1. Kroenkephobe

    Mee and Don Howe were sound, solid Arsenal managers for me. Men of their time, thoughtful and clear about how they wanted us to play. Technically we were not a wealthy club back then (or at least one that was ready to spend it). Much less media scrutiny in those days but they largely ensured that we punched at out weight and occasionally above it. I couldn’t imagine either of them petulantly dropping the ball at an opposing player’s feet when the ref doesn’t give a throw in to Arsenal. No hand rubbing, no YNWA, no labrador ejaculating everywhere. You said in the last 50 years so no Herbert Chapman obviously.

    And if I found myself somewhere in Spain with the chance to have a few estrellas with a former Spanish manager, it’d be UE, not MA.

  2. Bob N16

    I don’t like some of Arteta’s touch line antics but I accept his intensity leads to dodgy moments. Wenger was a bad loser too at times but I think there is a long list of managers who in the heat of the moment act improperly. Personally I prefer it to a lack of emotion or just an anguished face.

    Mee and Howe were living in a different time of course, gentlemen no doubt but living at a time when managers had very little media responsibilities in the way they do now. There wasn’t a maelstrom of bloggers commenting on their every action and comment for that matter. No behind the curtain tv opportunities!

  3. Kroenkephobe

    That’s all true. Arteta has a cold nasty edge. I wouldn’t characterise it as intensity. To me the net result looks more like impetuousness and immaturity. He comes across to me as still desperately wanting to be a player on the pitch.

    He lacks class and, just like Australian cricketers, is a bad winner and a bad loser. I don’t like seeing him being interviewed, win lose or draw. On the other hand, I loved early Wenger for his insight and his ability to unfailingly praise the opposition.

    I want to like and respect the manager as much as I have liked and respected many of the players we’ve had down the years. Despite rumours of taking a pay cut to join us, Arteta didn’t inspire me as a player either.

    You watching the cricket? Nerve shredding…

  4. Kroenkephobe

    I’m going to put some stumps and bails in my living room and flip them over every time Ms Kroenkephobe gets on my tits!

    One more needed.

  5. Kroenkephobe

    I’d love to see Bairstow end this by stumping that bastard Carey.

  6. Bob N16

    Am watching it. At 3 down I wasn’t , once we got into the wickets it’s been a much easier watch! Anderson will probably regret not retiring as well.

  7. Bob N16


    Am I being blind about Arteta? I just don’t see why you and others see him so differently to me.

  8. Kroenkephobe

    What an ending. Brilliant!

  9. Bob N16

    Stuart Broad take a bow!

  10. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Bob
    Our differing attitudes on Arteta are fine. Moreover, it underlines the fact that pluralism is alive and well on LiR. Pedro completely destroyed that and it’s cost him in my view.

    The varying opinions probably speak to differences in our personalities, attitudes and connections with the club. You’re much more invested in it than me these days given you attend, spend serious sums of money to watch them play and because you still live in the area. I’ve paid my dues over the years and Arsenal means more to me than I’d sometimes admit, but I can’t see myself ever living in n London again for numerous reasons. Dr Johnson’s quote most definitely refers to me!

    I think if either if us is going to move to the other one’s point of view, it’s only a matter of time before results consistently go against Arteta (not in the short term because we’re improving) and/or he goes elsewhere that’s my main hope for seeing the back of him!)

  11. Kroenkephobe

    Following last week’s two leg European farrago, I’m now having deeply frustrating and inane discussions with Ms Kroenkephobe about why the Australians are taking/keeping the Ashes and why they’re not being shared. Help!

  12. Bob N16

    Plurality is good.

    Australia, best team in the world – England competed incredibly well.

    Will look forward to the India series. I just hope the Indians provide wickets that allow a balanced contest between bat and ball, which shows off five day Test cricket at his best – just as this series has done. Last time the bunsen burners were a joke.

  13. Almuniasaynomore

    I know the aussies recently won the world test championship but England are a far superior team(on English soil,in English conditions I would stress) in my opinion both with bat and ball. Have a little think about picking a combined aussie/ English test 11 based on the ashes. Hiw many aussies defo start? For me it’s one,Smith. Whereas England have 4 or 5 definites. For me the Aussies escaped with the ashes and should be thrilled. Very different story over there of course.

