Arsenal - London is Red

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

That’s Murphy’s Law, however it’s the variation of it which suits us more – “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.”

In the pursuit of title, we didn’t need a mid-week game. We played Sporting at home and lost. Now, most of us would have shrugged it off, looking at the bigger picture where title is on the line having been almost qualified for Champions League but everything went wrong for us. Tomiyasu picked up an injury in the 9th minute and by the looks of it, it was serious. If that was not enough, Saliba was subbed in 20th minute because he felt discomfort in his back. We scored first, but gave a goal away from half line. Match went into the extra time, likes of Martinelli, White, Gabriel and Zinchenko had to play another 30 minutes when we have game tomorrow the 19th. Of all, Martinelli’s kick was saved by Sporting goalkeeper and we lost.

Played for 2 hrs, lost 2 players to injuries, have another game in 3 days and went out of Europa against Sporting at Home. And if this was not enough, someone on Twitter added one more to the list – roof leaking.

Our CBs – Gabriel and Saliba have been immense this season, and losing one of them even for couple of matches could be devastating. Holding is no match, and Kiwior is not ready (yet). We could have hoped White to replace Saliba with Tomiyasu on the right, but Tomi is out injured now and for a long time.

Fortunately, our midfield is still safe. We need Partey the most for these 11 games.

Martinelli would be devasted. Over played, missed a penalty which lost the game for us, hopefully it don’t dent his confidence. We need everyone at their best for the rest of this season.

Anyways, all we can do is forget about it, concentrate on the league and Crystal Palace tomorrow. They have sacked Patrick Vieira, haven’t appointed a manager yet and have not won a game in the year 2023. That’s sort of game where we give a lifeline to the teams. I am worried, and hopefully Arteta and Co. will break that curse. We are still on top, if we win, we go into international break with 8-points lead over City even if they have played a game less, it gives a huge mental advantage. They are in Champions League, they too will tire out and chasing 8 points gap will cause problems for them.

Short one today, I will be back before the game against Crystal Palace. You have a nice weekend.


  1. TRVL- agreed defenders don’t worry about Xhaka who has a habit of passing to opposition keepers when free or falling over.

    Good for to have the points laying the onus on City, so statement made after our Europa exit.

  2. Divyanshu Karan

    We won ✌️

  3. The Real Vieira Lynn

    definitely a statement game considering the events of Thursday evening…really good teams know how to take their frustrations out on others, especially those whom are ripe for the picking like CP today…far too often we’ve had a tendency to dwell on the past and have that unnecessarily affect future performances, so it’s nice to see that trend not being repeated today…regardless of the fact that City has a game in hand now, it always provides a psychological edge when you create more separation between you and your closest foes

  4. The Real Vieira Lynn

    moments of madness by Fulham versus United…talk about silver-plattering a victory in a crucial FA Cup fixture…overall they had been the better of the two sides before going ape shit over a legitimate red card call against our old buddy Willian…this is what happens sometimes when you have an overly emotional manager, as like-minded players have a diffcult time making rational choices when things go pear-shaped, which is why I worry when MA gets unnecessarily riled up on the touchline, in that it can be dangerously infectious

  5. Kroenkephobe

    A solid and resounding win. Palace were poor and they were dominated. No noticeably weak performances. White was terrific in the first half. His passing, forward threat and his link-up work with Bukayo. Another occasion where we played a team at just the right time. No signs of a hangover after Sporting. Plenty of time to recuperate, get Saliba back (although Holding impressed) and work out a plan to dismantle Leeds.

  6. Kroenkephobe

    …. Oh, and no deluge to flood the pitch and cause a postponement. Yes, I’m still bitter about Rotherham!

  7. The Real Vieira Lynn

    I’m starting to see a pathway to the title, especially if we keep handling our shit against the lesser lights…that said, we must navigate an exceptionally tricky period starting on April 16th, as we play Sunday, Friday, Wednesday then again on Saturday, the last two of which are against City and Chelsea…it’s not a murder’s row of combatants, but it’s 4 games over 13 days, with a tough back-to-back in the 3 and 4 holes…as such, we need to be a little savvier when it comes to our rotation in the meantime, so as to hopefully be at our healthiest during that stretch…with this in mind, there was no reason whatsoever that both Saka and Partey played a full 90 in a largely one-sided affair, especially the latter, considering his injury susceptibility and the fact that there’s a rather significant positional drop off whenever he’s not on the pitch…not to mention, whomever is slated to replace him, which I assume is primarily Jorginho, should relish any opportunity to further acquaint himself with his new teammates

  8. TRVL – That’s it in a nutshell. Injuries and Red Zone will be our undoing if the squad isn’t managed well because a tired mind & body is much more susceptible to injuries other than mistakes that cost you dearly.

