Arsenal v Brighton – A tough day at work

Arsenal v Brighton – A tough day at work

Brighton is a tough team to play against. They play high intensity, positive game and have Europe in mind. Having played 3 less games than Tottenham, who sits at the 6th position, Brighton could overtake them with a win. They are in a happy place but they know things can turn bad towards the end of the season, and won’t really be wishing to leave it to that. They will fight, and they will make things tough for us.

Today’s game comes with a relief for Arteta, both Solly March and Webster are ruled out of game and we are back in fine form. Saliba and Zinchenko are ruled out for the season, but Kiwior didn’t disappoint and Tierney is as good a player at LB. He might come up short in his midfield abilities, but I’m of the belief that a defender’s first priority is to defend well. Anything else is extra.

Having said that, I would really like him to excel in the three games left. Rumours about him leaving (or sold) is not a good news for me, I don’t know if we need to splash another 60m for a LB when we already have a lad covering it and doing well whenever given a chance. It would be like creating a problem and then fixing it.

For the rest of this season, we don’t have anything to win or lose now. I’m a generally optimistic person but everyone and their dog knows City are not going to drop points, and are not going to give away their 1 point lead with a game in hand. We feel the Liverpool’s frustration, in a short amount of time they have overtaken the title race. No doubt we have thrown it away ourselves by sharing points against the likes of West Ham and Liverpool after going 2-0 up, and against Southampton at home, but Pep is showing to us how hard it can be for any other team. Not only does he prepares his team tactically, he engrains in them a tough, winning mentality which allows them to perform at the top when needed the most.

It was nice till it lasted. It leaves us to the last three games, and I’m looking forward to finishing our season with 3 wins, and 90 points. It will keep the confidence high, make the incomings in the summer easier and gives us the confidence to pick ourselves up and retry again next season.

Back to the game, I’m expecting a a back 4 of White, Kiwior, Gabriel and Tierney. Jorginho would probably keep his place after a good game against Newcastle. Xhaka starts because he always do. We would see Saka, Odegaard and Martinelli behind Jesus, but I would personally like to see Eddie given a chance today. We are at home, we are playing Brighton and Eddie can do a job.

Trossard would like a game too, but unless we play in 2 competitions, I doubt we will see much of him. Mikel has his favorites and there is nothing wrong in that if it works. The only problem is, it don’t keep people happy. We need a strong bench, but good players don’t like to settle on the bench. A conundrum Mikel has to overcome, and we still have ESR and Eddie waiting, Balogun, Lokonga and Tavares returning, Saliba and Tomiyasu injured.

I would love to see a clean sheet. It felt sh*t to David De Gea winning the golden glove. I wouldn’t have mind if it was Ederson or Allison but lol.

Right, a short one today. Lets beat them seagulls and continue the quest of being the best out there. If you are saddened with missing out the trophy after being top of the table virtually the whole season, here’s some positive – we will be playing in Champions League next season, we will be fighting again for the trophy, Spu*s might not even make to Europa and London is red through and through.



  1. Marc

    snippet not snipper!

  2. Kroenkephobe

    And Marc
    There’s a massive difference between each manager in the precise scope and autonomy of their roles (almost to the point where comparisons are difficult). I think it’s fair to say UE had almost no say in our transfer activity during his tenure. Moreover, there’s a gulf in the relative extentz to which each has been supported financially. Emery was on a hiding to nothing at Arsenal.

  3. Almuniasaynomore

    Hey KP,
    I think O’lLeary is ruled out cos he actually played for Leeds. We need Herb here to confirm this but I think Tony Adams is Arsenal’s only one club player(when you consider things such as a minimum number of games played). I thought I had identified another in Ray Parlour but it turns out that while I thought he was retired he was actually playing for Middlesbrough!

    I can only speak for myself but I would be very surprised if the others didn’t echo my sentiments. Your views are always welcome here,regardless of whether they differ from the general mood or not. Most of the posters here were on LG and didn’t choose to leave rather they were banned when Pedro was going through his phase of taking any Arteta criticism as a personal sleight . My point being that we didn’t come here seeking an echo chamber but naturally most of us arrived here sharing the same viewpoint as a result of becoming posters non gratis elsewhere. However we all just want to talk about Arsenal without enduring personal attacks/ insults regardless of perspective. That became impossible on LG but thankfully Ambarish keeps things relatively peaceful here. I enjoy your thoughts even when I don’t agree with them and long may you feel happy to share them here. Disagreement is healthy I find,opens up the mind. And passion is also admirable as long as it isn’t used as an excuse to insult or hurt. Fine lines I know!

  4. Bob N16

    Sure Kroenkephobe, there has to be doubts when things were going so well and we hit a wall. Arteta didn’t manage the end well nor did the players. A longer season than usual, not enough good players to rotate etc

    That said, why the hell did ESR not play more? Saliba’s absence illilustrated what a player he is and TT unlucky how his last injury was, is unavailable too often. Saka was just knackered.

    We still finished 2nd and I’ve had some special memories this season which shouldn’t be forgotten in our disappointing end.

    Saka signing makes today a good day.