    I wouldn’t be too worried about your view on Arteta. The way I see it supporting a team means a number of things. There’s the club itself,which is symbolic and timeless. The players who of course come and go. And the manager who can seem bigger than both or almost irrelevant. I think we all support in different ways. For me Arteta dominates my thoughts and(sorry for the dramatic but it’s true)poisons everything good about Arsenal. Whereas, I’d imagine,for you and many others the club is performing better(which it did last year obviously) and therefore you can take pleasure from that. Arteta need not come into the conversation even.
    So why can’t I take that view? I’ll try to explain but it’s not easy. When Arteta arrived he was accompanied by an entourage(within the media,online,in the game), I’m not sure how or why,but for the first time in my life following Arsenal,I realised that there was a manager at our club who was being judged in an entirely different way.
    He could do whatever he wanted and there seemed to be no accountability.
    * His original plan involved keeping Xhaka, he tried to keep that German cb,he signed willian,extended Luiz,extended PEA. In short he took the job with no intention of giving youth a chance.
    He froze out Saliba,ESR and Martinelli and only Saka’s insane levels saw him start. So why then was he later credited with project youth?? Totally illogical to me. What’s logical to me is that someone pulled him aside and had a chat. That’s fine. But why can’t Arsenal fans admit that? To some of them he’s a visionary.
    * His treatment of players that don’t play in his first 11 is appalling. From Ozil to PEA to Guendouzi to Saliba to Torreira.
    The list is extensive. But again what confuses me is not the breakdown in Arteta’s relationship with players,to me that’s easy to understand, he’s an egotistical man who cannot accept conflict/criticism. Where I lose the plot is the narrative that Arteta had to somehow ‘cleanse’ the club of a rotten group of players. And most Arsenal fans buy this! It was getting to the stage that if Arteta was getting rid of a player,then stories of this players petulance would suddenly appear. List is endless Martinez wouldn’t accept a 95% guarantee, AMN wouldn’t play in defence, Ozil and the pay cut,PEA’s time keeping,Guen’s attitude. Since when did Arsenal do business like this? Since when did Arsenal treat players like this en masse? Since Arteta arrived. Yet Arsenal fans,some,think he’s a gent. He’s ruthless,but not in a fergie way. It’s all about his own survival.
    * Arteta the coach. He was meant to make us competitive by being this modern coach who could get the best out of our players. He will be remembered as the ultimate cheque book manager. Yet this cult around him tell us this is the ONLY way to compete with city. He HAS to spend a fortune. Answer me this then,why was he emoyed in the first place? And don’t make me laugh about the coaching. Even his most ardent fans complain about his inability to read a game,change a game,influence a game,use substitutes when plan A is failing. If he can’t do that sure how can he even be called a coach???
    *Money. The money he has squandered is shocking. He has destroyed the value of players,paid fortunes to be rid of them or given them away for free(who else in the history of football could award a player a 350k a week 3 year contract and the decide within months he didn’t want him and actually be lauded for ‘getting rid of the bad eggs’?) Something’s rotten alright and it’s not the eggs! His spending is chaotic and he’s at it again now having spent a world record on Rice,bought Havertz for reasons no one understands. Is stockpiling players on huge wages. He doubled Ramsdale’s wage to 120k per week and is now looking for Raya?? Explain please. Elneny’s new contract,explain please.300kpw to Havertz,hello? Massive new contracts to everyone but the outgoings are abysmal. Who’s asking questions? No-one. Why? The ‘it’s not my money’ argument only works if this spending is going to lead to success or is continued for the foreseeable. Because if not,then this is a lottery win squandered. And yet we’re told it’s phase 4 or post Christmas after Strategy C. Horseshit. There is something exceptionally wrong here.
    So that’s it Bob. I have become so utterly suspicious of Arteta and the campaign surrounding him which whitewashes his numerous faults and errors that I can take no joy in Arsenal at the moment. I also find many of these people exceptionally rude and aggressive(also quite illogical and somewhat lacking in intelligence). And so I’m kind of loitering on the edges,waiting for him to go and trying to ignore the baffling adulation and vicious opposition to debate.
    I don’t consider you or the many Arsenal fans who take joy in the current team to be unreasonable in any way. But I struggle myself. Like I said,there’s something very wrong about that man.