    The old Invincible’s like FEAR is there at our core.

    Both junior and I said early that our dominant win over Fulham came partly from Fulham’s fear of making mistakes and playing within themselves; trying to play safe, which is the worst thing to do against a free flowing side with total belief in their skills and football.

    Palace were timid by comparison to last season. Yesterday they were playing with fear. Our interplay in the final 3rd was breathtaking at times and certainly sublime. We gave up our belly in midfield where Palace had more joy, although those periods were few and far between, but enough to grab a goal in a melee in our 6-yard box from a corner.

    Now, it’s our turn, us Gooners to sample the fear of who will return from International duty fit and healthy? It’s a ridiculous time to be playing Internationals so soon after the world cup.

    Exactly what purpose does this break offer the countries’ teams’ playing?

    Why can’t these games be played at the end of the season in 10 weeks?

    Thankfully, Southgate isn’t that bright being more suited to being a suit in the FA than managing England. White will get a deserved rest, as well as giving Saliba, Eddie time to recover while Holding had a good run out yesterday to brush off the bench cobwebs, and giving us a solid display in aerial supremacy in our box. Not too shabby on the ground either, just slower than needed.

    At times we looked like vintage 00’s Arsenal with our final 3rd triangles and tiki taki one-touch football you can see has been played so many times in training that it’s becoming instinctive, as it was for the Invincibles, which can only improve when Xhaka is replaced or benched. If Xhaka can score, everyone can, and let’s face it, no-one looks more surprised than Xhaka when he actually nets one, and now he’s 2 for 2. You can’t help liking his palpable reactions, but not enough to start him every game.

    Alan Rickman’s ‘good grief’ orations come to mind from his dry, rolling eyes in the air deliveries, such as in the Treky satire movie, Galaxy Quest.

    Ambarish, you could start this post game post headlined: 2 for fcuking 2!!!! He can’t get 3 for 3 can he?

    Anyway, Xhaka was loving this football yesterday; having a love in with White just before White was subbed. It was a real “Luv ya, bro” moment that you can’t help smiling at; his scoring goals notwithstanding.

    The squad are enjoying their football. In fact too much to be tired. There was no sign of being leggy after the Sporting loss. Arteta managed his subs better than before, but his choices are ridiculously thin, so not hard to decide – it’s just when?

    Why is there a rumor about selling KT? He was back to his best yesterday and ready to give Zinchenko a break or move to 8.

    For all our superlatives yesterday, we are still unbalanced on our left. Zinchenko can’t be in 2 positions at once other than on a very high defensive line, as the 2 become 1.

    Xhaka doesn’t have the pace to interchange with Martinelli and get past defenders. It makes Martinelli far less productive than Saka with White & Ode. One of Trossard, ESR or Zinchenko at 8 offers Martinelli far more pace to work with, and where I believe more goals will come from the left – giving defenders far more to worry about with their positioning forcing more gaps to open.

    A great bounce back and as TRVL and I have proclaimed an excellent statement to make to City, Pool and The Chavs look up and feel the pressure of our impending games as we pick off the low hanging fruit points, such as Leeds next.

    8 point lead with 10 finals to come.

    Can we do it? Dare to dream? On yesterday’s display, I’d say we can, especially as our opponents become fearful of us, as Fulham and Palace were yesterday; only injuries can displace this marauding, Arsenal juggernaut.

  9. Kroenkephobe

    Exactly what purpose does this break offer the countries’ teams’ playing?

    Hi Tony
    Good write up. My kids ask me a lot of questions, including about football. I often tell them no matter what the question is, the answer when it comes to footy is almost always ‘money’.