  5. Bob N16

    Thanks Almunia,

    I don’t want to come across as an apologist for Arteta which in recent times I felt I would be sen as, given the hardcore feelings towards him in many recent posts.

  6. The Real Vieira Lynn

    Bob N16-I concur with KP sentiments, in that I have no qualm whatsoever with opposing views being freely expressed, in fact quite the contrary, and I take no offence to anyone who disagrees with my personal opinions…of course, I totally acknowledge that I can come across as someone who’s incredibly headstrong, especially when it comes to Arsenal-related matters…now this might be a logical outgrowth of the years of abuse I faced when I was pushing for Wenger’s dismissal, long before it became fashionable, or simply a byproduct of the fact that I believe my years of both playing and coaching a variety of sports, at a highly competitive level, has provided me with a rather uniquely qualified perspective…regardless of the above particulars, you can just imagine my state of mind when I began to realize that Arteta was being unduly protected in a similar manner, without a singular accomplishment of any real merit on his CV; keeping in mind, that no one has truly emerged from Pep’s shadow and carved out a managerial career of any real consequence, as of yet…as such, I started to adopt a much more caustic/brash persona, which could be taken the wrong way by those on the receiving end…if that’s the case, especially for anyone who’s attempting to honestly engage in a nuanced conversation, I truly apologize, as I like few things more than a good back-and-forth

    as for MA, I’ve spoken at length about when he initially lost my support, as early on I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially if he was coming in with fresh ideas, a singular focus and the proper backing from our absentee landlord…now based on what has transpired it’s clear that only the latter condition applies, as he simply combined a rudimentary version of Pep’s managerial blueprint with a hint or three of the worst aspects from Wenger’s latter days tenure

    as for a singular focus, this lasted a whole 6 months, then as soon as he started to read his own headlines, following an incredibly fortuitous FA result, he opted for a self-serving retool over the desperately needed rebuild…in fact, the rebuild only came into play when he appeared to be on the brink of being ousted, after his post-FA plans went pear-shaped almost immediately…to make matters worse, he largely ignored most of our budding young stars, minus the obvious, which suggests to me that he didn’t even contemplate a Plan B (so apropos considering his egoistic leanings and disdain for all things Plan B related)

    the cherry on this shit sundae came when after a decade plus of demanding some proper investment this waffling man-child, with seemingly no tactical nous, was given the largest transfer kitty we’ve ever seen…so the fact that we’ve been better in the last 2 seasons than his previous two, shouldn’t come as a surprise, as he finally started to play our previously benched blue chippers, spent a boatload of cash, then faced a largely depleted top 6, which was an incredibly anomalous situation

    now no one is disputing we’re going to finish 2nd, but you can’t say that without properly acknowledging what has transpired in the business end of the season, two years running, and if you applied the same logic apologists did two years ago when we had an exceedingly better second half, shouldn’t the same rules apply when our form dips to a level outside the top 6 for the last 3 months of the season

    so when I say we performed admirably in spite of the manager, I’m referring to a situation which afforded us the short-term luxury of playing the same 11 players for the bulk of a highly successful first half of the season, against a whole host of teams in flux, then when it came time for MA to truly put his managerial stamp on things, by acquiring the kind of players who could make a difference both now and more importantly going forward and having the tactical nous to navigate the titular gauntlet when it matterd most, he failed on both accounts, at least in my estimation…in the end it gives me cause to pause, once again…Cheers

  7. Morning all
    Ok, blood/ox 97% and BP in normal zone and all other signs are indicating a good day. I’ll check them again after this post. 🙂

    I freely admit I don’t like Arteta as a person but I think we have to find a safe level of balance here. If we look at the season for about 75% we were at the top and enjoying it, but here at least; we knew in our deepest parts of our rationality, it would crumble at the end. Not even I believed the extent of the free falling crash where understandably emotions ran high throughout our global Gooner community.

    So, I have adopted the fact that I knew it would fail this year where after 2 such league position fateful endings, that this coming season will be the final litmus test for Arteta and Edu. I honestly don’t think the home and travelling fans would stay quiet, especially if Arne Slot is as good as TRVL suggests. I trust TRVL’s thinking when it comes to coaching and sports science views, as he’s far more knowledgeable than I in such fields applying academic thinking to it all as is TRVL’s natural ability.

    With us it’s often who gets to the point first that leaves little to be added and here I can see how Bob feels as sort of trapped with no room to go. Such is the way us LG sinners have had to protect ourselves when posting. It never stopped the insults, though.

    For the sake of all things good in Goonerdom I’m going to propose a cease fire on Arteta and Edu and suggest a no holds barred pre Xmas review here by all the posters who contribute and to those who want to add their 10 pence worth to the reviews, how does that sound?

    I would have left LG had I not been binned for the simplest of reasons: balance. I think most of us did really did, if not all of us.

    August to December is roughly 5 months where I’m expecting good, bad and hopefully very little ugly results. I think we’re all intelligent enough to offer balanced posts up to and including the 5-month review. The one thing that makes me enjoy posting here is we are united in one agenda: winning! We all know each others views on Arteta and Edu, but let’s keep our posts balanced on the reality of the games.