  14. Kroenkephobe

    Thanks Almunia for putting it so eloquently. Considering the numerous times he’s flip-flopped on strategic direction, and the millions that his ill judged decisions have cost the club, he’s been extraordinarily lucky in a business not known for investing patience in managers.

  15. The Real Vieira Lynn

    ALmunia—now I get why we’re in agreeance so often…as you know all too well, I’ve spent countless hours expressing the very same concerns in an exceedingly similar fashion…in the end, it’s just good to know that there are other like-minded individuals out there who both see things as I do and can express themselves in a commonsensical manner..Cheers to you

  16. Bob N16’

    I complete respect your powerful feelings. Such a shame that your feelings about Arteta get in the way of your enjoyment of Arsenal but I quite understand how they must do. At a time when things are really looking up as well. I hear what you’re saying but his actions just don’t resonate in the same way for me, that they do for you.

    I hope his luck continues, if not he’s gone.

  17. Almuniasaynomore

    Bit of a vent there,didn’t mean to go on. It is comforting when you feel you’re in a mad minority that others have similar views(that’s you KP,TRVL and prob Tony,Kilroy and Marc aswell), because we have to accept we are in a minority. But it’s also great to be able to debate(thank you very much Bob). That’s what I miss,debating online without the personal attacks. Anyway,I still get joy from Arsenal Bob,I’m always shooting the breeze about football I’ve seen over my lifetime. Nothing better than an aul top5/10 selection to bring a smile. We have many more years of that pls God! And if Arteta does win a big one,I will eat humble pie I promise. Either way these are small things really compared to Haverfordwest’s attempt to conquer Europe…….

  18. Kroenkephobe

    Read this and thought of you. What is it about Irish WC teams and in-house meltdowns?

    Irish Captain Katie McCabe arguing with Manager Vera Pauw at the women’s World Cup is eerily reminiscent of the Keano-McCarthy spat at the USA WC that we’ve discussed in the past. At least KM won’t have told the gaffer to, ‘stick it up her Dutch bollocks etc etc’.

    I assume the tournament has been getting good coverage (as it has here). Have Giles and Dunphy been allowed out of the green room for this one?

  19. Kroenkephobe

    Either way these are small things really compared to Haverfordwest’s attempt to conquer Europe…….

    😊All eyes on Cardiff on Thursday. If County score, it’ll got to extra time and pens where the Gzk will weave his magic. I have a mate over from Catalunya so will miss it.

  20. Almuniasaynomore

    No,the blessed trinity of Brady, Giles and Dunphy are gone from our screens forever. There are a number of female analysts on and I’d be lying if I said I knew any of them,but no more than their male counterparts,some seem quite knowledgeable while others parrot clichés.
    Ireland being out will,I’d suggest, end 80% of the interest over here. The other 20% will watch in the hope someone beats England!
    I’m going to be a bit lost now with the GAA season and the Ashes gone but the football lge starts on Saturday, looking forward to that. Also very interested to see how Rodgers is received back at Celtic. Then there’s the premiership,Rugby world cup and best of all the return of snooker!!
    Did I see Cardiff have picked up Sean Maguire? He was the great new hope of Irish soccer,before Evan Ferguson. Hope he finds his form there,always struck me as someone who just needed a run of games and a bit of luck.
    I think Ferguson may well have been worth a punt this summer. If he has another good year next season God knows what price Brighton will put on him. And an out and out striker,who has aerial presence, good hold up play and a natural finisher is exactly what I think Arsenal need. Watch this space……..

  21. Killroy-TM

    Thank you for expressing my feelings better than I could have ever done. I did for awhile make the point about how Guen’s value was destroyed by Arteta from 40mil to pittance at LG and was attacked for that.
    Using the phrase of drinking the Kool Aid sums best up what some fans are experiencing total deception by Arteta and playing the media to his advantage will underscore their believe in Arteta as the 2nd coming.
    Abraham Lincoln said:
    “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
    You can fool the AKBs all the time but you can’t fool all Arsenal supporters all the time.