    But in the question you’ve posed, I’d also say it was a last ditch attempt by FIFA and the various FAs to stay relevant. The PL is so far ahead of the English FA in terms of the quality of its product that the NT is relegated to an unwelcome sideshow outside of major tournaments. In other countries the rate of change is arguably slower. These internationals are pointless but they keep the old boys in suits rich and able to feel self-important. They’re parasites clinging to the capitalist master class being provided by league structures and mega rich owners. Blatter, Platini and Infantino have been shrewd enough to make personal fortunes by being corrupt.

  10. Kroenkephobe

    I liked the way supporters in the stadium yesterday paid homage to PV. I think that it would have meant something to him.

  11. KP
    The saying, “Money is the route of all evil” will never be bettered more succinctly. In every walk of life it’s true including religions. Wealth is power, it’s that simple. I spent some time explaining greed to junior, and not to be a slave to the filthy lucre. He’s grown up in in a wealthy environment, but also is quiet about it outside our home. We’ve very much kept his feet on the ground, as we have with our daughter where both appreciate the word: ‘Value’ and its inferences.

    Mrs T dropped a bomb on me over the weekend saying she still wants to live in Europe when we’ve concluded business here.

    My initial thought was Southern French speaking Switzerland somewhere between Lausanne and Geneva. However, I’ve always loved the slow pace of the French Riviera more towards the foot of the Pyrenees the other side to you and Barca.

    Straight out of the left field that one.

    When asked for advice here I say always expect the unexpected because Thais are good at that, and culturally they can’t say ‘No’ when asked if they can do something. You must have experienced that here, KP, as it’s generally the first thing you have to accept here that ‘Yes’ often means no. Working it out takes time to begin with, but soon you can joke with them about it to get the correct answer.

    Everything is Thai time here where you do well to qualify which time they are quoting: farang (western) or the very tardy Thai time. Not as bad as ‘Mañana’ in Spain I agree, but where I sit on the spectrum I’m not good at waiting around wasting time. Ditto Mrs T, thankfully.

    Mrs T asked me which I liked best mountains or the ocean/sea? I replied I prefer to be up a mountain, a safe distance from the ocean, in a house with a pool.

    Who knows, KP, nothing would surprise me with my life’s story and family itching to sprout wings to find more lucrative employment outside of S E Asia.

  12. City’s remaining games

    1 April – Liverpool (H)

    8 April – Southampton (A)

    15 April – Leicester (H)

    23 April – Brighton (A)

    26 April – Arsenal (H)

    30 April – Fulham (A)

    6 May – Leeds (H)

    13 May – Everton (A)

    20 May – Chelsea (H)

    28 May – Brentford (A)

    Our remaining games

    1 April – Leeds (H)

    9 April – Liverpool (A)

    16 April – West Ham (A)

    21 April – Southampton (H)

    26 April – Manchester City (A)

    29 April – Chelsea (H)

    6 May – Newcastle (A)

    13 May – Brighton (H)

    20 May – Nottingham Forest (A)

    28 May – Wolves – (H)

    People talk of city having an easier run-in, but with the CL as well, ours is easier imo.

  13. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Ambarish, Hoopah and Divyanshu,

    Good news. Campa Cola is coming back thanks to Mr Ambani

    Can you still get Limca in India? I used to enjoy both of these drinks on my trips there, although they were both a bit sweet and therefore heavy duty on the teeth. Very handy on lengthy and hot train journeys.

    If if if we win the big one… I expect to see photos of you toasting Arsenal with a trophy filled with Campa Cola.

  14. Kroenkephobe

    City’s PL run in is more favourable than ours, but they still have major cup interests. I think Arsenal also killed off any thinking that they were affected by losing to Sporting. So advantage us I’d say.

    Interesting to hear Mrs T’s plans for the future. The Mediterranean diet is famous for keeping people healthy so there’s that. We could be near neighbours some time in the future! The other good thing is that there’s a world of difference culturally between Spain, France and Italy so plenty of variety. You should get over there and do some joint research on your preferences.

  15. Morning all
    Looks like Stan is jumping the gun again and promoting Edu to Footballing Director.

    Exactly what has Edu done to warrant such a position and Arsenal’s first such appointment? He’s allowed Arteta to dump certain future young stars, such as Willock. We have Tavares, Lakonga, Vieira and then injury prone Tomi and KT who was crocked when we bought him.