    By balance I mean post on the good things the team does well, because they do stem from Arteta and his backroom. Also, post on Arteta’s mistakes going forward – Arteta has to be accountable this season and judged on his accountability.

    I feel a top 3 finish with a cigarette paper’s width between points’ of those above us will represent a good season providing we also finish strongly. I’d like to see us get to the last 8 of the CL or better with a decent showing from our Hale Enders in the domestic cups. To do this Arteta and Edu will have needed to have moved the needle forward on all buys this summer where all players now will have been selected and bought by Arteta and the club.

    I don’t think I’m being unreasonable with my suggestions where the hope is to be a blog where anyone can come and add their thoughts.

    The is a danger, of course, that next season will be the same as before caused by previous mistakes that should have been adhered to. In that case I do fully understand that we will be at bursting point with our well founded angst.

    I’d hate LIR to become the opposite to LG and not be one dimensional in thought, but just balanced and post the reality of what transpires in front of our eyes, but without vitriol until time has been given to review a good metric of games I believe 5 months gives us.

    However, with Mikel we could just as likely win our first, say 7 games as lose them or endure poor mixed results at the beginning of the season. Next season will present much more difficult hurdles to overcome where at least 5 from the usual top 6 will be rejuvenated from their previous poor season and will have scores to settle for points.

    For the neutral I believe this coming season is going to be a cracker to watch where once again the PL playing field is leveling to where half the table will be concerned about relegation and the other half: European cups and the Title.

    Reading all the posts from last night kind of got me to consolidate last night’s thinking and suggest balanced posts and a review in December where hopefully we are once again sitting at the top and ready to show us all how a run in should be.

    From a human psychology aspect Arteta’s stress is there for all to see. Scratching his head unconsciously on the touchline eyes glazed looking into the distance far beyond the game; the first sign of cracks of disbelief in himself because he just couldn’t believe why the collapse had happened.

    I’m not sure Arteta could take a 3rd collapse in a row. I think he would be too proud to stay if that happened.

    My way of dealing with this is to only write about players we have bought or re-upped. We can only suppose how well the incoming players are going to work out, but our pre season friendly games will be anything but friendly with our old foes of Manure and Barca.

    I know we’re all intelligent enough here to keep our personal feelings about Arteta the person out of our posts where judgement is purely on his footballing nous and results.

    The below managers will all want to finish with a Euro Cup birth and win the league:

    Mikel Arteta
    Ten Hag
    Arne Slot

    It’s a formidable managerial line up (Arteta is there for achieving 2nd) – just for fun add your line up for finishing managers for May next year.

    Mine is above.

  8. 🙂 Vitals are ok and the post was surprisingly easy to write. Doesn’t change my feelings on Arteta the person, as for the manager? Time will tell and I can live with that.

  9. The re-upping of Saliba is absolutely essential as we don’t function well at the back without him. Leverage now with Saliba and has been for a long time really. Kiwior is a long way off, if at all. Holding should be looking for another club. Will Arteta see Partey as the back up inverting RB and did Caicedo playing RB have Arteta adopting Dezrbi’s tactic? Nothing wrong in that and a sign at least that Arteta does learn from his peers.

  10. Kroenkephobe

    Some really good, diplomatic stuff on here at the moment lads. I’d simply add that Ambarish is not only super tolerant and genuinely pluralistic, he also never grumbles if we want to go off-message and talk about other interests. Snooker, recording studios, dodgy weddings, rugby, IPL, footie in Goa and Cardiff fucking City (groan – I promised myself I wasn’t going to think about them for a while) for starters but thousands more. In the ‘other place’ paranoid Pedro clamped down on anything that wasnt connected to fluffing Arteta or droning inanely about players’ values (tanking under Tets!) and wages! In publishing terms, LiR reads like a weighty Sunday newspaper of record with many interesting supplements. Le Grove on the other hand is a brash half-arsed tabloid where seedy, shouty scandal mongers outnumber the pros for whom accuracy and balance matter.

    I disagree slightly with Almunia (which believe me seldom happens)…I was properly annoyed about being banned and I still think Pedro and his numerous sycophants and alter egos are bastards for not giving me the right to reply. I used to like taking them on and therefore taking the piss. It’s not a forum, it’s a star chamber where people capable of explaining contrary views are simply erased. Solzhenitzen? Moi?

    This entire blog is structured and governed in a much gentler collegiate manner, and the views are given time and space to grow. And there’s far less talk by uninformed people about the economics of the club who plenty of people pontificate on without any certainty.

    Almunia – Spider at Leeds. Yes, I must’ve blotted that out through sadness at his departure. I checked Geordie Armstrong but he too got transferred to Leicester right at the end. There are something like 12 one club PL players only. Scholes, Terry, Gerrard le Tissier to name a few. I think TA would take on either of those 2 x 5 a side teams of clowns we selected the other day and beat them on his own.

    AFC and LiR Forever!

  11. Kroenkephobe

    Hi Tony
    Congrats on the numbers mate. Keep em going in the right direction. I hope you’ve got some good herbal medicine.

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