  22. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Almunia—just a few red flag moments:

    (1) on the heels of a rather unusual and fortuitous FA victory, our manager in training selfishly opted for a short-sighted retool, then when things inevitably went tits up, due to the amatuer hour tactics, he had the unmitigated gall to suggest that this was all part of his youth-based 5 year plan

    (2) the passive aggressive manner in which he dealt with the whole Auba affair leading up to the Spurs match, when he actually had a press conference to publicly state that he was going to keep things in-house…it was one of the most contrived and disingenuous acts I’ve seen perpetrated by an Arsenal manager…it even bested the PR smear campaign orchestrated by Wenger’s minions when he wanted to turn the fanbase against our best player by far at the time, Sanchez…who the fuck uses the most public of forums to keep things under wraps, a manipulative twat with an agenda

    (3) the seemingly endless list of excuses and glaring lack of accountibility, especially in light of his supposed “zero tolerance” managerial approach…now if he held himself or his favourites, like our former Swiss miss, to the same exceedingly high standards, then my opinion on such matters would be decidely different…unfortunately that was not the case, in fact quite the opposite, and as such it left me with the overwhelming sense that we were dealing with a rather spiteful and capricious little man, who just might be phony as fuck

    these were just a few things that came to mind following your earlier post, but of course I could go on and on…take care

  23. Kroenkephobe

    Ah, I didn’t realise they’d all left the sofa. That’s a blow. I’d like to think they had three pugnacious, no nonsense geezers lined up to replace them but everything like that is becoming more bland and safe. The mad thing about the coverage on this side of ‘your’ sea is the sheer number of people that have to be out there in Aus/NZ using up hotel space, oxygen and all sorts of other shite in a failed bid to add ‘orfenticity’. The vast majority of punditry could be done from a studio in Dublin or London or even on a fucking televised zoom call. Ultimately its the punters that pay.

    ABE – Anyone but England! I remember Andy Murray saying that in response to a question about who he wanted to win the WC.

    The cricket was terrific. Broad was never one of my favourites but what a parting shot. Some revenge in that 5th test too because Australia was smarting after the ball change on day 4 it seems. Whinging Aussie bastard Ricky Ponting! I read too that England locked Australia out of some post series drink up.

    Snooker. Hoping to see some more magic from Mark Williams and, I know we disagree here, but there is something mesmeric about watching ROS in top form. Do you think Brecel will start to rise now? I quite like him but he reminds me of this horrible stoaty little character who lives in my village!

  24. Kroenkephobe

    .. And the Rugby World Cup. Not sure what’s happening with Sexton and the potential ban, but assuming he’s there, I’d love to see Ireland do it. We should have a virtual LiR sweepstake to establish rugby bragging rights.

  25. Kroenkephobe

    Oh, and I think Maguire has gone to Carlisle according to the interweb.

    The Bluebirds are, however, hoping to sign a Grealish-type winger called Josh Bowler on loan from Blackpool.

  26. Bob N16

    I’m sure I read Sexton’s ban was overturned and he’s fine for WC. Would love to see Ireland win but NZ look like they’re back where they want to be. France at home have to be in with a good shout too. England sadly, from my pov, will be also rans. Didn’t get rid of Jones soon enough to give Borthwick a chance to build.

  27. Almuniasaynomore

    Yep,it’s either NZ or France for me also. Unfortunately if Ireland get out of their group they will be meeting one of those 2 teams in the quarters so another early exit seems likely. My understanding of the Sexton ban is that he will miss ireland’s warm up games as his suspension but will then be clear for the competition proper.
    Sorry about the Carlisle blunder,must have only glanced at the heading! Charlton have been bought and sold,again,but there really seems to be very little investment on the playing side. Very little money exchanges hands between clubs at that level. Signings seem to be free transfers or out of contract players so it’s hard to tell about the quality of signings when you’re not in the know.
    I see BBC did a poll for the combined ashes team,only 3 Aussies made it,but not Smith,I’m amazed at that. You can still go in and vote. The dates for the Indian tour have been a announced so it’s something to look forward to in the new year though I have a feeling that this will be a thoroughly exciting premiership season and the cricket may have to take a back seat. Fingers crossed Mbappe doesn’t go to one of our rivals on this proposed one year loan. He’d make a big difference wherever he lands.

  28. Bob N16

    I think if ABC did a similar poll, you’d get a few more Aussies! Smith would get in my team, so would Kawarja, Cummins and Starc. Spinner is a difficult choice!

    Two great friends of mine are talking about trying to get to a Test in India early next year, it’s on my bucket list! They’ve got a great story of getting stoned with Tufnell and Dermot Reeve on a previous tour.