    The clear out of playing assets and ridiculous new contracts for Ozil, Willian & Auba et al has potentially cost the club £150m+.

    Granted the wage bill is where it should be for our lack of CL under Edu; however, there was also a great cost of paying off salaries even when our players were playing for other clubs.

    We are in a false sense of security currently with City, Chavs and Pool having poor seasons by their lofty standards. This is our Leicester 2016 season if we manage to capitalize on the faltering big clubs and win the league.

    We’ve also spent £600m+(?) to be in this position. Looking at that expenditure more closely, it prompts many questions.

    How has Edu been successful buying Zinchenko & Jesus who were practically begging to play for us and not Vlahovic and

    Micky mudflaps who when to Juventus and Chavs?

    Why did Edu let Willock & Emi go only to be woefully short in midfield for the last 4 seasons?

    Why Keep Xhaka when he disrespected the club after awful attitude and performances from the manchild?

    Why did Edu bow to Arteta’s non-negotiable costing the club over £150m+?

    Why does Edu never seem to have a plan B for TWs – Jorginho and Trossard panic buys?

    Why isn’t our TW business completed early for our main target buys?

    Why did Edu allow Arteta to cull the squad last season costing us CL football?

    Why has the same mistake been made again this season that could very well derail out total challenge?

    Why does Edu report that he’s working on our next TW window’s targets moths before and still end up buying late because of missed targets?

    Why has Edu allowed our midfield to be ignored when it’s been our Achilles heel for the last 5 seasons?

    Why did Edu ignore Emery’s needs, which could have got us CL football that season?

    Why hasn’t Bolagun been recalled?

    Edu should be Arteta’s boss but the optics appears very much the other way round with tail wagging dog springing to mind.

    Ah well, it’s Stan’s money & club, and the appointment I believe is to be made in November, so why they are proclaiming it now I have no clue.

    What happens if we bottle the league because of poor squad management? Does KSE still reward failure, as they’ve done with Arteta – particularly in a Leicester 2016 type season?

    Always liked France, its people and food, so we’ll have to see and look to plan, as you’re doing for your Catalan move.

    Equally, I like Spain where you’re heading, but have concerns with the country’s viability with Brexit. Of course, in France you have Macron – enough said! Expat life works best when you have the resources to live above a chosen country’s certain comfortable lifestyle, mostly unaffected by its politics and general standards of life for its indigenous population.

    Then there is the serious global instability to take into consideration.

    Whatever happens it won’t be for 3 to 5 years, as Mrs T is being asked to run the company for a transition period, we are looking for only 1 year.

    Much to discuss and plan for.

  16. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    In either case, I’d recommend you contact any friends in the countries you decide to look at. An old mate of mine helped us immensely by getting a piece of paper from the local authorities which said we (already) had an address in the country. You could also do yourselves a huge favour by getting a local lawyer to help with bureaucracy language etc. It’ll add a few hundred euros on the cost but good counsel is worth it’s weight in gold. We hired this woman again on the advice of my mate) who drove the entire process, completed all the forms, and accompanied us to our two interviews. She was brilliant – she politely and informatively tool the local police through the process as well. Happy to advise more as you both get further into it.

    And if we eventually decide to form a Mediterranean geriatric gooners supporters group, I’ll nominate you for El Presidente! 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹

  17. Hoopah.

    Yep Kroenkephobe
    Can get Limca, definitely in Goa where it is an essential ingredient if a fiery urrack which is a first distillate of the canu apple juice. The final is of course feni which is 3rd distillate.
    A part of urrack, half of Limca, a part of of soda, couple of lemon wedges and drop in a green chilly. Top up with ice.

    PS – that was to answer that Limca is available over here.
    PS – urrack is seasonal available for 2-3 months only. Very deceptive and assuring with a kick at round 3.

  18. Hoopah.

    Caju apple, not canu, sorry

  19. El Presidente indeed 🙂 KP. Presiding over our household is about my limit these days. 🙂

    Thanks for the sound advice, wherever we end up it will be lawyers who will deal with every legality including immigration. A lot of thought will need to be health minded for me with good local thoracic surgery, at a good hospital. I agree it’s essential to have a well thought of local break you into the area with the locals and officials particularly in semi rural areas.

    Once we find an area we like, we’ll rent somewhere decent in the area for a summer and see if it’s a good fit. If that fails, we could end up going to a different country and renting each year for 4/6 months, such as around Lake Como and then back here for our winter, next year France, then Spain and so on.

    I’ll be at least 70 by the time Mrs T is clear of hand-over obligations and be free to retire. The years fly by much quicker as you get older, sad to say.

  20. Hoopah – and drop in a green chili?

    Does this get eaten at the end or for light heat infusion? Either way it’s about 15 years too late for my aging digestion.

    Sounds fun, though. 🙂

  21. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Hoopah

    That sounds wonderful. I can imagine that being pretty refreshing on a warm day. Does it have a name? A few of those would make for an ideal celebration party if the lads can get us over the line in 10 games time… I guess people will be getting their old Campa Cola cocktail recipes out as well. 🍹

    Tony – Those plans sound terrific. We’re definitely going to rent as well. Making a phone call to the landlord if the boiler packs up or the pool starts to leak is infinitely preferable to getting the tools out yourself. Plus no selling headaches when it’s time to move on.

  22. Kroenkephobe

    So like a dog returning to eat its own sick, the arseholes that run Palace have decided to sack a young dynamic manager who enjoyed masses of success as a player, with a doddering, barely compus mentis, antediluvian dinosaur who hawked mediocrity at almost every stage of his managerial career except, like Potter, when he had a modicum of limelight in scandiwegia. Fucking ball bags – I hope they get relegated now with Everton, not least so we can swoop for maybe Olise, Eze and that centre half who sprays 60 yard passes everywhere.

  23. Morning all, Just read Tomi is out for the rest of the season being our first major casualty, so let’s hope White can manage a 10 game run at RB. Certainly, White will have to manage his fitness levels more as he usually shares the RB with Tomi during the game give this all until about the 70th minute: this fitness luxury is no more.

    If my rant seemed excessive about Edu yesterday ask yourselves why we bought an injury risk at RB. When we bought Tomi I questioned why I hadn’t seen or heard of him before, and now we know: he’s too easily crocked.

    Speaking of being injured Haaling has be sent home by Norway doctors citing a groin injury needing further investigation by his club medical staff and some imaging required to fully understand the extent of the injury.

    It’s not worth getting excited, about as Pep has a Plan B that was his plan A before Haaland arrived to revert back to. Pep may be only a cheque book manager as the only way he can achieve success, but he will have planned for Haaland’s injury. I would have and I’m not even remotely as knowledgeable about football as Pep.

    Arteta & Edu? That’s a different story with many of us seeing what Arteta should do and doesn’t. Rebuilding our MF for starters. That was yesterday’s post that doesn’t need revisiting.

    How long with Erling be out for is anyone’s guess; I’m hoping enough to drop points against Pool, Us and BHA. Earling being out will NOT make our game easier against City away.Be in no doubt City will be up for it, as it could well be the decider for the title depending who drops points after the City game at the Etihad.

    Our focus should be only on Leeds for our next final, keeping our squad fit, and maintaining our 8 point advantage over City.

    Anything else at this stage irrelevant; only the next available 3 points matter!!!!

  24. Marc


    I’ll bet you a cold beer on a sunny day that Harrland’s back playing in 10 or so days.

    Its an old Fergie ploy get players to pull out of Internationals so they keep fit for the real football.

  25. Kroenkephobe

    Just seen Ozil has officially announced his retirement from from football. I say officially because he actually retired from playing football a month or two after he joined us. In cost/value terms, the worst signing this club has made or will ever make.

    Imagine him as a coach or TV pundit in future…

  26. Agreed, Marc, and they’ll say Loudes is still THE place to go to get placebo injuries fixed as Haaland dropping in on his way home for a quick splash it all over and then it’s a miracle. It’s a win, win, win for the French to make more money from miracle tourists, the church and City.

    I heard they are bringing Billy Graham’s successor to City’s medical staff. Can I get 3 hallelujahs………..

    “I say officially because he actually retired from playing football a month or two after he joined us.”

    That made me chuckle, KP.