    Agree about Mbappe- let him rot or go to Saudi if RM can’t come up with funds this year. Would be equally excited and disgusted if he came for a season to Arsenal.

  29. Kroenkephobe

    Ms K and I are seriously thinking about watching some overseas cricket in our dotage. I fancy Pakistan, NZ or Sri Lanka – she wants to return to the Caribbean.

    The problem with that Aussie team is that many of them seem like a-holes. I suspect its partly to do with the coaches and their win at any cost approach. Starc seems like a decent guy but Warner, Lyon, Carey and Smith fail the humanity test for me. I see they wheeled out the arch misanthrope Ponting to moan about that ball change. It’s one of those rare times in the last 40 years where both sets of players look equally matched. Hopefully Archer will return to fitness and get back in the team. Imagine facing him and Wood at either end.

  30. Bob N16

    I’ve heard Galle in Sri Lanka is great. 100% want to go to a Caribbean Test, trouble is they fleece the England supporters who go in such great numbers. A friend bought a flat in the development stage in Barbados but unfortunately it’s an ongoing court case due to a dodgy developer so that prospect looks very unlikely now!

    Cummins also fits into the decent category but take your point around the others!

  31. Kroenkephobe

    The thing I’d say about Cummins is that when Carey threw at the stumps, Stokes asked Cummins if he wanted to withdraw the appeal on Bairstow being out and Cummins of course declined. It rather reinforces the point that becoming a high-level aussie sportsman is a gateway to becoming a wanker. Classic cause and effect.

    All other major teams have run-ins with the Australians. South Africa, India and Pakistan to name three. They are the common denominator when it comes to disputes between teams. The Spurs of international cricket.

  32. Kroenkephobe

    I see the 100 has just started. Meh. Why piss about with T20? I think there’s even a T10 tournament somewhere these days (UAE perhaps?). What next for young people who can’t concentrate? T1? Or baseball?

  33. Kroenkephobe

    If you’ve not been, I definitely recommend some time in India. Charming and resourceful people, mad levels of vitality all day long and things to see and experience that are unique.

  34. Bob N16’

    Kroenke, I’m overdue a second visit, spent six weeks in Southern India, in and out of Mumbai. After a week of questioning why they did this and that, I relaxed into their friendly, chaotic ways.

    Will go to the North. My wife hasn’t been and is keen to go when we have more freedom!

  35. Bob N16’

    Agree about the 100, trying to reinvent the wheel.

  36. Killroy-TM

    For me at the RWC would love to see Ireland lift the Ellis cup. If not I would be happy if NZ or France would do it. Finally as long as Scotland finish better then England that is all that matters especially if Duhan VDM has an excellent WC.
    With Arsenal lets see what the Community Shield brings. There has to be a million click baits about Arteta and who is still coming in, who will be released and who will leave for pittance. The journos must know what AFC supporters click on. Well not me atm.

  37. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Killroy

    The mad thing for me is that if we win or lose this one against City I’m going to be fucked off either way.

    – First there’s the split personality phenomenon which means in friendlies losses aren’t losses, they are merely training exercises – according to Arteta diehards – when we lose. If the result goes the other way and we win, the entire Artetapologist community hails it as the harbinger of world domination.

    – But in practical, personal terms, if Arsenal win I might think ‘strange how we can do it when the pressure is off but never in the PL’…

    – Lose, and I’ll be thinking it’ll be just like last season despite the money spent on new arrivals.

    Esoteric stupid bullshit that I begin to think about at this time of the year. My ideal outcome for the game? A dominant display and a come-from-behind draw for 2-2 with us brushing them aside in the penalty shoot-out. Highly unlikely with our very own clown keeper Ronald McRamsdale between the sticks.

    It’s just about Forest now, and hoping we don’t get bukkake’ed by Pep.

    Are you going Bob? It’s not something I’ve ever really been attracted to although I once saw a charity shield game years ago in the Millennium in Cardiff where Drogba destroyed Djourou and Senderos I think. Never again…

  38. Kroenkephobe

    Moved on to anywhere nice? I know how much you must love Barcelona…

  39. Bob N16’

    Not going Kroenke, not worth the hassle or cost. I’ll watch it though!

    Agree about the result, a draw would be fine but while watching it I’ll obviously want a win.

  40. Marc

    Are these rumours about Raya real or just an agent trying to push interest from other clubs?

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