  27. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Tony-not to pile on, but I simply must weigh-in on your rather astute commentary regarding some of our bewildering transfer decisions…whenever someone professes to be rewriting our organizational narrative it’s imperative that, above all else, they not repeat the mistakes of the past…far too often our present admisitrative/managerial team has pursued the same nonsensical course as that of their predecessor, which seems to get little to no attention…now maybe this is as a result of our present winning ways, as is commonly the case, or maybe it’s directly related to the fact that this club has gone to great lengths to curtail those who don’t fall in line, visa vie a payola-like scheme involving a variety of high traffic social media outlets, regardless of the reason(s) it’s pertinent that these issues aren’t continually resigned to the periphery…I’ve spoken at length about a variety of similar concerns over the years, which were summarily scoffed at by the prevailing blinders crew of that time, such as properly redressing the midfield, the shoehorning of players, the captaincy narrative, etc…, only to be proven right in the end, yet sadly this continues to be the case when it comes to the Kool-Aiders and those who’ve now conveniently flipped the script on the old “what have you done for me lately” adage…the reality of the situation is this, if we don’t make a clean break from the nonsense of the previous era, this current project will inevitably fail, whereas if the powers that be actually encouraged open and commonsensical dialogue, regarding the more nuanced components of organizational life, we just might find our way back to the top of the footballing food chain for the foreseeable future…Cheers

  28. The Real Vieira Lynn

    btw I disagree in part with the prevailing Ozil narrative, as the beginning of the end was largely facilitated by Wenger’s refusal to make tactical adjustments, so as to accomodate our best player, Sanchez, and/or to allow any player to potentially usurp his monopolistic reign…the very fact that this club used the press to intentionally besmirch our Chilean star, by offering up divaesque inside “scoops” in order to turn the fanbase against him, led directly to the absolutely nonsensical re-upping of Ozil…there was no way Ozil was going to have the leverage required to force any such monetary sum if it weren’t for the self-serving actions of our increasingly fragile manager…of course, no one could possibly fathom the notion that this club could somehow, someway lose Sanchez, Ozil and Ramsey in the same off-season, thereby opening the door to the most short-sighted, fiscally irresponsible contract this club has ever offered…just imagine what might have been on offer with a healthy Cazorla and a pacey Striker up top

  29. Kroenkephobe

    Latest rumour about Conte’s caretaker replacement (even though he seems not to have left just yet) is comedy gold. Failed midfielder Ryan Mason could be back in the hot seat (presumably because lisping Arry Kane is choosy about who he gives orders to and Mason does a good job shining his gola boots…).

    But it gets even more strange because twitching Arry Redknapp has said he could be tempted out of retirement to give the boy a hand, probably for a money grubbing pony and a monkey innit.

    What a dream ticket. They’ll be reappointing Christian Gross on a permanent basis in no time.

  30. Marc


    They’ll go for the Poooooooooooch in the summer. Problem is Kane and Son aren’t the players they were, highly lightly Kane will push for a move while he can still get one and Levy will fuck up spending the money on a replacement.

    Whenever I’m having a bad day I just thank the Football God’s that I’m not a Spud (or a lefty!)

  31. Kroenkephobe

    What sort of fee will they get for Kane (29) and Son (30) do you think?

    I’m also imagining there’ll be another, better club looking to hire Pochettino come the summer. He surely can’t be mad/greedy enough to go back considering what happened last time, and where the club is now thanks to Levy and Conte. I think their short to medium term future is pretty bleak.

  32. Marc, hope things improve. 🙂

    Woke up this morning to stark realisation that there are no PL games to watch over the weekend. I’ve been so wrapped up looking for a new domicile that football has taken 2nd place in my Internet use.

    I assume you’ll go to Cardiff for the derby against Swansea next Saturday with junior, KP. April 1st has some cracking PL games, most notably City v Pool at 12:30 KO BST. Hopefully, City drop more points before we take 3 points from Leeds.

    Anyway, just skimming through the news I came across a very brief (Mirror) report on our 25 loanees.

    Was a good all round update if nothing else.

    Also, happy to read we’ve sent our physio to Ghana with Partey in an attempt to keep him fit and injury free. Shocked we haven’t done the same for Xhaka, is the writing finally on the wall? I can dream, can’t I?

    Finally, Saka came through his England game unscathed with a 7/10 rating.

    I’ll leave this song, KP, as it seems suitably relevant if only in the title. Ah ,the early 80s had such a distinctive sound.

    If you’re reading Almunia, any thoughts for places in the Emerald Isle for a 6 month stay? Been nearly 50 years since I’ve been there.

  33. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc—I’m under the belief that Poch will be the next Madrid manager, as he fits the profile for an organization that has a tendency to be reactionary after things haven’t gone exactly how they wished…he’s young, exudes class(rightly or wrongly) and has coached just enough high profile “superstars”…I would imagine the big question surrounding his hiring will have more to do with his ability to attract particular players they covet, which isn’t a given, but certainly not outside the realm of possibility

    I likewise wouldn’t be surprised if the Spurs turned their attentions towards Nagelsmann, who appears to be on the verge of being sacked and subsequently replaced by Tuchel…I’m not shocked that his tenure was brief in Munich, as he’s an “outsider” who clearly doesn’t thrive in that sort of too many cooks in the kitchen environment…don’t necessarily agree with the Munich’s hiring and firing practices, but it’s difficult to argue with the results…for whatever reason they seem to believe that their the German equivalent of PSG, who take domestic success for granted and only use Champions League results as the primary measuring stick…not sure if Nags wants this specific appointment, but the PL has become the ultimate managerial dick measuring contest, which must be incredibly enticing to someone with an exceedingly “healthy” ego

  34. Marc


    God knows Levy is on occasions pretty sharp in getting fees – its how he then spends the proceeds that fucks them.


    Possibly I’m not sure Madrid worry about the manager being able to attract star names they expect the club name to do that.

    Either way it won’t make a difference the Spud’s will always be Spursy!

  35. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc—I’m fairly confident that this has been a deciding factor when it came to their hiring/firing practices in the more recent past, like with Benitez, Lopetegui, Solari etc…as a general rule, I agree with your assessment regarding their obvious attractiveness to most players, but with this newer generation of players it appears as if the almighty dollar and guarantees regarding playing time have complicated matters even further

    as far as the Spurs gig goes, typically whenever Conte leaves town things get much worse before they get better, for some fairly obvious reasons…he never signs on the dotted line if he’s not afforded the luxury of putting his specific stamp on things, which isn’t the end of the world if it comes on the heels of a very successful campaign or two, but if things go a bit pear-shaped, it can be a real shit show, especially considering his preferred choice of tactics and the personnel it requires…so it will be tough, as you’ve sort of implied, but if there was a manager whom I think could reinvent their squad in a relatively short-term, without maximum investment, it just might be Nagelsmann, as he’s already done that twice before landing in Munich…Cheers

  36. The Real Vieira Lynn

    keeping in mind, I would love to see them bottom out, lose Kane and Son, then continue to allow the bag of toys Levy to give it another go, as he would almost assuredly wet the bed again

  37. Marc


    Call me a nasty bastard (plenty have) but I’d be more than happy to see Kane finish his career at the Spud’s and not finish closer to a trophy than someone who gets the wooden spoon at a school sports day.

  38. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Marc-my thoughts on Kane have shifted dramatically over the years, as initially I felt that we dropped the ball in his regards, which was par for the course considering Wenger’s endless list of “misses”, then he became a rather inspirational figure, considering expectations, but in more recent times he’s become quite a whiner, who’s a bit “dirty” and seems to care infinitely more about his personal victories than those of his club and country…of course, I wasn’t born in England so I naturally have a little different perspective on things

  39. TRVL – I doubt JN will want the Spud’s job unless he wants to try to rewrite 50 years of mediocrity. Levy will have to be one hell of a snake oil salesman or JN too hungry to join any PL club at any costs.

    That’s a dilemma; not the bit about being a nasty bastard, knowing you on LG and here I’d say you’re feisty or fierce and can be both; nasty has a whole different capricious meaning, but whether Kane should leave where in leaving make Spuds potential relegation fodder.

    Seeing the Spuds get relegated would be the pinnacle of any decade for me. I will be deliriously happy if City get relegated for financial rule breaking.

    Have a good weekend LIRs.

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